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case was remarkable, the Doctors would naturally try every kind of experiment for her recovery; that he was very much distressed, by being obliged to put her entirely into their hands; and would "fain hope" that this measure might still be rendered unnecessary, by her getting better before the time fixed for her removal *. She gave evident signs of hearing him, and assented to his proposal of having the usual family-worship in her bed-room. After this was over, she was lifted into a chair till her bed should be made; and her father, taking hold of her right hand, urged her to make an exertion to move it. She began to move first the thumb, then the rest of the fingers in succession, and next her toes in like manner. He then opened her eye lids; and, presenting a candle, desired her to look at it, and asked, whether she saw it. She answered, "Yes," in a low and feeble voice. She now proceeded gradually, and in a very few minutes, to regain all her faculties; but was so weak as scarcely to be able to move. Upon being interrogated respecting ber extraordinary state, she mentioned, that she had no knowledge of any thing that had happened; that she remembered, indeed, having conversed with her friends at her former-awakening, (Friday afternoon 30th of June), but felt it a great exertion then to speak to them; that she recollected also having heard the voice of Mr Cowie, Minister in Montrose, (the person who spoke to her on the forenoon of Tuesday the 8th of Au

Lest it might be supposed that this procedure of the father implied a suspicion en his part of some deception being practised by the young woman, it may be proper to state, that it was suggested by his own experience in the case of another daughter, who had been affected many years before in a very extraordinary degree, with St Vitus's dance, or, as it is termed in this country, "The louping ague;" and who was almost instantaneously cured by the application of terror.

gust,) but did not hear the persons who spoke to her on the afternoon of the same day; that she had never been conscious of having either needed or received food, of having been lifted to make evacuations, or of any other circumstance in her case. She had no idea of her having been blistered; and expressed great surprise, upon discovering that her head was shaved. She continued in a very feeble state for a few days, but took her food nearly as usual, and improved in strength so rapidly, that on the last day of August she began to work as a reaper in the service of Mr Arkley of Dunninald; and continued to perform the regular labour of the harvest for three weeks, without any inconvenience, except being extremely fatigued the first day.

After the conclusion of the harvest, she went into Mr Arkley's family, as a servant; and on the 27th day of September, was found in the morning, by her fellow-servants, in her former state of profound sleep, from which they were unable to rouse her. She was conveyed immediately to her father's house, (little more than a quarter of a mile distant,) and remained exactly fifty hours in a gentle, but deep sleep, without making any kind of evacuation, or taking any kind of nourishment. Upon awakening, she rose apparently in perfect health, took her breakfast, and resumed her work as usual at Dunninald. On the 11th of October, she was again found in the morning in the same lethargic state; was removed to the house of her father, where she awoke, as before, after the same period of fifty hours sleep; and returned to her service, without seeming to have experienced any inconvenience. At both of these times her menses were obstructed. Dr Henderson, physician in Dundee, who happened to be on a visit to his friends at Dunninald, prescribed some medicines suited to that complaint; and she has ever since


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On the morning of September 21, 1816, Margaret Lyall, whose case is described above, was found in an out-house at Dun

ninald, hanged by her own hands, No cause could be assigned for this unhappy act. Her health had been good since the month of October 1815; and she had been com

fortable in her situation. It was thought by the family, that, a day or two preceding her death, her eyes had the appearance of rolling rather wildly; but she had assisted the day before in serving the table, and been in good spirits that evening. On the following morning, she was seen to bring in the milk as usual, and was heard to say in passing rather hurriedly through a room, where the other maids were at work, that something had gone wrong about her dairy; but was not seen again till she was found dead about half an hour after. She is known to have had a strong abhorrence of the idea of her former distress recurring; and to

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Meteorological Table, extracted from the Register kept at GORDON CASTLE, County of BANFF, N. BRITAIN. Lat. 57° 38'.-Above the Sea 80 feet.

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N. B.-The S. Wind, and all to the W. of the Meridian are called West.

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Epitaphs and Sepulchral Inscriptions.

(Concluded from page 840.) PEEBLES Church-yard.

On Miss Helen Muir, daughter of John Muir, Esq. formerly Provost of Peebles".

Situated near the centre of the church-yard, on the south side of the wall which composed part of the old church, on a neat trouch appears the following very curious lines:

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In Peebles town there dwells ́a man,
His name it is John Muir,
And Lillias Ker, his loving wife,
Of this I am right sure:

A proper girl these two they had, Of age fifteen did die,

And, by the providence of God,
Beneath this stone doth lie:
She was her parent's only child,
In her they pleasure had,

But since by death she is removed,
Their hearts are very sad.

Her name was called Helen Muir,
Both modest, mild, and meek,
She comely in her person was,
And every way complete:
But here her dust it must remain,
Until the judgment day,

And then it shall be raised again,
This is the truth I say:
Then soul and body shall unite,
And never parted be,

To sing the praises of her GOD,
Through all eternity.

Vive memor lethi.

The two following verses are on the south slope of the said stone

(West half of the stone.)

Beneath this stone in ground ye seed is sown,

Of such a flower tho' fallen ere fully grown, As will when doom the saints first spring on high,

Be sweet and pure as the celestial sky.

(East half of the stone.)

Whose looks persuaded more yn others speech,

And more by deeds yn words, she lov'd to teach,

Hence young she from the sinful living fled For safety here among the sinless dead.

It would appear that this monument had been erected about the beginning of the 17th century; no date seemingly has ever been upon it. January 1817.

West side.

On Mr William Wood. Sub hoc cippo & sinistrorsum in spem beatæ resurrectionis, conduntur: reliquiæ liberorum Mri Gulielmi Wood & Helena Hamilton, uxoris, viz. Joannes, Alexander, Gulielmus, Anna, Maria, Helenaque, omnes intra decennium obierunt ; et Gulielmus alter, qui cum 19 annos & 6 dies vixisset; pie ac placide in Christo obdormivit pridie nonas Junii Anno 1747. Memoriæ charissimorum liberorum, hoc monumentum sacrum esse, voluerunt parentes prædicti.

A little to the south of the above are deposited the remains of that celebrated divine the Rev. Dr. William Dalgliesh, for nearly half a century (47 years) minister of Peebles, but who, to the regret of the whole parish, fell a prey to death the 20th day of September 1807, in the 74th year of his age. No stone as yet has been erected to mark the spot, but it is expected, that, ere long, a handsome one will be reared to inform the passenger that underneath lies the ashes of one of the brightest ornaments of the Church of Scotland.

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Full fourtie years they liv'd
As man and wife;

In good repute, ane honest,
Vertuous life.

North slope.

Here lies Alexander Jonkisone, burgess of Peebles, and beside him Janet Thomson his spouse: he died 13th of August 1692, at. 68; she died the 22d of November 1693, æt. 64.

On Provost John Tweedie.

Here lies John Tweedie, Bailie in Peebles, and Marjory Forbes, his spouse, he died 5th of Dec. 1699, aged 76; she died 9th of Nov. 1703, aged 72; as also John Tweedie, con to John Tweedie, late Provost in Peebles: he died Feb. 10, 1712, aged 15. Like, wise John Tweedie, late Provost in Peebles: he died August 15, aged 61; as also John, James, Christian, Anna, Helen, Marion, and Janet Tweedies, children procreat betwixt John Tweedie and Helen Greive, spouse to the said John Tweedie, merchant in Peebles, A silent scatter'd flock about to lie, Free from all toil, care, grief, fear, and envy, But yet again shall gather'd be, When the last trumpet soundeth hie.

The figures which are carved upon this stone are very neatly executed; they represent the four seasons; in the south east corner is a figure of a man with a sowing sheet round his shoulders, and in the act of sowing: in the south-west corner the figure of a woman with a garland in her hands; in the north-west is the figure of a young man with a reaping hook lying over his arm; and in the north-east corner is a figure of a boy representing winter, with both his hands raised to his mouth; on the east end death appears with his scythe about to cut off a man who stands behind a chair, on which sits a woman with two children on her knee.

On a small stone at the head of the above, belonging to the same family, is the following inscription

Here lies Janet Horsburgh, spouse to John Tweedic, merchant in Peebles, her age 27, who died 15th Feb. 1685.

On Mr William Johnston. Here lies William Johnston, Cooper in Eddeston, who died 13th Feb. 1799, aged 71 years.

Below the above is the representation of a large sand-glass, and on the other side of the stone

H. H.

In sign of this stone John Johnston gave ̈* To stand at Helen Hall his dear wife's grave.

She died anno 1760, of her age 40, married 10.

They who in life are good and virtuous, at death their memory is precious.

Manner church-yard, 3 miles southwest from Peebles

On Mr Wm. Ritchie, Farmer, Woodhouse. Fugit hora, memento mori.

Here lies William Ritchie, tenant in Woodhouse, who died April 17th 1737, aged 69 years; Elizabeth Hunter, his spouse, who died 27th August 1748, aged 75; John Ritchie, who died in January 28, 1729, aged 28 years; William Ritchie, who died January 6, 1733, aged 26; Margaret Ritchie, who died Nov. 20, 1723, aged 16; Elizabeth Ritchie, who died April 6, 1730, aged 13; Andrew Ritchie, tenant in Woodhouse, who died July 22, 1786, aged 72 years. Sacred also to the memory of Andrew Ritchie, late builder in Peebles, who died at Edinburgh the 22d day of Dec. 1814, aged 40.

Reader! Mark the uncertainty of time, and follow those, who, by faith and patience, now inherit the promises,

"Oh, that the dead might speak, and in a strain

To charm each death-form'd doubt, and heartfelt pain!

Might tell the timid sons of vital breath, How soft and easy is the bed of death! Might from this moral truth rich comfort give,

That man but lives to die, and dies to live!"

On Mr James Tate.

On a stone north west from Mr Ritchie's

Here lies

John Tate, late victualler in Manner. He was come of honest parents near this, He better'd his condition by his honest industry,

Was exemplary in his way, for his obliging good offices,

And was serviceable to the country. He died of a short illness, in no advanced age, and

was buried 22d January 1752.

On Mr Robert Johnston.

Here lies Robert Johnston, Smith in

Kirktown, of Manner, who died in Feb. 7, 1752, his age 41; also Katherine Dalgleish, his spouse, who died May 12, 1778, aged 61 years; and two sons, named Roberts,


also a daughter named Marion, who died Feb. 29, 1775, aged 7 years,

Death is a debt of nature due,

Which we have paid, and so must you. Life how short! Eternity how long! Then haste, O haste! make no delay, Make peace with God, for the great day!

Stobo Church-yard.

The following is inscribed upon a stone placed in the east end of the church

On James Russell, Esq. de Dreva.

Hic jacet Jacobus Russell in Dreva, qui obiit Aug 30. Anno 1692, Etatis 67, relinquens ex charissima conjuge Helena Scot tres filios ac

quatuor gnatos.

Hoc monumentum posu-
erunt filii superstites
in spem resurrectionis

Tweedsmuir Church-yard.-
On Mr John Hunter, a Scottish Martyr
who was shot at Corehead by Colonel
Douglas. Anno Dom. 1675.

When Zion's King was robbed of his right, His witnesses in Scotland put to fright, When Papists, Prélates, and Indulgency, Combin'd 'gainst Christ, to ruin Presbytery, All who would not unto the Prelates bow, They sought them out, and whom they found they slew.

For owning of Christ's cause I here do lie, My blood for vengeance, on his enemies doth cry.

Here deposited

are the remains of
the Rev. Alex. Adams,
ordained minister of Traquair

on the 24th of April 1760. He died on the 10th of January 1789. To his affectionate Parish,

grace, mercy, and peace,
be multiplied.

Proceedings of the CALEDONIAN
Horticultural Society.

ON Tuesday the 3d Dec. the quarterly meeting of this Society was held in the hall of the Royal College of Physicians, George Street; Dr Duncan, sen, one of the Vice-Presi dents, in the Chair,

The Society's gold medal was awarded to Mr John Hay of Edinburgh, for the best design of an experimental garden; and their silver medal was awarded to Mr Archibald Gorrie, at Rait, for the second best; in terms of an advertisement which had been circulated among the professional members of the Society.

On announcing to the Society the decision of the judges who had been appointed for receiving and examining plans, Dr Duncan read a discourse, in which he pointed out the important objects which the Society

Traquair Church-yard, six miles had in view from an experimentaleast from Peebles.

On Mr Thomas Ballantine. Here lies Thomas Ballantine, who died on the 5th of June anno 1704, his age 30.

North slope.

This man when living was discreet and kind,

Religious, and virtuously inclined,
But now he's dead, alas! there are;
All who survive let him deplore.

South slope.

Vixi quod volui, volui quod fata manebam, See mihi vita brevis, nec mihi longa fuit.

On the Rev. Alexander Adams.

garden, viz. the improvement of kitchen vegetables; furnishing to the country at large, scions of the best kinds of fruit trees, and introducing into Britain such useful forest trees as are not yet familiar.

The Council reported, that they had lately met, along with the Committee for Prizes, and inspected the most beautiful collection of apples ever submitted to them, and almost every one of 70 sorts excellent, several of them being new varieties; among which a new apple called the Woodstock Pippin, and a Russian apple,

On a stone in the east side of the called the Emperor Alexander, were

above church-yard.

greatly admired; and that they had

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