The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and Australia, Volume 16Parbury, Allen, and Company, 1823 |
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The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign ..., Volume 17 Affichage du livre entier - 1824 |
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign ..., Volume 18 Affichage du livre entier - 1824 |
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India ... Affichage du livre entier - 1830 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
1st bat 2d bat 7th regt appeared appointed April army arrived Asiatic Journ.-No Assist Bengal bill Bishop Bishop of Calcutta Bombay Brev British Buckingham Calcutta Capt Captain Chairman character charge chief China Chinese Christian Civil clause command Company Company's corps Court of Directors daughter ditto duty East-India England Ensign established Europe European feel Fort St Fort William gentlemen George Government Governor Hindoos honour India inhabitants interest island John John Bull John's Cathedral judges justice King labour lady lascars late learned letter Lieut Lord Lord Rawdon Lordship Madras magistrate Mahratta Malwa March ment military native neral object observed officers opinion passed Pelly Penang persons port present Presidency Prince principal Proprietor racter rank received regt respect rupees ship Singapore slaves Society Surg tion trade troops vessels vice
Fréquemment cités
Page 474 - If your majesty places any faith in those books, by distinction called divine, you will there be instructed that God is the God of all mankind, not the God of Mahomedans alone.
Page 159 - ... the East India Company, for a further term the possession of the British Territories in India, together with certain exclusive privileges; for establishing further regulations for the Government of the said Territories, and the better administration of justice within the same; and for regulating the trade to and from the places within the limits of the said Company's Charter...
Page 159 - An Act for continuing in the East India Company, for a further Term, the possession of the British Territories " in India, together with certain exclusive Privileges ; for establishing further Regulations for the Government of the said Territories, and the better Administration of Justice within the same ; and for regulating the Trade to and from the Places within the Limits of the said Company's Charter...
Page 474 - Distinctions of colours are of his ordination. It is he who gives existence* In your temples, to his name, the voice is raised in prayer; in a house of images where the bell is shaken, still he is the object of adoration.
Page 319 - Bengal, from time to time, to make and issue such rules, ordinances, and regulations, for the good order and civil government...
Page 243 - Salakya is the treatment of external organic affections or diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, &c. It is derived from Salaka, which means any thin and sharp instrument, and is either applicable in the same manner as Salya, to the active causes of the morbid state, or it is borrowed from the generic name of the slender probes and needles used in operations on the parts affected.
Page 581 - British arms from a deep conviction that under the sway of that nation, their improvement, both mental and social, would be promoted, and their lives, religion, and property be secured. Actuated by such feelings, even in those critical times, which are the best test of the loyalty of the subject they voluntarily came forward with a large portion of their property to enable the British Government to carry into effect the measures necessary for its own defence, considering the cause of the British...
Page 157 - ... then this obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
Page 448 - ... property undivided, the mother can claim nothing in this instance also. But when a person dies, leaving two or more sons, and all of them survive and be inclined to allot a share to their mother, her right is in this case only valid. Under these expositions, and with such limitations, both...
Page 581 - India, in 1793, the landlords have since, by constantly improving their estates, been able to increase their produce in general very considerably; whereas, prior to that period, and under former Governments, their forefathers were obliged to lay waste the greater part of their estates, in order to make them appear of inferior value, that they might not excite the cupidity of Government, and thus cause their rents to be increased or themselves to be dispossessed of their lands — a pernicious practice,...