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"The situation in which the Spanish Treasury has been placed by these opera

tions may be stated in the following manner:
"The Spanish Treasury has received these sums:

"Remittances from the Government's banker
"Remittances from Mr. Guebhard

"Paid to British Claimants

"Paid to the Spanish Embassies "Paid to the French Government

"for which sum of 39,400,000 francs, Spain is still debtor, in-"67,000,000 bonds of the Royal loan.

"132,017,040 rentes perpetuelles, after deduction of sinking fund.









"The issue of the rentes perpetuelles was authorised by M. Roy, the Minister of Finance, and fixed at the sum of 135,782,000 francs, which it was expressly forbidden to exceed.

"The statement of the engagements which the Spanish government will have to meet abroad, from this to the 1st of July, 1830, also deserves notice: "Arrears of the rentes perpetuelles

"Ditto of the Royal loan

"Ditto due on English claims, amounting to 400,000/. on the 1st of

March next.

"Reimbursement of the sixth series of the loan


Annuity to the French Government

"Ditto to the English claimants, in virtue of the treaty of the 28th of

October, 1828, payable next month in 200,000/.

"The sinking-fund to the 1st of July, will amount to




. 4,509,000






"By the Grace of God, We, Nicholas the First, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, &c.

"Thanks to the Decrees of Divine Providence, the treaty of perpetual peace between Russia and the Ottoman Porte was concluded, and signed at Adrianople, on the 2nd (14) September, by the respective plenipotentiaries of the two empires. "The whole world is sufficiently acquainted with the irresistible necessity which alone could force us to have recourse to arms. In this legitimate war, undertaken for the defence of the rights of our empire, our faithful subjects, incessantly animated by an ardent attachment to the throne and the country, have

eagerly offered to us the tribute of their property, to second us with all their efforts, and God has blessed

our cause.

"Our intrepid warriors have given, both in Europe and in Asia, both by sea and by land, new proofs of their heroic valour. They have triumphed at once over the obstacles presented by nature, and the desperate resistance of the enemy. Hastening from victory to victory, they have crossed the chain of the Saganlouck mountains. They saw the summit of the Balkan sink before them, and have stopped only at the very gates of Constantinople. Formidable only to the enemy in arms, they have shown

[blocks in formation]

"In these days of combat and glory, constantly free from all desire of conquest, we have never ceased to invite the Porte to concur in reestablishing harmony between the two empires. The commanders of our armies, after every victory, hastened, by our order, to offer to it peace and friendship. Nevertheless, our efforts were always fruitless. It was not till he saw our standards displayed not far from his capital, that the Sultan was at length sensible, from our conduct, that our object was, not to overturn his throne, but to obtain the execution of the treaties. Being then convinced of the purity of our intentions, he held out his hand to receive that peace which had been so often proposed to him. This peace promises to Russia happy and prosperous results. The blood of our warriors is redeemed by numerous advantages. The passage of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus is henceforward free, and open to the commerce of all the nations of the world. The security of our frontiers, especially on the Asiatic side, is for ever guaranteed by the incorporation with the empire of the fortresses of Anapa, Poti, Akhaltzik, Atzkour, and Akhalkalaki. Our proceedings with the Porte are confirmed by it, and re-established in all their force, Just indemnities are secured for the expenses of the war, and the individual losses experienced by our subjects. The scourge of the plague, which has so often threatened the southern provinces of Russia, will, in future, be checked by a

double barrier, by means of the establishment of a line of quarantine on the banks of the Danube, agreed to on both sides. Our solicitude has also been extended to the fate of the nations professing our religion, who are subject to the Ottoman dominion. The antient privileges of the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia have been sanctioned, and their welfare consolidated by new advantages. The rights granted to the Servians by the treaty of Bucharest, and confirmed by the convention of Akermann, were still suspended in their application.

"These stipulations will henceforward be faithfully observed. The political existence of Greece, determined by Russia, in concert with the allied courts of France and England, has been formally recognized by the Ottoman Porte. Such are the fundamental bases of a peace which have happily terminated a sanguinary and obstinate war. In announcing to all our beloved subjects this happy event, a new gift of the benediction of heaven bestowed upon Russia, we address with them the most ardent thanksgiving to the Almighty, who has deigned, by his divine decrees, to raise our dear country to such a high degree of glory. May the fruits of this peace be developed and multiplied more and more to 'the advantage of our beloved subjects, whose welfare will always be the first object of our constant solicitude.

"Given at St. Petersburgh the 19th September (1st October) the year 1829, and the 4th of our reign."

TREATY of PEACE between RUSSIA and TURKEY, and the SEPA

RATE ACT annexed to it.

In the name of God Almighty! -His imperial majesty, the most high and most mighty emperor and autocrat of all the Russias, and his highness the most high and most mighty emperor of the Ottomans, animated with an equal desire to put an end to the calamities of war, and to establish, on solid and immutable bases, peace, friendship, and good harmony between their empires, have resolved, with a common accord, to intrust this salutary work to, &c. [Here follow the names and titles of the different plenipotentiaries on both sides.]

Art. I.-All enmity and all differences which have subsisted hitherto between the two empires shall cease from this day, as well on land as on sea, and there shall be in perpetuity peace, friendship, and good intelligence, between his majesty the emperor and padishah of all the Russians, and his highness the padishah of the Ottomans, their heirs and successors to the throne, as well as between their respective empires. The two high contracting parties will devote their particular attention to prevent all that might cause misunderstandings to revive between their respective subjects. They will scrupulously fulfil all the conditions of the present treaty of peace, and will watch, at the same time, lest it should be infringed in any manner, directly or indirectly. Art. II.-His majesty the emperor and padishah of all the Russias, wishing to give to his highness the emperor and padishah of the Ottomans a pledge of the sincerity of his friendly disposition,

restores to the Sublime Porte the principality of Moldavia, with all the boundaries which it had before the commencement of the war to which this present treaty has put an end.

His imperial majesty also restores the principality of Wallachia, the Banat of Crayova, Bulgaria, and the country of Dobridge, from the Danube as far as the sea, together with Silistria, Hirsova, Matzia, Isaklya, Toulza, Babadag, Bazardjik, Varna, Pravody, and other towns, burghs, and villages which it contains, the whole extent of the Balkan from Emine, Bournou as far as Kazan, and all the country from the Balkans as far as the sea, with Siliminea, Jamboli, Aidos, Karnabat, Missenovica, Akhioly, Bourgas, Sizopolis, KirkKlissi, the city of Adrianople, Lule Bourgas, and all the towns, burghs, and villages, and in general all places, which the Russian troops have occupied in Roumelia.

Art. III.- The Pruth shall continue to form the limit of the two empires, from the point where that river touches the territory of Moldavia to its junction with the Danube; from that spot the frontier line will follow the course of the Danube as far as the mouth of St. George's, so that, leaving all the islands formed by the different arms of that river in possession of Russia, the right bank shall remain as formerly, in the possession of the Ottoman Porte. Nevertheless, it is agreed that this right bank shall remain uninhabited from the point where the arm of the St. George separates itself from that of Souline, to a distance of two hours from the river, and that no establishment of any kind shall be formed there, any more than on the islands which shall remain in possession of the Court of Russia, where, with the exception of the quarantines which may be established there, it shall not be allowed to make any other establishment or fortifications. The merchantvessels of the powers shall have the liberty of navigating the Danube in all its course; and those which bear the Ottoman flag shall have free entrance into the mouths of Keli and Souline, that of St. George remaining common to the ships of war and merchant-vessels of the two contracting powers. But the Russian ships of war, when ascending the Danube, shall not go beyond the point of its junction with the Pruth.

Art. IV. - Georgia, Imeritia, Mingrelia, Gouriel, and several other provinces of the Caucasus, having been for many years and in perpetuity united to the empire of Russia, and that empire having besides, by the treaty concluded with Persia at Tourkmantchai, on the 10th of February, 1828, acquired the Khanats of Erivan and of Naktchivan, the two high contracting powers have recognized the necessity of establishing between their respective states, on the whole of that line, a well determined frontier, capable of preventing all future discussion. They have equally taken into consideration the proper means to oppose insurmountable obstacles to the incursions and depredations which the neighbouring tribes hitherto committed, and which have so often compromised the relations of friendship and good feeling between the two empires; consequently it has been agreed upon to

consider henceforward as the frontiers between the territories of the imperial Court of Russia, and those of the Sublime Ottoman Porte in Asia, the line which, following the present limit of the Gouriel from the Black Sea, ascends as far as the border of Imeritia, and from thence, in the straightest direction, as far as the point where the frontiers of the Pachaliks of Akhaltzik and of Kars meet those of Georgia, leaving in this manner to the north of, and within that line, the town of Akhaltzik and the fort of Khallnalick, at a distance of not less than two hours.

All the countries situated to the south and west of this line of demarcation, towards the Pachaliks of Kars and Trebizond, together with the major part of the Pachalik of Akhaltzik, shall remain in perpetuity under the domination of the Sublime Porte, whilst those which are situated to the north and east of the said line, towards Georgia, Imeritia, and the Gouriel, as well as all the litoral of the Black Sea, from the mouth of the Kouben as far as the port of St. Nicholas inclusively, under the domination of the emperor of Russia. In consequence, the imperial court of Russia gives up and restores to the Sublime Porte the remainder of the Pachalik of Akhaltzik, the town and the Pachalik of Kars, the town and the Pachalik of Bayazid, the town and the Pachalik of Erzeroum, as well as all the places occupied by the Russian troops, and which may be out of the abovementioned line.

Art. V. The principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia having, by a capitulation, placed themselves under the suzeraneté of the sublime Porte, and Russia having guaranteed their prosperity, it is un

derstood that they shall preserve all the privileges and immunities granted to them in virtue of their capitulation, whether by the treaties concluded between the two imperial courts, or by the HattiSheriffs issued at different times. In consequence, they shall enjoy the free exercise of their religion, perfect security, a national and independent administration, and the full liberty of trade. The additional clauses to antecedent stipulations, considered necessary to secure to these two provinces the enjoyment of their rights, shall be inscribed in the annexed separate act, which is and shall be considered as forming an integral part of the present treaty.

Art. VI. The circumstances which have occurred since the conclusion of the convention of Akermann not having permitted the Sublime Porte to undertake immediately the execution of the clauses of the separate act relative to Servia, and annexed to the fifth article of the said convention, the Sublime Porte engages in the most solemn manner to fulfil them without the least delay, and with the most scrupulous exactness; and to proceed, in particular, to the immediate restitution of the six districts detached from Servia, so as to ensure for ever the tranquillity and the welfare of that faithful and obedient nation. The firman, confirmed by the Hatti-Sheriff, which shall order the execution of the aforesaid clauses, shall be delivered and communicated to the imperial court of Russia within the period of a month from the date of the signature of the treaty of peace. Art. VII.-Russian subjects shall enjoy, throughout the whole extent of the Ottoman empire, as well by land as by sea, the full and entire

liberty of commerce secured to them by the former treaties concluded between the two high contracting powers. No infringement of that liberty of commerce shall be committed, neither shall it be permitted to be checked, in any case nor under any pretence, by a prohibition or any restriction whatever, nor in consequence of any regulation or measure, whether it be one of internal administration or one of internal legislation. Russian subjects, vessels, and merchandise, shall be secure against all violence and all chicanery. The former shall live under the exclusive jurisdiction and police of the ministers and the consuls of Russia. The Russian vessels shall not be subjected to any visit on board whatever on the part of the Ottoman authorities, neither out at sea nor in any of the ports or roadsteads belonging to the dominions of the Sublime Porte. And all merchandise and commodities belonging to a Russian subject, after having paid the custom-house duties required by the tariffs, shall be freely conveyed, deposited on land, in the warehouses of the proprietor or of his consignee, or else transferred to the vessels of any other nation whatever, without the Russian subjects being required to give notice to the local authorities, and still less to ask their permission. It is expressly agreed upon, that all grain proceeding from Russia shall enjoy the same privileges, and that its free transit shall never experience, under any pretence, any difficulty orimpediment. The Sublime Porte engages, besides, to watch carefully that the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea shall not experience the slightest obstruction of any nature whatever. For this purpose the Sublime Porte

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