Journal, Volume 1Morse & Bagg, printers to the Legislature, 1836 Includes extra sessions. |
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act entitled Alden appointed asked and obtained Berrien county bill entitled bill to authorize bill to incorporate bill to provide bill was ordered Bradshaw Brewer Britton Brownell Burdick Calhoun county chair announced Messrs committee on banks committee on internal committee rose concurred congress Crossman Dodge election Ellenwood engrossed and read engrossed bill entitled A bill entitled an act Felch Ferrington Grand river Hart Heath Higley house of representatives house resolved Hutchins incorporate the stockholders internal improvements Jackson Joseph county Joseph river Kalamazoo county Kalamazoo river leave to bring legislature Lenawee Lothrop Mathews Mead members were absent message was received Michigan Monfore Morse motion adjourned moved to amend Nays-Messrs Niles Noyes Oakland county obtained leave Odell petition question railroad company read a third referred reported a bill Richardson roll being called rule being suspended select committee senate entitled Sherman speaker sundry amendments Tacles therein tion Ullman Voorheis Wheeler yeas and nays Yeas-Messrs
Fréquemment cités
Page 63 - Michigan : and whenever any of the said States shall have sixty thousand free Inhabitants therein, such State shall be admitted by its Delegates into the Congress of the United States, on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatever; and shall be at liberty to form a permanent Constitution and State Government...
Page 64 - Territory shall be entitled to, and enjoy, all and singular the rights, privileges, and advantages, granted and secured to the people of the Territory of the United States north-west of the river Ohio...
Page 17 - Upon the call of the House, the names of the members shall be called over by the Clerk, and the absentees noted : after which the names of the absentees shall again be called over, the doors shall then be shut, and those for whom no excuse, or insufficient excuses are made, may, by order of those present...
Page 14 - He shall preserve order and decorum ; may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House by any two members — on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the House.
Page 14 - The previous question shall be in this form, " Shall the main question be now put ?'' It shall only be admitted when demanded by a majority of the members present, and...
Page 308 - An act to establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the State of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions therein expressed...
Page 14 - The speaker shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the house.
Page 83 - What then remains to be done ? that we commit our injuries to the even-handed justice of that Being who doth no wrong ; earnestly beseeching him to illuminate the councils, and prosper the endeavours of those, to whom America hath confided her hopes, that, through their wise direction, we may again see, re-united, the blessings of liberty and property, and the most permanent harmony with Great Britain.
Page 296 - Michigan shall be, and is hereby, declared to be one of the United States of America, and is hereby admitted into the Union upon an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatsoever...
Page 119 - Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to set apart and reserve from sale, out of any of the public lands within the Territory of Michigan, to which the Indian title may be extinguished, and not otherwise appropriated, a quantity of land, not exceeding two entire townships, for the use and support of a University within the Territory aforesaid, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever...