Memoirs of Literature, Volume 4

R. Knaplock, 1722

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Page 426 - Time, if we use ill-chosen stone, Soon brings a well-built palace down. Poets that lasting marble seek Must carve in Latin or in Greek; We write in sand, our language grows, And, like the tide, our work o'erflows.
Page 132 - ... mountains, their manner was to gather up the stones, and place them in several lines along the sides of the hills in form of a wall. By such borders they supported the mould from tumbling or being washed down, and formed many beds of excellent soil, rising gradually one above another, from the bottom to the top of the mountains. Of this form of culture you see evident footsteps wherever you go in all the mountains of Palestine.
Page 153 - That this stream, at certain seasons of the year, especially about the feast of Adonis, is of a bloody colour ; which the heathens looked upon as proceeding from a kind of sympathy in the river for the death of Adonis, who was killed by a wild boar in the mountains, out of which this stream rises.
Page 311 - ... réprouvé, et ledit Servet rendu fugitif desdites Allemagnes à cause dudit livre. Item, et non obstant cela, ledit Servet a persévéré dans ses faulses erreurs, infectant d'icelles plusieurs à son possible. Item, et non content de cela, pour mieux divulguer et espancher sondit venin et hérésie, depuis peu de temps en ça il a fait imprimer un autre livre à cachette dans Vienne en Dauphiné, rempli...
Page 296 - Îe le fais entrer, je l'effuie, e prends fes mains, & peu à peu e les réchauffe auprès du feu ; En un mot je lui rends la vie. Si-tôt que le froid l'eut quitté, Voions, me dit-il, fi la pluie A mon arc n'auroit rien gâté: Après ces mots il fe retire, Trois pas en arrière, & foudain Me décoche un trait dans le fein : Le coup fait, il fe mit à rire, Et me dit, d'un air fcelerat, Félicite moi, Camarade ! Mon arc eft en fort bon état j Mais, je croi ton cœur bien maladel See Art.
Page 120 - ... et des personnes les plus illustres de leur temps, justifiée par les citations des auteurs originaux, avec des notes pour éclaircir les principales difficultés de l'histoire.
Page 133 - ... of vines and olive trees, which delight to extract, the one its fatness, the other its sprightly juice, chiefly out of such dry and flinty places. And the great plain joining to the Dead Sea, which, by reason of its saltness, might be thought unserviceable both for cattle, corn, olives, and vines, had yet its...
Page 244 - Ross, should impede the proceeding,) he was condemned by the secular judge, and, in the afternoon led to his place of suffering, which was appointed to be at the gate of St Salvator's college. Being come to the place, he put off his gown, and gave it...
Page 53 - Servetus has lately written to me, and sent me at the same time a large book, stuffed with idle fancies, and full of arrogance. He says I shall find in it admirable things, and such as have been hitherto unheard of. He offers to come hither, if I like it : but I will not engage my word ; for if he comes, and if any regard be had to my authority, I will not allow him to escape with his life.
Page 403 - Wherein an Account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his Manner of living and taming some wild Beasts during the four Years and four Months he liv'd upon the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandes.

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