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of which they had the absolute possession, amid hootings, blows, and revilings.

Neither did the manufacturing districts of Yorkshire escape the contagion. In the end of May, the weavers of Barnsley followed the example which had been set shortly before by the silk weavers of Bethnal Green and Macclesfield, and forced upon their employers a list of prices. By Augustand September, however, themasters found it impossible to keep up to these prices. A reduction was proposed. The workmen immediately left their employment, and rioting began. They attacked the dwellinghouses of the manufacturers, in the neighbourhood; and, not satisfied with breaking the windows, in one instance they deliberately piled the furniture into heaps in the rooms, and then set the piles and the house on fire. The warehouses in the town were converted into a species of garrisons, being occupied night and day by armed men, for the necessary protection of the property which they contained. The houses of such weavers, as had taken out work at the reduced prices, were openly and repeatedly attacked; in some instances the assailants were repelled only by the use of fire-arms; but in all the workman found himself compelled by this reign of terror," to return the materials of the work in which he had been so daring as to employ himself. The influx of military, and the apprehension of a number of the most active rioters, at length restored tranquillity.

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The frequent recurrence of scenes like these checked the course of that sympathy which would otherwise have flowed freely towards the suffering artisans. Yet, lawless, mischievous, and foolish

as their proceedings were, a great deal of deplorable want lay at the bottom. The wages, which they received, were, in many branches of manufacture, miserably low. In a report drawn up by a committee of masters, who had instituted an inquiry into the condition of the work-people in Huddersfield, and the neighbourhood (where no acts of insubordination had occurred), it was stated, "it appears that, in the several townships occupied in fancy business, there are 13,000 individuals, who have not more than 24d. per day to live upon, and find wear and tear for looms, &c. Whatever be the cause of such distress, it is feared that the agonizing condition of families so circumstanced, cannot long be endured. The difficulty of obtaining relief by the ordinary course, and the aggravating circumstances often attending applications for it, have a powerful tendency to drive the applicants ultimately to desperation. In laying these painful statements before the members of his majesty's government, and other influential gentlemen, the master-manufacturers wish to do it respectfully, impelled by a sense of duty which they owe to the government and the public, and especially to their workmen, who have hitherto borne their sufferings with extreme patience."

The only political occurrence which varied these scenes of outrage and distress, was a very peculiar Court-martial, arising out of the battle of Navarino. It was peculiar from the time at which it was brought forward, the motives in which it was supposed to have originated, and the backwardness of the prosecutor, who, having made the charge, was ordered to support it. The present ministry were generally understood to think very differently from their predecessors regarding the battle of Navarino. While they admitted that admiral Codrington had done the country honour by the way in which the battle had been fought, they were far from thinking that it ought ever to have been fought at all. In this unsatisfactory state of feeling between the Admiralty and sir Edward, the emperor of Russia transmitted a second order to be worn by captain Dickinson, who had fought the Genoa, after her captain (Bathurst) fell in the action, and had since been promoted to the command of that ship. As captain Dickinson had already received an order from the same quarter, in common with the other officers engaged in the battle, the sending of this second order was supposed to originate in some mistake. When captain Dickinson applied to the Admiralty for permission to wear the order, the singularity of two being sent to him was observed; and the secretary of the Board wrote to sir Edward Codrington, requesting him to state, if he could give any explanation why this second order (of St. Vladimir) had been sent to captain Dickinson, in addition to that of St. Anne, which he had already obtained, and had received the king's permission to wear. In reply, sir Edward stated, that he supposed the mistake to have arisen from one order having been sent to the Mediterranean through the Russian admiral, without its having been known that another had been conferred in England through prince Lieven. This seemed to be enough, but sir Edward did not stop here. He did not even satisfy himself with saying that captain


Dickinson had done no better than his brother officers; though no opinion at all on the captain's conduct was required. He went farther, and voluntarily stated, that he "had no reason to approve of the conduct of the Genoa from the time of the command having devolved on captain Dickinson." The Admiralty immediately informed sir Edward, that they had refused their consent to captain Dickinson's wearing the new order, being convinced it had been sent by mistake. They added, however, lordships sanctioned captain Dickinson's receiving the first order (like the other officers commanding ships in the action at Navarino), because he had succeeded to the command of the Genoa after the captain had been carried below; but, observing in your letter that captain Dickinson's conduct in those circumstances was not satisfactory to you, they desire you will state the particulars in which you saw reason to disapprove the conduct of captain Dickinson, in order that their lordships may judge whether it may be necessary to take any further proceedings with regard to him." Sir Edward Codrington, in reply to this request, stated a variety of particulars in which he considered captain Dickinson to have fallen short of his duty. The Admiralty deemed them so grave, that they immediately ordered captain Dickinson to be tried by a Court-martial; and sir Edward Codrington was called on to prove his charges. Sir Edward protested against what he deemed so irregular a demand. He had made the charges, he said, only to prevent the Admiralty from being misled, by ignorance of facts, in the distribution of honorary distinctions; but that he had never

reckoned on being required to prove them by evidence before a Courtmartial. He declined, therefore, having any thing to do with the inquiry, as one which he neither desired nor had instigated. This seemed to mean, that he was entitled to make, behind a man's back, private charges, ruinous to his professional reputation and hopes, but that he was in no respect bound to prove them to be true. The Admiralty of course could see neither the fairness nor the expediency of such a course. By ordering the Court-martial themselves, they had saved sir Edward from the ungracious situation of being formally the prosecutor; but as the charges had come from him, in an official letter to the Board, they justly held him bound to substantiate these charges, by his own evidence, or that of others who might be able to support them, the more especially as captain Dickinson denied every one of the imputations. After a great deal of backwardness on the part of sir Edward, in which he still maintained, that though he had made these injurious statements to the Board, he could not be called on to take any farther part in the transaction, the Board requested him to state distinctly, whether he was willing that the trial should proceed, on the understanding that he was bound to prove his allegations; and if he was not willing that it should so proceed, they informed him that they would hold themselves left at liberty to consider captain Dickinson's conduct as free from all imputation, and would treat him accordingly. Sir Edward consented to proceed.

Captain Dickinson was accordingly arraigned before a Courtmartial, held on board the Victory,

at Portsmouth, on charges bearing that, from not making proper use of the springs, ordered by the admiral, on the day of the battle of Navarino, to be placed on the anchors, the broadside of the Genoa was not directed to her regular opponent in the Ottoman line; and that, in such a position, she could not fire any of her guns, except those of the stern and quarters, without endangering the Asia and others of the allied squadrons on her larboard side, and the Albion and others on her starboard side ;that shot, which injured the Asia, and which came in that direction, were apparently fired by the Genoa; and that the Genoa did positively fire into the Albion, although the Albion had an English ensign at her mast-head to prevent mistakes;-that, captain Dickinson having been reproved by the admiral for not using the Genoa's springs, and having accounted for it by his inability to get the men from their guns for that purpose, it was nevertheless asserted in the ship's log-book that the springs were used;-that the account of the battle given in the Genoa's log-book erroneously implied, that she had three Ottoman ships of the line opposed to her on her starboard side, three sixty-gun frigates on her larboard side and ahead, and a doublebanked frigate astern ;--that captain Dickinson returned captain Bathurst as killed, and procured the surgeon's signature to that return, knowing that he did not die till many hours after the battle was over, and that he retained his faculties to give orders during the whole time of the battle; and that, by this mis-statement, he gained an honorary distinction, which might not otherwise have been conferred on him-that the refittal of the Genoa for leaving Navarino, and engaging the batteries if requisite, was unjustifiably tardy, and that the same slackness prevailed on her way to Malta;-that the Genoa's mizen-mast was suffered to go by the board on the 21st, the day after the battle, for want of being properly secured; - that the Genoa continued firing after the battle was over, at the risk and to the probable injury of the allied ships, until hailed from the Asia to cease -that Captain Dickinson himself presented to the admiral a letter, in the nature of what is called a round-robin, purporting to come from the crew of the Genoa, and desiring the admiral to appoint him, in preference to any other officer, to succeed captain Bathurst as captain of the Genoa.

From the meeting of the Court till its final judgment, twenty days elapsed. A detail of the evidence will be found in another part of the volume. Captain Dickinson was honourably acquitted of all the charges, some of which were declared to be frivolous. The sending to the admiral the round-robin mentioned in the charges, was the only act at all questionable. Captain Dickinson, it was clearly shown, was not privy to its concoction; yet even to transmit it was wrong. But it was shown that he had very soon seen and acknowledged his error, -that the admiral had expressed himself satisfied, and, as a proof of it, had given up the document itself; and certainly it ought not now to have been revived, at the distance of nearly two years. The evidence furnished some excellent examples, in the person of sir Ed

ward himself, of the little confidence that can be placed in a man's recollection of what he hears or sees, not merely during the hurry and confusion of actual battle, but even after it has ceased. One charge was, that captain Dickinson had returned his predecessor, captain Bathurst, as having been killed in action, whereas he had lived till next morning. Sir Edward stated positively that he had gone on board the Genoa in the evening, to see captain Bathurst; that captain Dickinson had conducted him down to the cockpit, and had been present at his conversation with captain Bathurst; and sir Edward stated it as a great gravamen of the charge, that captain Dickinson, having done this after the action, should nevertheless have returned captain Bathurst as killed during the action. It was clearly proved that sir Edward's memory was playing him false in all this. He had gone on board the Genoa, and visited captain Bathurst in the cockpit; but it was not captain Dickinson who received him; it was not captain Dickinson who conducted him down; captain Dickinson was not in the cockpit, nor present at the conversation. It was the firstlieutenant of the Genoa whom sir Edward had mistaken for the captain. As to the charge itself, considering that captain Bathurst was mortally wounded, most men found a sufficient answer in the fact, that the London Gazette of the battle of Trafalgar had announced lord Nelson as being killed in action, though he lived to order the fleet to anchor, after the victory had been achieved.


FRANCE.-Embarrassed State of the Ministry-Attempt to introduce Prince Polignac-Partial changes in the Ministry-Meeting of the Chambers, and Speech of the King-Superiority of the Liberals in the Chamber of Deputies-Bills introduced by the Ministry to regulate the formation of the Municipal Councils in the Communes and Departments-Speech of the Minister of the Interior-The Chamber resolves to proceed with the Departmental Bill first, in opposition to Ministers, who are left in a Minority-Proposed Amendments-Division of Opinion in the Ministry-Amendment to increase the Number of Electors of the Departmental Councils lost by a small Majority-The Ministry withdraw both Bills-Impeachment of M. de Villèle abandoned-The Chamber of Deputies order M. de Peyronnet to be prosecuted for expending a Sum of Money without a Vote of appropriation-Difference between the two Chambers on this Subject--Bills for regulating the Customs, and continuing the Tobacco Monopoly-Distress among the Vine-growers, and Measures taken for their Relief FinanceDiscussions regarding Foreign Affairs-State of the Ministry at the Close of the Session-Immediately on the Close of the Session, the King dismisses the Ministry, and forms an Ultra-royalist Cabinet-Character of the new Cabinet and its Members-Unpopularity of the Ministry-Prosecutions of the Press-Associations to resist the Payment of Taxes, if Ministers should attempt to rule without a Chamber-Prosecutions on account of them-Unpopular Proceedings of the Ministers-Divisions among them-M. de la Bourdonnaye retires, on Prince Polignac being made President of the Council-Continued unpopularity of the Ministry-Transactions between France and Greece-Quarrel with Algiers.

THE ministry, which, in France, of men hostile to popular institu

his unpopular colleagues, had received the support of the liberal party, not because it was the ministry which they would have desired, but because it was the best which, as yet, they could obtain. They trusted moreover, that, with its co-operation, measures would be carried, which, in future, would prevent power from coming into, or remaining long in, the possession

They did place much

confidence in its intentions, but they trusted greatly to the control which they could exercise over its hopes and fears. It was they who had given it existence; on them depended its duration. They were willing that the present ministers should remain in office, because their dismissal would only introduce an administration still less trust-worthy; but they were in

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