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of an earthquake was felt in Glasgow and neighbourhood. Its duration must have been for a considerable number of seconds, as, in more situations than one, the concussion caused the windows to shake violently. It was felt in a similar manner at the same moment, at Greenock and Inverness, and by one or two individuals in Leith.

May 3. Emigration.-The Nancy sailed from Leith lately with upwards of 200 passengers on board for Quebec and Halifax; and yesterday the Traveller, Bishop, sailed for Halifax with 40 passengers.

The Lord Eldon, of Sunderland, has sail ed for Canada from thence, with 160 pas. sengers on board; and the Amphitrite has also sailed from Sunderland, with a num. ber exceeding 100, for the same destina. tion.

5. Sporting. This day, a match for 50 guineas P. F. one mile was run on the Duke of Hamilton's course at Hamilton, between two officers of the 5th dragoon guards, stationed there. Mr Richard's black horse Gumlistus, against Mr Ryding's bay mare, Lady Lancer; won in good style by the horse. Knowing ones taken in odds at starting five to one in favour of the mare.

8. Shipwreck at Inchkeith.-About day. break on Monday a ship rigged vessel, supposed to be about 50 tons burden, came to an anchor at the Roadstead, on the western side of the island of Inchkeith. She was occasionally observed by the light-keepers to ride very hard, the wind blowing with excessive violence from WSW. and at 10 A. M. was seen to go down in about nine fathoms water, her mainmast head and top. mast being still above water. The vessel is described by Mr Bonnyman, the principal light-keeper, to have had a considerable spring fore and aft; her gaff top-sail is hauled up with a block instead of a sheave, and the topmast has two span of rigging. When she came to an anchor, her boat was observed astern; but when she went down,' nothing was to be seen but empty casks and spars, &c. floating about. It is quite uncertain as yet whether the crew was saved or not.

Alledged rape.-On Wednesday last week, a young woman, a servant girl, travelling from Garbane, parish of Buchanan, to Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, to visit her sister, was overtaken about two or three iniles west of Erskine Ferry, by John Thomson, carter in Glasgow, who was driving a horse with an empty'cart; into which, on his invitation, she went to get a drive. They were soon afterwards joined by a sailor, who requested likewise to get into it. After they had passed Erskine Ferry, he said, "Come out of the cart, for you are near

the ferry," which she did. The sailor drove on the horse. Thomson then took her for cibly off the road into a park, and notwith. standing her cries, there effected his brutal purpose. He also took her pocket, which contained some money, from her side. She pursued him; but he jumped into his cart, and got off at the gallop. Such is the girl's statement; and, as the circumstances are strong against him, he has been apprehended. He is about eighteen years of age, and said to be married. He denies ever taking the poor girl into his cart, as well as all the other circumstances of the shocking transac tion.

- Port of Greenock.-On Friday last, the foundation - stone of the new Custom House and Excise building here was laid by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart. Provincial Grand Master of Renfrew and Dumbarton shires.

10. Port of Leith. In the course of Thursday, forty vessels came into Leith harbour (including fourteen from foreign ports) twenty of which were laden with grain; and eleven more arrived in the roads from foreign ports, principally with grain.

Swindling.-A man is now in Glasgow jail, charged with stealing £.175, in the following way :-Learning that a young woman who resided in Cambeltown was possessed of a considerable quantity of money, he, by means of a letter of introduc. tion, got himself ingratiated into her fami ly, and solicited her hand. The business was forthwith in a state of negociation, and with the fellow she came to Glasgow. The lady carried along with her a bank receipt for £.250; and he now made her believe that her money would be more safely deposited, if lodged in any other of the banks. Having lifted it, she was counting the notes in her lodgings, when he seized £.175 of it.

The paramour and the money disappeared. He is a married man, with a family of four children.

15. Ludicrous Accident.-A most whimsical occurrence took place in Canonmills loch, on Tuesday evening. Three young men, determined to display their superior seamanship in the management of a boat lately launched there, had the mischance, by a most incautious manœuvre, to swamp her, but in a situation which, as it created no uneasiness in regard to their safety, af forded infinite amusement to a great number of spectators, in witnessing their many unavailing attempts to get ashore. A rope being procured from the mill-house, one end of it was conveyed to the unfortunate sufferers, by a process somewhat more simple than Captain Manby's humane invertion, and by means of the communication


thus established, a large washing tub was made to perform several voyages to and from the vessel and the shore, freighted with the clothes of the unlucky seamen, two of whom were soon left in a state of pristine nudity. After many repeated soundings with an oar, which proved the depth of the mud to be at least three times that of the water, the first and boldest of the crew, with a view to lighten the vessel, leapt in, and struggled to the bank. The

grotesque and scarcely human appearance which he there exhibited, was irresistibly Judicrous; and even his companions on the wreck could not refrain from joining in the universal shout with which the mud-clad seaman was welcomed to the land. The boat still remaining immoveable, the second also abandoned her, and although a swimmer, exhibited an appearance, if possible, more laughable. The third had the good fortune to get ashore in rather a more decent man


17. A new species of Swindling.A gen tleman of Edinburgh, connected with the law, had lately handed into his chambers a packet made up in a grey paper wrapper, distinctly addressed to him, with Is. 10d. marked as the charge for carriage, which was accordingly paid. Upon opening it, he found a letter, dated Banff, and signed J. Clephane, desiring him to recover payment of an account, which was also inclosed, giving, at the same time, the address of the debtor. Upon making inquiry, no such person was to be found; of which Mr Clephane was advised by post. To the gentleman's surprise, his letter came back to him from the "returned letter office," with a marking on the back by the Banff postmaster, intimating that there was no such person within the bounds of that delivery. Hence it is evident, that this was a stratagem devised to levy the Is. George Edward, messenger at arms, is now a second time in Bridewell, for this and several other offences.

-Honesty.-On Friday last a lady, on leaving Mr Baxter's Italian Warehouse, on the South Bridge, Edinburgh, dropped three five pound notes, which were shortly afterwards picked up by a boy, the son of a poor man, named William Anderson, weaver in Lauriston. The boy took the money home to his father, who, it ought to be remarked, had been for some time out of employment, and his family in consequence reduced to extreme indigence; yet, notwithstanding the almost irresistible temptation, he immediately set out in quest of the rightful owner, to whom he restored it; and who, as might be expected, marked her approbation of his conduct by a suitable reward.


The Literary and Philosophical Society of New York have elected Drs Brewster and Home, and Professor Jameson, of this city, honorary members of their Society.

The Earl of Aberdeen has been elected President of the Society of Antiquaries of London.

The Senate of the University of Glasgow has conferred the degree of Doctor in Divinity upon the Rev. James Steven, minister of Kilwinning.

Sir John Anstruther of Anstruther, who, by the death of the late Earl of Hyndford, has succeeded to the entailed estates of Carmichael, has assumed the name and designation of Sir John Carmichael Anstruther of Anstruther and Carmichael, Bart.

At the General Meeting of Proprietors of the Assembly Rooms, George Street, held on Monday the 14th April, the following Noblemen and Gentlemen were chosen Directors for the year, viz.-His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, Right Hon. the Earl of Moray, Right Hon. the Earl of Wemyss and March, Lord Chief Baron, Sir William Forbes, Bart. Sir John Hope, Bart. Sir John Hay, Bart. Hon. Mr Baron Norton, Gilbert Innes, Esq. John Wauchope, Esq. James Kerr, Esq. David Monro Binning, Esq.

On Thursday the 24th April, Mr George Wallace was ordained minister of the parish of Durrisdeer, in the presbytery of Penpont, Dumfries-shire.

On the 1st May, the Senate of the University of Glasgow elected John Connel, Esq. Judge Admiral, to be Dean of Faculties for the ensuing year.

Edinburgh Gas Light Company-Ageneral meeting of the subscribers to this establishment was held within the Royal Exchange Coffee-house on Wednesday the 7th May, for the purpose of appointing the office-bearers of the Company, when the following were unanimously chosen, viz.—

Governor.-The Right Hon. William Arbuthnot, Lord Provost.

Deputy-Governor.-- Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees, Bart. M. P.

Ordinary Directors.-Messrs Alexander Gordon, Great King Street, Alex. Henderson, High Street, Wm. Inglis, W. S. Wm. Trotter, Prince's Street, John Young, George Street, John Manderston, Rose Street, James Pillans, George Street, James Denholm, Milne's Square, Adam Anderson, South Bridge Street, Kincaid Mackenzie, Lawnmarket, James Innes, Prince's Street, Paul Baxter, North Bridge Street.

Extraordinary Directors.-The Right Hon. Lord Gray, The Right Hon. Wm. Dundas, M. P. for the city, Sir George Mackenzie


of Coul, Bart. Sir Patrick Walker, Knt. Henry Jardine, Esq. W. S. D. K. R. Robt. Dundas, Esq. W. S. James Simpson, Esq. advocate, Robert Johnston, Esq. Dean of Guild, Alex. Munro, Esq. Prince's Street, John Leslie, Esq. Professor of Mathematics, Thomas Brown, Esq. M. D. Professor of Moral Philosophy, Robert Downie of Appin, Esq.

Cupar Fife, May 8.-The following no blemen and gentlemen were this day elected Directors of the Insurance Company against Fire, for the ensuing year:

Extraordinary Directors.--The Right Hon. the Earl of Kellie, The Right Hon. the Earl of Leven and Melville, David Gillespie, Esq. of Kirkton, William Fernie, Esq. of New Grange, Andrew Thomson, Esq. of Kinloch, John Pitcairn, Esq. of Kinnaird, George Greenlaw, Esq. of Baldastard, Boyd Hors. burgh, Esq. of Lochmalonie, James Balfour, Esq. merchant Kirkcaldy:

Ordinary Directors.Captain James Ferguson, Cupar, Mr Frederick Johnston, farmer, Nisbetfield, Mr John Balfour, farmer, Fernie Barns, The Rev. Dr L. Adamson, Cupar, George Bell, Esq. of Lathones, Thomas Horsbrugh, Esq. of Lathocar, Mr Robert Tullis, bookseller, Cupar, Mr Andrew Walker, West Port, Cupar.

On Saturday May 10th, the Golf Club's gold medal was played for in the Links, Aberdeen, and gained by the Right Hon. Lord Kennedy, the Captain.

On Thursday the 15th May, the Governors of George Heriot's Hospital decided Dean of Guild Heriot's premiums, which were distributed to James Charles, and to John Bryden, as being the two best arithmeticians; and to James M'Kenzie and Thomas Baird, the two best writers. veral other premiums besides were given by the Governors to some of the younger boys.

(From the London Gazette.)


Feb. 20. The Honour of Knighthood conferred on Major-General Robert Bolton.

April 21. The Honour of Knighthood conferred upon Colonel Sir Benjamin D'Urban.

25. The 39th regiment of foot to bear on its colours and appointments, in addition to any other badges or devices which may have been heretofore granted to the regiment, the word "Vittoria," in commemoration of the distinguished gallantry displayed by that regiment in the action at Vittoria, in Spain, on the 21st June 1813.

26. The Prince Regent hath been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majes ty, to give and grant unto the Right Hon. Edward Viscount and Baron Exmouth, Admiral of the Blue Squadron of the Fleet,

and Knight Grand Cross of the Most Ho nourable Military Order of the Bath, permission to accept and wear the insignia of the following Royal Orders of Knighthood, viz. the insignia of the Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish Order of Charles the Third; of Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Sicilian Order of St Ferdinand and of Merit; of Knight of the Royal Sardinian Supreme Order of the Annuncia. tion; of Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Sardinian Order of St Lazarus and St Maurice; and of Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Military Order of William of the Netherlands, with which their Majesties cilies, the King of Sardinia, and the King the King of Spain, the King of the Two Si of the Netherlands, have respectively been pleased to honour the said Edward Viscount Exmouth, in testimony of the high sense entertained by those sovereigns of the judg ment and valour manifested by his Lord. ship in conducting the operations of the fleet under his command against the city of Algiers, on the 27th day of August last, the result of which has been so beneficial to the cause of humanity.


Feb. 25. The Lady of James Wedderburn, Esq. his Majesty's Solicitor-General for Scotland, a son.

April 1. At Paris, Lady Elizabeth Stnart, wife of the English Ambassador at the Court of France, a daughter.

14. In Lisson Grove North, the Countess of Rothes, a daughter.

-The wife of James Wilson, gamekeeper to Sir James Graham, Bart. Netherby, was safely delivered of three boys, all alive.

18. At Cloncaird Castle, the Lady of Ro bert Cunynghame, Esq. a daughter.

19. At Dunse Castle, the Lady of Wm. Hay, Esq. of Drummelzier, a daughter.

At Arbuthnott-house, the Viscountess Arbuthnott, a daughter.

27. At Glen Stuart, the Marchioness of Queensberry, a daughter.

28. At his house in Cavendish-square, the Lady of Admiral Sir George Cockburn, daughter.

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at the last, and three at the preceding confinement, making a total of eleven children at three births, and in a period of three or four years.


March 17. At the hotel of the British Ambassador, at Paris, Thomas Clifton, Esq. eldest son of John Cilfton, Esq. of Lytham Hall, Lancashire, to Mrs Campbell, widow of the late David Campbell, Esq. of Killdaloig, Argyllshire.

18. At Desart, Colonel James Campbell, 94th regiment, to the Right Hon. Lady Dorothea, L. Cuffe, daughter to the late and sister to the present Earl of Desart.

20. At London, A. M. Major-General Sir Thos. Sidney Beckwith, K. C. B. to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Sir William Douglas, of Kelhead, Bart.

April 14. At Loch Bank, Charles W. D. Thomson, of Torhousemuir, Esq. to Miss Agnes C. Hanny, third daughter of James Hanny of Blairinne.

17. At Axminster, the Rev. John Paterson, of Petersburgh, to Miss Greig, daughter of the late, and sister to the present Admiral Greig, in the Russian service.

22. At Ayr Green, the Rev. Alex. Hill, minister of Dailly, to Margaret, daughter of the late Major Crawfurd of Newfield.

21. At Edinburgh, Farquhard Campbell, Esq. of Huntington, to Miss Penuel Jane Baillie, daughter of the late Hon. William Baillie of Polkemmet.

24. At Robols, Island of Islay, Lieuten ant Hugh M.Dougall, of the 91st regiment, to Miss Jane Campbell, only daughter of Mr Archibald Campbell, Ardnahow.

25. At Drumsheugh House, Col. Charles Fraser, of Inveralochy and Castle Fraser, M. P. for Ross-shire, to Jane, fourth daughter of Sir John Hay of Smithfield and Haystoun, Bart.

28. At the house of Gilbert Innes, Esq. of Stow, Major Menzies, of the 42d regiment, to Miss Euphemia Burnett.

29. At Northumberland House, London, Earl Percy to Lady Charlotte Florentia Clive.

30. At Giese, in Caithness-shire, Lieut.Colonel John Sutherland Williamson, C. B. of the royal artillery, to Miss Maclean of Giese.

May 14. At Edinburgh, Ewan M⚫Pherson, Esq. of Demerara, to Miss Catherine Campbell M'Gregor, eldest daughter of Mr Alexander M'Gregor, St Andrew's Square.


Oct. 17. At Prince of Wales's Island, aged 68, the Hon. Wm. Petrie, Governor of that island.

Feb. 6. The Right Hon. Lady Glenbervie. She was the daughter of the Earl of Guildford (Lord North,) formerly Prime Minister of this country, and sister of the present Earl. March 5. At Gilcomston, aged 101, John M'Bain. He was present at the battle of Culloden, and was attached to the corps brought into the field by Lady M'Intosh, which made so furious an irruption into the left wing of the royal army, that they completely annihilated the first line. In this attack he received a wound, being struck with a musket ball on the left cheek when running on to the second line, after the first had been overthrown; but he said it did not disable him.

9. At Croydon, David Skene, Esq. brother of George Skene, Esq. of Skene.

13. At Edinburgh, John Gordon, Esq. of Carleton, writer to the signet.

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At Rudding Park, Yorkshire, the Right Hon. Katherine, Dowager Countess of Aberdeen, aged 83.

16. In the Trinity Hospital, after a lingering illness, which she bore with much patience and Christian resignation, Margaret Smellie, aged 84, daughter of the late Jas. Smellie, Esq. of Adieweel, and relict of Jas. Lyon, formerly of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

23. At Stony kirk Manse, the Rev. Henry Blain, A.M. in the 69th year of his age, and 35th of his ministry.

28. At Foulshiels, Elspeth Hislop, spouse of the late Mungo Park, and mother of Mungo Park, the celebrated African traveller, aged 74.

30. At Kildroket, near Stranraer, Jane, Countess Dowager of Rothes, relict of the Hon. Patrick Maitland of Freugh.

31. At Aberdeen, Mrs Grant of Druminnor, aged 62.

At London, the Right Hon. Lady Frances Douglas, in the 56th year of her age, wife of the Hon. John Douglas, and eldest daughter of the Earl of Harewood.

April 2. At his house, No. 22, James's Square, Dr James Anderson.

4. At Paris, in his hotel, rue de Bourbon, Andrew Massena, Prince of Essling, and Duke of Rivoli, after a long and severe illness. He was born at Nice, the 11th May 1758.

April 4. At Dunbar Lodge, Mrs Hay, relict of the Hon. William Hay of Lawfield. At his house, in Kirkwall, Robert Baikie, Esq. of Tankerness.


5. At Siclesmere, Suffolk, aged 64. Mr William Gault; and on the 6th curt. in ber 103d year, Mrs Gault, his mother. The loss of a beloved son overpowered her fee, ble frame, as, after being informed of his decease, she never spoke more.

11. At Mauldslie Castle, the Right Hon. the Earl of Hyndford.

17. At Dundee, Dr Thomas Constable, late minister of the united parishes of Liff and Benvie. He endured a long and severe illness with much fortitude and resignation.

19. At Blackhall, Robert Stein, Esq. late of Kincaple, in the 85th year of his age.

24. At her house, Albany Street, Edinburgh, Mary Lady Rollo, widow of the late James Lord Rollo.

27. At Lancaster, Mrs Diana Dalrymple, relict of Colonel Dalrymple of Fordell. 29. At Dundee, William Wilson, Esq. of Balbeuchly.

Prices of Stocks.

May 3. At his house in Gay Street, Bath, universally respected and regretted, Wi Thompson, Esq. of Jamaica, in his 74th year. 6. At Woodhousclee, Mrs Bell, in the 93d year of her age.

7. At Cowhill, Mrs Margaret Johnston, wife of George Johnston, Esq. of Cowhill, aged 0.

Lately, At Inverness, after a short illress, at an advanced age, R. Macdonald, Esq.-This gentleman, who was a cadet of the Keppoch family, was a subaltern in Keppocn's regiment in the year 1745, and was present at the battles of Preston, Faikirk, and Culloden. At Culloden he was made prisoner, but owing to his youth, he was allowed to transport himself to Jamaica, where he commenced planter. Having by his industry acquired an independent for tune, he returned to his native country, where he settled. Mr Macdonald was ude of the young gentlemen who, with drawn swords, attended Andrew Cochran, Provost of Glasgow, in proclaiming the Pretender by the name of King James VIII, and III.

Prices of Grain per quarter Corn Exchang, London.

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