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He walkit throu the gude grene wode,
And he walkit all alane:

He turnit his fece unto the skie,

And the teire stude in his ee,
For he thocht of the lady of his lufe,
And his lost familye:

But ay his fayth was firm and sure,

And his truste in heuin still,
For he hopet to meit them all agayne
Beyonde the reiche of ill;

And ay the teirs fell on the grene,

As he knelit down to praye,
But he wase se muvit with tendirnesse
That ane worde he colde not saye.

He lukit oure his left shouldir

To se quhat he mocht se;
There he beheld seuin bonnye maydis
Cuming triping oure the le!

Sic beautye ee had neuir seine,

Nor euir agyne shall se,

Sic luvelye formis of flesche and blude,
On yerde can neuir be;

The joie that bemit in ilken ee

Was lyke the risyng sonne,
The fayriste blumis in all the wode
Besyde their formis war dunne;

There wase ane wrethe on ilken heide,
On ilken bosome thre,

And the brychtest flouris the worild er saw
War noddyng oure the bre.

But cese yer strayne, my gude auld herpe,
O cese and syng ne mayre!
Gin ye wolde of that meityng tell,
OI mocht reue it sayre!

There wolde ne ee in faire Scotland,

Nor luvelye cheike be drie;
The laveroke wolde forget hir sang,
And drap deide fra the skie;

And the desye wolde ne mayre be quhyte,
And the lillye wolde chainge hir heue,
For the blude-drapis wolde fal fra the mone,
And reiden the mornyng deue.

The imitations of Wilson possess great merit. The "Morning Star, or the Steam-boat of Alloa," exhibits a mixture of genius and bad taste, which it is difficult to characterize.The general strain of it may rank with the best lake-style, somewhat too etherialized indeed, but sweet, wild, and pleasing. Unfortunately, the author meant it to be a burlesque poem; which intention every new and then manifests itself. As bur

lesque, it is bad; and the passages introduced with this view serve only to spoil the effect of what is good. In the following extract we endeavour to select whatever is most clear from this incumbrance

O blessed thing of calm delight,
Art thou a phantom of the night,
That slumber'st by the lonely strand,
Dreaming of breezes from Fairy land?
Well, glorious creature, may'st thou lie,
Smiling on the refulgent sky,

For thy heart is calm and motionless,
And the stars shall view thee soon
Sailing in conscious blessedness,
Thou sister of the Moon,

And every garden of the deep,
And orb that shines above,

Shall see thee gliding swift as sleep,
In holiness and love!

Over the scarcely touched wave,
Along the homeless sea ;-

O world of waters, the peaceful grave
Ne'er lay entranced like thee!

The Moon hath bidden her radiance fall

On thy rainbow form and viewless wings, And the heavenly voice of the rocking sea, In everlasting melody,

To cheer the vision sings.

And well, loved vessel, may'st thou glide, Calm onward without breeze or tide, With steadfast and unaltered motion, Along the bright and starry ocean; For in thy bosom's inmost cells Some self-impelling spirit dwells, And thy majestic form is driven Along the slumbering sea, As on the peaceful soul of heaven, Unto Eternity.

Bright creature! harbinger of love,
In earth below, and heaven above,
How many an anxious eye at morn
Will look from the beach where thou wast

To mark thy stately form afar,
And hail the approach of the Morning Star 3:
And still their faith, with tranced eye,

Shall dwell upon the moonlight sky.
Then turn to the mellow sea beneath,
Serene and calm as heaven's own breath.

A lovelier vision one of these,
Than ever journeyed the moonlight seas,
I now behold upon the prow,
With eyes fixed on the wave below;
So beautiful and calm she seems,
As if her thoughts were heavenly dreams ?
And their shadows never, never stir,
One dark fond youth still clings to her,
Save that upon the heaving billow,
The robe of that most lovely thing.

Is moving like the gentle willow
Above some sainted spring!

And they are gone, the beauteous twain !
I look to the prow, but I look in vain !
For they are vanished into the deep,
In some dark central dome to sleep,
In some sweet coal-besprinkled cell,
In love, and peace, and joy to dwell;
And my soul devotes her music wild,
To one who is scarce an earthly child.
Softly they lean on each other's breast,
In holy bliss reposing,

Like two fair clouds to the vernal air
In folds of beauty closing.

The tear down their glad faces rolls,
And a silent prayer is in their souls;
And Faith who oft had lost her power,
In the darkness of the midnight hour,
When the planets had rolled afar,
Now stirs in their souls with a joyful strife,
Embued with a genial spirit of life
In the breast of the Morning Star.

O beauteous thing! thou seem'st to me
So full of love and harmony,
That thou bestow'st a loveliness,
A deeper, holier quietness,

On the moonlight heaven and ocean hoar
Than eye of Faith e'er viewed before.
Through the still fount of tears and sighs,
And human sensibilities,

Well may the moon delight to shed,
Her softest radiance round that head,
And mellow the coal and the ocean air,
That lifts by fits her sable hair.
These mild and melancholy eyes
Are dear unto the starry skies,
As the dim effusion of their rays

Blends with the glimmering light that plays
fer the blue heavens, and snowy clouds,
The cloud-like sails, and radiant shrouds.

We would also have extracted the "Stranded Ship," had our limits permitted.

Upon the whole, we cannot recommend to our author the prosecution of either imitation or parody; but would rather advise him, consulting his geBias, and somewhat refining his taste, to betake himself to original composition.



HAROLD the Dauntless, a Poem; by the author of "The Bridal of Trierman." Foolscap 8vo.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. VIII. part I. £.1. This part contains the following papers-1. On the Action of Transparent Bodies upon the differently coloured Rays of Light. By David Brewster, LL.D. F.R.S. Lon. & Ed. and F.A.S. Ed.-2. Description of a new Darkening Glass for Solar Observations, which has also the property of polarising the whole of the transmitted Light. By David Brewster, LL.D. F.R.S. Lond. & Edin. and F.A.S. Ed.-3. Observations on the Fire-Damp of Coal Mines; with a plan for lighting Mines, so as to guard against its Explosion. By John Murray, M.D. F.R.S. Ed. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edin. -4. On the lines that divide each semidiurnal Arc into six equal parts. By W. A. Cadell, Esq. F.R.S. Lond. and Edin.-5. On the Origin of Cremation, or the Burning of the Dead. By the Rev. John Jamieson, D.D. F.R.S. Edin. & F.A.S. E.-6. Additional Communications respecting the Blind and Deaf Boy, James Mitchell. By John Gordon, M.D. F.R.S. Edin.-7. On the Education of Jas. Mitchell, the young man born Blind and Deaf. By Henry Dewar, M.D. F.R.S. Edin.-8. On the Optical Properties of Muriate of Soda, Fluate of Lime, and the Diamond, as exhibited in their action upon Polarised Light. By David Brewster, LL.D. & F.R.S. Lond. & Edin. and F.A.S. Edin.9. On a new Optical and Mineralogical property of Calcareous Spar. By Lond. & Edin. and F.A.S. Edin.David Brewster, LL.D. & F.R.S. 10. On the Antient Geography of Central and Eastern Asia, with Illustrations derived from Recent Discoveries in the North of India. By Hugh Murray, Esq. F.R.S. Edin.11. An Analysis of Sea-Water; with Observations on the Analysis of SaltBrines. By John Murray, M.D. F.R.S. Edin.-12. Elementary Demonstration of the composition of Pres


sures. By Thomas Jackson, LL.D. F.R.S. Edin. and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of St Andrews 13. Account of the Remarkable Case of Margaret Lyall, who continued in a State of Sleep nearly Six Weeks. By the Reverend James Brewster, Minister of Craig 14. A General Formula for the Analysis of Mineral Waters. By John Murray, M.D. F.R.S. Edin.

Eccentricities for Edinburgh. By George Coleman, the younger. 12mo. Annals of Glasgow; containing an account of the Public Buildings, Charities, and the Rise and Progress of the City. 2 vols. 8vo. £.11.

The South American, a Metrical Tale. In four cantos. By James Scott Walker. 8vo. 5s. 6d.

A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with Modern Astronomy. By Thomas Chalmers, D.D., Minister of the Tron Church, Glasgow. 8vo. 8s.

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A NEW Periodical Paper has been undertaken in Edinburgh, under the appellation of the "Sale-Room." Four numbers have already appeared, and have excited considerable interest, as no work of that nature had appear. ed since the publication of the Mirror and Lounger.

land during the infancy of Queen Mary-2. The Siege of Leith3. The Rode of Sir William Drury into Scotland, 1570-4. The Siege of Edinburgh Castle-5. The Earl of Morton's Tragedie, 1581-with Historical Notes. By George Chalmers, Esq. F.R.S. &c.

Dr Irving has in the press an enlarged edition of the Memoirs of Buchanan. It will be embellished with an elegant portrait, engraved by Woolnoth; and the appendix will contain a considerable number of original papers.

In the course of the month may be expected an octavo volume, comprising, a Tour through Belgium along the Rhine, and through the North of France; in which an account is given of the civil and ecclesiastical polity of the kingdom of the Netherlands, and of the system of education; with remarks on the fine arts, commerce, and manufactures: by James Mitchell, M.A.

In the course of February will be published, Letters from the North Highlands, addressed to Miss Jane Porter, by Mr E. Spence, author of the Caledonian Sketches, &c.

Considerable progress is made by Mr Southey in the reprint of Morte d'Arthur, from the Caxton edition, in the possession of Earl Spencer, with an introduction and notes, tending to elucidate the history and bibliography of the work.

A weekly Newspaper, entitled the Mr William Daniell is commen"Scotsman," has just been commencing the third volume of his Pictuced, the first number of which appear- resque Voyage round Great Britain, ed on Saturday the 25th January.- which is published in monthly parts. It appears to aim at introducing literary and political discussion to an extent which has not usually been attempted by similar publications in this country. The first number appears to be written with spirit, and to have given general satisfaction.

Church-Yards' Chippes, concerning Scotland; containing the life of the author-1. The Wars of Scot

Biblical Criticism on the Books of the Old Testament, and Translations of Sacred Songs, with notes, critical and explanatory, by Samuel Horsley, LL.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. late Lord Bishop of St Asaph, is in considerable forwardness.

In the month of February may be expected, in octavo, the first volume of the Annual Obituary, containing


memoirs of those celebrated men who have died within the year (1816); neglected biography, with biographical notices and anecdotes, and original letters; an analysis of recent biographical works; and an alphabetical list of persons who have died within the British dominions.

Speedily will be published, an Inquiry into the effects of Spiritous Liquors upon the Physical and Moral Faculties of Man, and their influence upon the happiness of Society.

During the present month may be expected, from the pen of Mrs West, author of "Letters to a Young Man," &c. &c., Scriptural Essays, adapted to the Holydays of the Church of England; containing a commentary on the services, and reflections adapt ed to the present times.

Mr Utterson's Selection of early Popular Poetry, will be published in the course of the month, in two volumes, of the size as Retson's "Ancient Popular Poetry;" and, we understand, the impression is limited to two hundred and fifty copies.

The catalogue of the Easter Fair, at Leipsic, contained upwards of 1700 new works, and 800 translations, works in continuation, and improved editions.


tercepted, when it fell again, to near the middle of the eclipse; and, in proportion as the latter went off, resumed its former movement, rose steadily, and attained its maximum at nearly the same degree as the day before, though later in the afternoon.

A Venetian engineer has discovered the means of perfecting the mariner's compass. His discovery has been submitted to the examination of the Italian Institute, which has ap proved of the invention.

Mr G. O. Sym, as the result of some very ingenious experiments with wire-gauze on flame, has determined that all flame is a hollow film, or elliptical bubble, the surface of which is formed in the part all round where the volatilized vapour unites with the pabulum or oxygen of the atmosphere.

M.M. Geyser, of the canton of Berne, and now residing at La Chaux-de-Fonds, have exhibited to the Genevese Society for the advancement of the Arts, a wheel which seems to turn of itself, and of which the most skilful artists cannot discover the moving principle, which the artists keep a secret. The society admire the execution of the machine. Probably it is on a principle already announced in this Magazine, and in Blair's Grammar of Philosophy, which applies, as a moving power, the elasticity of the atmospheric air to an exhausted cavity, which, by the uni

NUFACTURES, CHEMISTRY, SCIENCE, form pressure, is made to turn out of


THAT accurate meteorologist, Mr Luke Howard, has circulated some observations on the effect of the late Solar Eclipse on the temperature of the day on which it occurred. It appears that the temperature on the day was falling, as is ve commonly the case, before sun-rise; presently after which, it began to rise. This effect continued until a considerable portion of the sun's rays became in

the centre of the mass.

Dr Rochie has published a simple method of rendering rape oil equal to spermaceti oil, for the purposes of illumination. He began by washing the oil with spring water; which is effected by agitating the oil violently with a sixth part of the water. This separates the particles of the oil, and commixes those of the water intimately with them. After this operation, it looks like the yolks of eggs beat up.-In less than forty-eight hours


they separate completely, the oil swimming at top, the water with all feculent and extraneous particles subsiding at the bottom. He improved much on this, by substituting sea-water in the place of fresh water. He tried whether fresh water, impregnated with salt, may not do as well as sea water; but found the light not so bright, and of a reddish cast. The oil which he has washed is rage-oil, for which he is charged 4s. 4d. ■ gallon: it gives no bad smell, and, when burning close to the spermaceti oil, is not to be distinguished from it.

A spring has been discovered near the little town of Kusow, in the circle of Lublin, which belonged to the late Polish minister of state, 'Count Polocki; the waters may be compared to those of Pyrmont. This discovery is of importance to Poland, as there are but two mineral springs hitherto known in the kingdom, viz. at Kizeszowric and at Nalanczew; the first is sulphurous, and the latter chalybeate.

A series of experiments has lately been made on flame and inflammation by Sir H. Davy, which offer very interesting results in this part of chemical knowledge. The results obtained by diluting explosive mixtures with other gases are likewise interesting. Details of these experiments, and the practical inferences to be drawn from them, will, we believe, shortly be laid before the Royal Society.

The wire gauze safety lamp has now been in general use in almost all the northern mines infested with firedamp, for eight months, without a single failure; not a square inch of skin, according to the expression of the gentleman most actively concerned in the collieries, has been lost du

ring that time in the parts of the mines where they have been used.

Where a very strong light is required in collieries, a large wick may be used, and the cylinder be from 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter. Sir H. Davy has found that a glass cylinder placed within, above the wick, as in the Liverpool lamp, makes it burn with great brightness, and when the fire-damp is explosive, causes it to give light instead of the wick.


The proprietor of the Washington Museum advertises for public view the female mummy recently discovered in the great salt-petre cave. appears to have been about five feet eight inches high, and of the most delicate and elegant symmetry. The bair is still on her head, some of her teeth remain, and the nails of her fingers and toes are perfect. In all probability she is as ancient as the immense mounds of the western country, which have so much astonished the world.

At Epelsheim, near Alzey, in digging for sand, there was lately found the skeleton of a rhinoceros, above 15 feet under ground, on a bed of stone, and covered in sand; a large tooth was found, the form of which shewed it belonged to some foreign animal.The place was examined, and they found, as was expected, the bones of an immense animal. Only pieces could be got out, because they easily broke, but when brought into the air turned as hard as stone. At last they found the point of the horn broken lengthways, rounded at the top, by frequent whetting while the animal was living.

Dr Green, of Drogheda, has discovered that one or more table-spoonfuls of oil of turpentine removes obstinate obstructions of the bowels.


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