Vicar. His talk was like a stream, which runs With rapid change from rocks to roses: It slipped from politics to puns, It passed from Mahomet to Moses; Beginning with the laws which keep The planets in their radiant courses, And ending with some precept... Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review - Page 171891Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | 1829 - 606 pages
...with marvelous originality and variety, having, as he said, ' an insight into most every thing.' — " His talk was like a stream which runs With rapid change...politics to puns, It passed from Mahomet to Moses." And if ever there was any little matter in history or politics, of which we had not all desirable information,... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1832 - 846 pages
...Vicar is a charming poem of the latter class. His talk was like a stream which ruus With rapid chance from rocks to roses ; It slipped from politics to...laws which keep The planets in their radiant courses, Anil ending with some precept deep For dressing eels or shoeing horses. He was a shrewd and sound divine,... | |
 | Winthrop Mackworth Praed - 1844 - 296 pages new light on love or liquor, — Good sooth, the traveller was to blame, And not the Vicarage, or the Vicar. His talk was like a stream which runs With...precept deep For dressing eels or shoeing horses. He was a shrewd and sound divine, Of loud Dissent the mortal terror ; And when, by dint of page and... | |
 | Winthrop Mackworth Praed - 1844 - 296 pages
...light on love or liquor,^ Good sooth, the traveller was to blame, And not the Vicarage, or the Yicar. His talk was like a stream which runs With rapid change...precept deep For dressing eels or shoeing horses. He was a shrewd and sound divine, Of loud Dissent the mortal terror ; And when, by dint of page and... | |
 | Winthrop Mackworth Praed - 1844 - 292 pages new light on love or liquor,— Good sooth, the traveller was to blame, And not the Vicarage, or the Vicar. His talk was like a stream which runs With...radiant courses, And ending with some precept deep He was a. shrewd and sound divine, Of loud Dissent the mortal terror; And when, by dint of page and... | |
 | 1874 - 898 pages
...cannot leave you my direction ! And with what fluency and whimsicality of expression he describes his Vicar ! — His talk was like a stream which runs With rapid change from rock to roses ; It slipped from politics to puns ; It passed from Mahomet to Moses : Beginning with... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1845 - 560 pages new light on love or liquor,— Good sooth, the traveller was to blame, And not the vicarage, or the vicar. His talk was like a stream which runs With rapid change from rocks to roses : It slipp'd from polities to puns : It pass'd from Mahomet to Moses : .Ml Beginning with the laws which... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1846 - 540 pages new light on love or liquor, — Good sooth, the traveller was to blame, And not the vicarage, or the vicar. His talk was like a stream which runs With rapid change from rocks to roses : 440 441 Beginning with the laws which keep The planets in their radiant courses, And ending with... | |
 | Caroline Howard Gilman - 1848 - 320 pages
...learned, valiant, And in dimension, and the shape of nature, Gracious. Twelfth. Night. 11. His talk is like a stream which runs With rapid change from rocks to roses ; He slips from politics to puns, Passes from Mahomet to Moses ; Beginning with the laws which keep... | |
 | Mary Russell Mitford - 1851 - 596 pages
...With no new light on love or liquor, Good sooth the traveler was to blame, And not the Vicarage or the Vicar. His talk was like a stream which runs puns; It passed from Mahomet to Moses; Beginning wiih the laws which keep Tho planets in their radiant courses, And ending with some precept deep For... | |
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