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June 11. At Howden, Alex. Cleghorn, Esq. Inspector-General of Imports and Exports for Scotland, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Thomas Farquharson, Esq. of Howden.


April 1. In Sloane Street, London, Capt. John Moir, of the 22d regiment.

20. At his house in Queen Anne Street, London, in the 45th year of his age, Colonel Mitchell, of the 51st regiment. This gallant officer served several campaigns in the Peninsula, under the Duke of Wellington, with great credit and distinction, and lastly at the memorable battle of Waterloo, where he commanded a brigade of infantry.

23. At Pittodrie, Mrs Grace Knight Erskine, the wife of Lieut.-Colonel Knight Erskine of Pittodrie.

26. At Rozelle, Dame Lady Hamilton Cathcart, of Bourtreehill and Rozelle, aged 77 years, relict of Sir John Cathcart of Cathcart of Carleton.

At Vanceiville, Virginia, John Pollok, Esq. of Logiegreen, W. S.

27. At Gorton, Mrs Rachael Spottiswoode, relict of Archibald Robertson of Bedlay, Esq. and daughter of the deceased John Spottiswoode of Spottiswoode, Esq.

30. At Balgillo, aged 22 years, Margaret, daughter of Captain Matthew Burns, of his Majesty's 84th regiment.

- At Carluke, the Rev. Ebenezer Dawson, minister of the Associate congregation there, in the 34th year of his age, and seventh of his ministry.

- At Kilmarnock, Mr Wm. Gregory, merchant, in the 76th year of his age-and at Alexandria, in Virginia, March 12th, his fourth son, Peter Mallard Gregory, a very promising young man, after a short illness, in the 20th year of his age.

31. In the 77th year of his age, much and justly regretted, Jas. Baird, Esq. of Broompark, formerly of Virginia.

May 2. At his own house, in St Vincent place, Glasgow, in the 50th year of his age, Alexander Campbell, Esq. of Stallyards, after a short but severe illness, which he sustained with Christian fortitude and resigna tion. This Gentleman affords us a pleasant specimen of the distinction and opulence with which the exercise of undeviating and persevering industry, fidelity, and integrity, in the ereditable pursuits of commerce is often crowned, even in this part of the united kingdom. Mr Campbell was born in Perthshire, from respectable parents, who were connected with some of the first families of his name. At an early pe. od of life he came to Glasgow, where he

was taken into business by one of his own relations. Here he recommended himself so much by his obliging deportment, by his fidelity, punctuality, and accuracy, that hẻ soon rendered himself necessary to his employers, and ultimately took the lead în oné of the most respectable West India concerns in the city. His mind seemed to expand with his circumstances, and his generous and liberal spirit is well known to a numerous circle of respectable friends and associates, as well as to the community at large. He was most ample and exemplary in his charities, and gave encouragement to all those institutions, so creditable to the place of his residence, which have for their object the general interests of humanity as well as the relief of individual distress. In particular, he took a warm interest and a fatherly charge of the Highland society, as well as of the Gaelic schools, and his memory will long live in the hearts of the members of these institutions. Although cut off, almost in the prime of life, he may be said to have lived long by the energy and activity he displayed in the improvement of his talents and opportunities; by the good which he has done; and by the happy effects which it is to be expected may still ensue from his useful labours and exertions. He has left an amiable wife, and a numerous family, with many interesting friends and relations, to lament his loss; and he will be long remembered in the society to which he belonged as an amiable and excellent man, and a most useful and active citizen.

6. At Killenure House, near Athlone, in Ireland, the Lady of Major Alex. Murray, Cringletie, sincerely lamented by all who' had the pleasure of her acquaintance; and of whose active benevolence the loss will be long and severely felt by the poor in her neighbourhood, whom she assisted in sickness and supported in health, and whose children she educated in a school instituted and maintained at her own expence.

8. At her father's house, Somerset Place, London, of a rapid consumption, in the 25th year of her age, Susan Boone, only daughter of John Deas Thomson, Esq. one of the Commissioners of his Majesty's navy.

-Suddenly, at Rozelle, James Crichton, Esq. factor to the Earl of Eglinton, and one of the Magistrates of Irvine.

9. At Longtown, James Walker, Esq. Principal Clerk of Session.

11. At Auldhouse, Peter Murdoch, Esq. aged 84.

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26. In the 828 year of his age, Thos. Salt, Esq. of Lichfield, father of Henry Salt, Esq. his Majesty's Consul-General for Egypt.

June 4. At Brucefield-house, Clackman nanshire, Mrs Elizabeth Ann Johnston, wife of Lieut.-Col. Dalgleish of Dalbeath, and daughter of the late James Johnston, Esq. of Sands, aged 44, much and deserved. ly regretted.

6. Walter Robertson, Esq. manufacturer, Paisley.

At his house in Hart Street, Joha Thomson, Esq. royal navy.

7. At Arbroath, Mr David Braick, stu dent of divinity, in the 23d year of his age. Mr Braick's frame was always delicate, but he possessed a vigorous mind, and a lively imagination, with great modesty and suavity of manners. He prosecuted his theological studies with much diligence and success, and his inward piety corresponded with his attainments, in speculative know. ledge. His memory will long be held precious by those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

Prices of Grain per quarter Corn Exchange, London.

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INDEX for 1817.

Essays, Extracts, &c.

CCIDENTS, account of
a fatal one in Leadhills
pines, 414

Trica, failure of expedition
p the Congo, 33
merican Literature, stand-
rd works in, 95

ecdotes, New, of Vol-
airę, 326

Antilles, account of the
cople in the, who eat
arth, 428

Antiquary, French cri-
cism on, 324
my, British, effective
trength and expenditure
all the regiments, 325,


tificial flowers, account of
bouquet presented to the
rincess Charlotte of Wales,

ts, Fine, memoirs of the
rogress of, 53, 85, 175,
92, 326, 408, 488

Plan for the en-

uragement of, 31
sessed Taxes, their pro-
ace in the years 1815,
316 and 1817, 337
size Courts in England,
roceedings in, in 1815,

ird Thomas, trial of, for
dition, 260

ar, Polar, of Spitzbergen,
escription of, 512

graphical notices of emi-
ent characters, 114, 174,

hops, laws on the Conti-
ent relative to the election
, 104

naparte, appeal to the
ritish nation on the treat-
ent of, 198 - Letter
ritten by his order to Sir
. Lowe, 201 - Corres-
ndence relative to the
blication of his memoirs,

July 1817.

Bread, on making it from
damaged corn, 342
British Army, effective
strength of, 325, 422
Burns, description of a mau-

soleum to at Dumfries, 323
Byron and Scott, French re-
marks on the poetry of, 26
Byron, Lord, review of his
poem of Manfred, 449
Caledonian Horticultural So-
ciety, proceedings of the,

Caledonian Canal, works exe-
cuted on the, 497
Canal Union, between E-
dinburgh and Glasgow, re-
view of observations on, 42
-Mr Stevenson's level line,
87-Mr Telford's report
on the Union line, 118
Canals in England and Wales,
length of the principal ones,

Canine madness, observa-
tions on, 165

Carr Rock, account of the
stone beacon erecting on,

Catholic Chapel at Edin-
burgh, description of, 83
Chalmers, Dr. review of his
discourses on Christian re-
velation, 122
Chemistry, memoirs of the
progress of, 53, 85, 175,
292, 326, 408, 488
Coinage of Scotland from
1603 to 1707, view of, 344
Commons, House of, offices
and residences of Scottish
members, 29
Congo river, failure of the
expedition to explore it, 33
Craniology, Gall and Spurz-
heim's system of, 243-
Corrections on the fore-
mentioned article, 333
Cranstoun, George, Esq. re-
port of his speech on the
trial of Wm. Edgar for ad-

ministering unlawful oaths,

Cretins of Saltsburgh, ac-
count of the, 271
Curious examination of a
witness in the Scottish Ju-
ry Court, 193

Dirom, Lieut.-General's ac-
count of his new-invented
smoke-preventer, 443
Douglas, the Rev. Neil, trial
of, for sedition, 417
Dymock's edition of Ovid
and Cæsar, review of, 44
Eccentricities for Edinburgh,
review of poems so entitled,

Edinburgh,-description of
the Chapel in Prince's St.
3-Report of the Sacred
Music Institution, 5-Mea-
sures for relief of the la-
bouring classes in, 8-State
of the Charity Workhouse
for 1815, 23-Description
of the Roman Catholic Cha⚫
pel, 83-Proceedings of the
Royal Society, 91,172,405,
516-Report of the public
bodies on the Police bill,
111-Plan of a proposed
Bridge, 163-Rain gages in
for 1816, 168-Report on
the prevalence of Typhus
fever in, 413-Report of
Committee for relieving the
labouring classes in, 490
Education in Switzerland,
account of an establishment
for, 252

England, institutions in, for
teaching adults to read, 424
Episcopal Chapel, descrip-
tion of one building in E-
dinburgh, 3

Epitaphs and sepulchral in.
scriptions, 17, 327
Exports from Britain from
1792 to 1817, 169-Official
value of, in 1815 and 1816,


Fees to the King's servants
on the creation of Nobility,

Literature, German, notices
of recent works in, 83
———————, American, stand-
ard works in, 95

Italian, present

state of, 410, 508
Literary Intelligence, 52,
134, 211, 291, 374, 454,

Men, advantages of
a general association of,

Financial statements for
1816 and 1817, 39
Fine Arts, plan for the en-
couragement of, 31-Me-
moirs of the progress of,
53, 85, 195, 292, 326, 408
Fire Insurance, duties paid
on, for one year in Britain,
Fountain Worship, on the Lyal, Margaret, a woman
origin of, 21, 329
Game Laws, origin and pre-
sent state of the, 177
Geographical and statistical
intelligence, 102, 404, 521
Geological Society of Lon-
don, queries proposed by
the, 438
German Poetry, on the pre.
sent state of, 27

Literature, critical
notices of recent works in,
Harold the Dauntless, a
poem, review of, 131
Highland Society of Scot-
land, proceedings of, 510
Horner, Francis, Esq. M.P.
character of the late, 189
Horsefield, Dr. his account
of the Oopas, or poison-tree
of Java, 257
Jameson, Professor, review
of his system of mineralo-
gy, 524

Indostan, account of the
mode of teaching in the
schools of, 277
Insanity in Scotland, state-
ment of facts relative to,
Inscription, account of a
Latin one found in Dum.
fries-shire, 489
Italian literature, present
state of, 410, 508
Klaproth, biographical no-
tice of, 174

Knighthood, abbreviations of

the different orders of, 29
Language, benefits arising
from the study of, 97
Lanrick Castle, description
of, 403

Leadhills, account of a fatal
accident in the mines at,

Leyden, Dr. description of
the house in which he was
born, 483

who slept nearly six weeks,
account of, 13
Manfred, a dramatic poem,
by Lord Byron, review of,

Manufactures, memoirs of
the progress of, 53, 85,
157, 292, 326, 408, 488
Marlborough, the late Duke
of, biographical notice of,

Mausoleum of Burns, at
Dumfries, description of,

M'Laren, Alexander, trial
of, for sedition, 260
Meteorological table kept at
Gordon Castle, 16-Ditto
at Carlisle, 119
Moore, Thomas, review of
his poem of Lalla Rookh,
Mythologies, Roman and
Druidical, coincidence be-
tween them, 98
Naples, journal of a resi
dence in, during Murat's
abdication, 181
National debt, review of an
essay on the reduction of,

Natural History, monthly
memoranda in, 11, 94, 170,
250, 335, 406
Neapolitan Sermon, 282
North Pole, on the probabi-
lity of reaching it, during
winter, by way of Spitz-
bergen, 360

Ovid and Cæsar, review of
Dymock's editions of, 44
Owen, Mr, review of his
plan, for reforming man.
kind, by banishing poverty,
misery, and vice, 367
Paris, account of its librarics
and literary institutions,
178-Report of the Aca-
demy of Sciences on mak-

ing bread from damagel
corn, 342

Philips, Sir Richard, corres-
pondence between him and
Earl Bathurst relative
Bonaparte, 333
Playfair, Professor, review
of his dissertation on Ma
thematical and Physical
Science, 206

Poetic Mirror, or Living
Bards of Britain, review d


Poetry, remarks from the
French on that of Scott and
Byron, 26-Present state
of, in Germany, 27
Poison-tree of Java, account
of, 257

Poor in London, manner
which they were supported
in 1813, 1814, and 181āj

Potatoes, importance of
planting early ones, 118
Printing, earliest establis
ments of, and names
Printers, in Europe, 517
Prizes proposed by the Rey
al Institution of Sciences a
the Low Countries, 186
Queries proposed by th
London Geological Society

Rain-gages in Edinburg
for 1816, 168
Ramsay, Dr, the Ameri
bistorian, biographical
tice of, 115
Revenue, produce of, for tit
last two years, 40
Roman Altar, description
one dug up in Dumfrie
shire, 367
the Round Table, review


Royal Society of Edinbur
proceedings of, 91,
405, 516
Sacred Music, report of
stitution for encourage
of, 5
Salmon, on the prohibi
of stake nets in t
them, 487
Savings' Banks, revie
pamphlets on the s
of, 445

Science, memoirs of the
gress of, 53, 85, 175,
326, 408, 488
Scotland, view of the
age of, from the Uni

he Crowns to that of the
Kingdoms, 344-Proceed-
ngs of the Highland So-
ciety of, 510


utt and Byron, French re-
marks on the poetry of, 26
tottish members of the
House of Commons, offices
and residences of, 29
cottish Review-Observa-
ions on the prospectus of
he Union Canal, 42-Dy.
nock's editions of Ovid and
Cæsar, 44 The Poetic
Mirror, 46-Chalmers' Dis-
Courses, 122-Round Ta-
ole,127-Haroldthe Daunt-
ess, 131-Playfair's pro-
gress of Mathematical and
Physical Science, 206-The
Bower of Spring, 209-
Essay on reducing the Na-
tional Debt, 284-Eccen-
tricities for Edinburgh, 287
-Owen's new view of So-
ciety, 367-Sketch of the
British Fur-trade in North
America, 370-Pamphlets
on Savings' Banks, 445-
Manfred, a Drama, by Lord
Byron, 449-- Jameson's
system of Mineralogy, 524
-Moor's Lalla Rookh,528

[merged small][ocr errors]

Seditious meetings, abstract
of the bill for preventing,
Sedition, trials for, at Edin
burgh, 260, 417
Selkirk, Lord, review of his
sketch of the British Fur-
trade in North America,
and of his quarrel with the
North West Company of
Montreal, 370

Sinecures, report of the Com-
mittee of Finance on, 269,

Smoke preventer, descrip-
tion of a new one, 442
Somnolence, remarkable case
of, 13

Spitzbergen, account of, 512
Spots on the Sun, during
the year 1816, account of,
Spurzheim and Gall's system
of physiognomy, 243, 333
Stanhope, Earl, biographical
notice of, 36-Will of, 187
Statistical and geographical
intelligence, 102, 404
Steam-boats, plan for esta-
blishing them between
Leith and Greenock, 106
-Report of House of Com-
mons' Committee on, 485


[blocks in formation]

Steam Frigate in America,
report of the French In.
stitute on, 282
Switzerland, establishment
for education in, 252, 364
Tales of my Landlord-on
the political and religous
tendency of the novel so
called, 431
Teaching, mode of in the
Schools of Indostan, 277
-Institution in England
for adults, 424
Tuckey, Captain, biographi
cal notice of, 116
Typhus fever, report on the
late prevalence of in Edin-
burgh, 413

Union Canal, review of ob.
servations on the prospec
tus of, 42-Mr Telford's
second report on, 121
Varieties, historical and li
terary, 96

Voltaire, new anecdotes of,

Wallace, Sir William, de-
scription of a colossal sta
tue of, at Dryburgh, 256
Weight's and Measures, on
the regulation of, 24
Wernerian Natural History
Society, proceedings of, 212

Song, my Love! I will trem-
ble for thee, 136
Verses recited at Burns' an-
niversary, 55

to a young lady, 56

to the memory of the
late Francis Horner, Esq.
M.P. 214

on a shipwreck at Dun-
bar, 294
-on Burns' punch-bowl,

Proceedings of Parliament.

ADVOCATE, Lord, of Scot-
land, statement of respect-
ing conspiracies in Glas-
gow, 304-Accused of op-
pression in the exercise of
his duties, 557-His de-
fence, 562

Bank of England, statement
of Mr Grenfell respecting
profits of, 227

Bathurst, Earl, his defence
of the treatment of Bona-
parte in St Helena, 300
Bennet, Mr, his speech a-

gainst the Habeas Corpus
suspension act, 303-Al-
tercation between him and
Lord Castlereagh, 304
Bonaparte, motion of Lord
Holland respecting the
treatment of, 299


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