300 Spaniards, made 300 prisoners, and captured 560 muskets, and a large quantity of military stores. On the other hand, it appears that the Spanish squadron had taken three armed galleys belonging to the patriots at Chignana, after considerable re sistance. Accounts from Barbadoes, though of no later date than the 28th September, nevertheless furnish one important fact, viz. that the Government of Santa Fe, whose Members had first retreated to the province of Antiochia, after the advance of Morillo, had subsequently established itself at Popayan, where, on the 3d June last, it was in the full exercise of power, not only over that district, but also the province of Choco, down as far as the Pacific. This circumstance, in direct contradiction to every thing contained in the official details of the Spanish Chiefs, holds out a hope that the kingdom of New Granada will soon be able to free itself through the aid of Venezuela, as it is evidently the intention of the patriots of the latter place to march to its relief, as soon as they have put the seal to their own freedom. The existence of the Santa Fe Government in Popayan, will also serve as a valuable diversion in favour of Buenos Ayres, as the attention of the Viceroy of Lima will be urgently called towards Quito. According to letters received from Buenos Ayres, there has been some fighting on the Portuguese frontiers, between the Spaniards under Artigas, and the Brazilian troops, in consequence of which many were killed and wounded. It does not appear that the affair is to be considered as the commencement of regular hostilities between the Portuguese and the independents; for it has been known, that for some time past both parties have been making incursions on each other, for the purpose of carrying away cattle, and for procuring other booty; and that such acts of depredation generally produced a retaliation in the injured party: in consequence of which several severe conflicts have already taken place. The conteat alluded to in the above-mentioned letters is considered likely to have been of this description. The latest accounts from Peru, state, that the Patriot army was daily augmenting, and occupied Santa Cruz, Cochambama, and Formana. The Royalist forces occupied Potosi. General St Martin, at the head of a Patriot army of 4000 men, was at Mendoza, at the foot of the Andes, wait ing for a favourable season to march across the Cordilleras, to attack Santiago, the capital of Chili. An Amazon lady, near La Piata, 11 leagues eastward of Chuguira, in an action that took place in July, took the January 1817. Royalist standard with her own hand. This lady is the wife of Commandant Don Manuel Aslanis Padella, and is accompanied by several other ladies, who have distinguished themselves by their military skill. A proclamation, by Dr Herrera, in the name of the Mexican republic, states the flourishing condition of South American affairs, and promising that, in a short time, the flag of Spain will float no longer on the Gulf of Mexico. Commerce is to be on the most liberal terms with foreign nations. It is to be open to all the world, under a system founded on principles of equity. Sir Gregor M'Gregor, who has so distinguished himself in the cause of South Ame. rican independence, is the son of the late Captain Daniel M'Gregor, of Inverarderan, near Killin, in Breadalbane, a very amiable man, and long an officer in India. His mother was eldest daughter of the late Dr Adam Austin, a physician of great respectability in Edinburgh, and of the honourable Ann Sempill, daughter of the late Lord Sempill, by both of whom he is nearly related to many of the first families in England. Sir Gregor is under thirty years of age. He served as captain with the British army in Spain, became colonel in the Spanish service, had a Spanish order of knighthood conferred upon him, and was allowed by the Prince Regent to assume the title in this country. In Spain he fought to free a patriotic people from a tyrannical usurpation; but when he saw the beloved monarch, whom his courage had assisted to restore to the Spanish throne, reward the friends of liberty with dungeons and death, he indignantly resolved to join the party in Ame. rica, who are endeavouring to emancipate themselves from the oppressions of the mother country. From Scotland he set out on his chivalrous expedition with a retinue in every respect suited to a chieftain's state. Sir Gregor, to considerable talent, and perhaps more enthusiasm, adds rather superior literary attainments; and among his camp equipment has not forgotten to include a library of the most choice and valuable books. EAST INDIES. The latest accounts from Bengal announce the intended departure of the Governor-General for the Upper Provinces, for the purpose of affording the necessary protection to the Rajah of Jeypore, whose country was in a continual state of alarm, from the predatory incursions of those barbarous frecbooters, the Pindaries, and subject to demands of large sums of money from other powers, which he was not in equal strength te to oppose. The resolution of Government, it was supposed by many, would bring on a war with the Mahrattas and Scindia. Advices have been received by Government from China, to the end of July. Lord Amherst had arrived at Macao, after a tedious passage of nearly six months. On his arrival he received the pleasing intelligence (as it was believed at the India House that he would not be very favourably received,) that the Emperor had signified his pleasure that the embassy should be received with every possible distinction. Lord Amherst departed from Macao for the Yellow Sea on the 16th July. Bombay papers reached us to the middle of September. They do not supply any new details of the operations of the Indian chiefs against each other. The only article of a hostile nature they furnish relates to the Company's cruizers employed to the eastward. On the 5th of April the boats of the Ternate cruizer attacked and drove on shore, off Tenette river, two war prows, mounting four rantacks each, and full of men; on which service acting Lieutenant Kinchant, a very promising officer, was killed. On the 7th of June Captain Eatwell, at the request of the Resident, landed a body of seamen and marines from the cruizers Teignmouth and Benares, consisting of 115 men, and proceeded with them to Maros, the latter vessel being left as a guard ship at Macassar, all the disposable force having been withdrawn from the fort. The Teignmouth was stationed off Maros river, and the Ternate off Tinoritty, to alarm the coast and deter the chiefs from reinforcing the enemy near Maros. The position occupied by the enemy was about eight miles from Maros, at the entrance of a strong pass leading to the hills where they were intrenched in 15 strong redoubts. On the morning of the 8th our force proceeded to the attack, ac cording to the disposition made by Major Dalton, the resident, the seamen being at tached to the battering guns, and the marines incorporated with the troops. The attack commenced at day-light and continued until four in the afternoon, when the enemy, after a most desperate resistance, was driven with great loss from the whole of his intrenchments: our loss on this occasion is very considerable, being 74 killed and wounded. The enemy's force was estimated at 2000 men, while that of Major Dalton only amounted to 350 rank and file, exclusive of the seamen and marines. The Commander-in chief of the Boni's forces, Datoc Chita, with two other chiefs, were killed; and their loss is computed at 500 men killed and wounded. WEST INDIES. By accounts from Barbadoes to the 5th Nov. inclusive, we are informed, that after the lamented death of Sir James Leith, the Hon. John Spooner was sworn in as President and Commander in Chief of the island. On the 5th Nov. he met the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes, and in an address to them paid a warm and merited tribute to the memory of the late Governor, and concluded by submitting to the consideration of the Court and House of Assembly, "whether it would not be proper to consolidate the slave laws into one system, which will correct the licentiousness of the slaves, and at the same time increase their comforts, give them a summary relief against cruelty and oppression, and moreover instil into their minds principles of morality and religion." Jamaica papers, received to the 1st ult. contain the proceedings of the House of Assembly to that date. After much debate, and divisions on every clause and on every stage, a bill for a more particular return of slaves was passed by a majority of 11. Haytian Royal Gazettes, to the 28th of October, notice the circumstance of the King of France having lately sent out two vessels of war, the commanders of which were instructed to make proposals to the people of St Domingo to return under the Government of France. These missionaries did not, however, deem it prudent to enter the port of Cape Henry, but stood off and on several days, until they met a vessel from New York, which they boarded, and prevailed on the captain and supercargo to carry in two letters to the Cape, explanatory of the nature of the proposals of the French Government. The Duke of Marmalade having come down to the fort to receive the letters " nothing (says the Royal Gazette,) can express the astonishment and indignation of his Grace, when he perceived the insolent superscription of these papers, which, instead of being most respectfully addressed to Hayti,' were only directed to his Majesty the King of the General Christophe, at Cape Francois.'" The Duke was highly incensed at the indignity offered his Majesty, and returned the letters unopened to the Americans, who, perceiving the temper of the Minister, made off with all speed, and their pace was not slackened by the circumstance of crowds of blacks being observed to hasten to the spot from different quarters. ، • Monsieur We have received what is called the revived Constitution of Hayti, comprehended in eleven articles, which are subdivided into upwards of two hundred sections. The pre preamble is this: The Haytian people proclaim, in the presence of the Supreme Being, the Constitution of the Republic of Hayti, in order to consecrate their liberty and independence for ever. Article 1. Declares, that slaves cannot exist in the territory of the Republic, and that slavery here is for ever abolished. 2. Relates to the territory. 3. Refers to the political condition of citizens. 4. Respects religion and morality, determining that the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion being that of all Haytians, is the religion of the State, and shall be especially protected, as well as its Ministers. And further, it is provided that every other religious worship is tolerated. 6. Adjusts the legislative power, which is lodged in a House of Representatives and Senate. 6. Regulates the promulgation of laws. 7. Settles the executive authority, which is delegated to a Magistrate, who assumes the title of the President of Hayti. The Government is elective, and every citizen is eligible to the Presidency. 8. Forms the judicial power. The remaining articles advert to agriculture and commerce, and regulate the duties which are to constitute the revenue of the State. FRANCE. Credit and confidence in this country are of late acquiring more stability; which is ascribed to the passing of some new laws in the Chambers, but more particularly to the Government having been able to negociate a foreign loan of twelve millions sterling. The houses of Baring in London, Hope in Amsterdam, and Parish and Co. in Hamburgh, are said to be the contractors for the loans, and it is understood they have no guarantee for repayment from any other besides the French Government. The most important of the laws recently passed by the French legislature is that respecting the election of representatives. On this subject, the Ministers proposed that every Frenchman, being 30 years of age, and paying 300 francs, direct contribution, shall vote directly for the representative of the department. The other party wished to make the election proceed by two stages, the people chusing a body of Electors, with whom is vested the privilege of making the final return to the Chamber. The 7th article, which provides that there shall be but one electoral college in each department, excited a long and eager discussion. At last the question was put, whether the elections shall be by one or two stages? on which the Ministers moved the previous question, which was carried by a majority of 118 to 100. This article was then put and carried in its original form. When the Chamber proceeded to vote definitively on the whole law, there were 132 in favour of it, and 100 against it; so that the majority of the Ministers has increased since the last trial of strength between the two parties. The next in importance are the laws respecting the liberty of individuals, and of the press. The first project vests with the executive the power of detaining all suspected persons, and of confining them in prison. The second provides that no news. paper or other periodical work can be published without the King's authority. These laws are to expire on the Ist January 1818. The report from the Commission relative to individual liberty contains a general view of the internal state of France. Religion, it is said, resumes her empire slowly; and though the Revolutionary doctrines have fallen into disgrace, their place has not been supplied by sounder principles. Numbers of individuals are without employ, and consequently discontented. Industry languishes, and, it is intimated, that events have de stroyed those calculations by which it was expected that the country would support an increase of 300 millions of taxes. In conclusion, it is recommended, that Government should have a police of great authority; and that Constitutional rights should be suspended, for a time, in order to prevent greater evils. This law was passed, with most of the amendments proposed by the Commission, to which it was referred by a majority of 44. In the course of the debate some questions were asked respecting the number of persons detained by the police, when it was asserted by the ministerial speakers, that they never amounted to more than 319. The exiled and those under surveillance were stated at 1380. The Chamber of Deputies was occupied on the 24th ult. in considering the project of the law for enabling ecclesiastical establishments to receive property by donation or devize, or to make purchases of real property and rents. The object of this law is to give the church the power of acquiring its former possessions, or of receiving such bequests as may be bestowed upon it from motives of piety or superstition. The law experienced but little opposition, and after some trifling amendments were proposed and rejected, the original measure was adopted by a majority of 169 to 29. The king has by a royal ordinance, found. ed a new seminary of superstition at St Denis, under the title of a Royal Chapter of Canons. It is to consist of 34 canons, who are are to perform nine masses for the dead daily; viz. three for each of the three dynasties of the French monarchy. They will also daily say vespers for the dead; and the service to be read will be consecrated exclusively to prayers for the souls of all the illustrious dead, whose remains are deposited in that church. General Savary (Duke of Rovigo) has been tried in his absence, and condemned to death. Previous to the commencement of the trial, the Duchess of Rovigo entered the Court, attended by her two daughters, and presented a memorial, denying that her husband had held any correspondence with the Isle of Elba, and that so far had he been from receiving any marks of Napoleon's favour, he had actually experienced a disgrace, and had refused the command of the army of the west, solely because he would not fight against the French. After the reading of the memorial, the lady withdrew, and her husband was found guilty of high treason towards the King, and condemned to death and the payment of costs. General Vandamme, who has resided for some months at Ghent, was arrested there on the 3d, and conveyed to Brussels, which place he left on the 4th, under an escort to Prussia. His arrest is said to have taken place in consequence of an application for that purpose made to the Government of the Netherlands. Marshal Lefebvre, Duke of Dantzic, who was one of the most devoted adherents of the Ex-Emperor, has been presented to the King, when his Marshal's staff was restored to him. Talleyrand has addressed a letter to Lord Castlereagh, denying, explicitly, that any such language had been used by him to the French Minister, at the entertainment given by Sir Charles Stuart, as that detailed in the English newspapers, and which first appeared in a private letter from Paris, inserted in the Courier. It will be observed, that we allude to that conversation (see last Vol. page 944,) the result of which was, that a note was written to M. Talleyrand by the Duc de Chatre, signifying that he need not again present himself at Court. ever, that his most Catholic Majesty is ap. pealing to the other Sovereigns of Europe, against this act of friendship on the part of his most faithful Majesty; but most people think that neither monarch need make himself very uneasy on the subject, the possession is of so very precarious a tenure. If the revolutionists ultimately prevail, they have now a good pretence for attempting to add the Brazils to the republic of the river Plata. RUSSIA. The Emperor Alexander has issued an ukase, rendering the male population of Poland, with few exceptions, liable to the military conscriptions, from 20 to 30 years of age. By a royal order, his Majesty has suppressed, both in Poland and Russia, the impost known by the name of Jus Gabel la, and that property, whether acquired by purchase or descent, shall be freely conveyed to Russian subjects in the kingdom of Poland, and to Polish subjects in the empire of Russia. - Travelling and the post in the Russian empire are about to be modelled on the system prevalent over the more civilized parts of Europe. The harvest throughout that vast region has been most abundant.-A letter from St Petersburgh says, that the season was extremely mild; that on the 15th November, even the Neva was free from ice, and that there was at present in no place in that neighbourhood any interruption to the transmission by water. GERMANY. From the German papers we learn, that by the new regulations in the Prussian dominions, heavy taxes are to be imposed upon English goods, while the manufactures of other countries are to be subject to smaller duties. The continental system still continues to operate against Britain. Germany is overstocked with manufacturers whom that system created; and this invidious conduct towards England is, because she is the only hation with the manufacturers of which they as yet dread a competition. ITALY. The King of Naples has issued a decree, dated Dec. 12, confirming and granting great constitutional privileges to the Sicilians. All employments, civil and military, in Sicily, are to be conferred exclusively on Sicilians. Sicilian subjects to be admitted to dignities in the kingdom of the two Sicilies, in proportion to the population of the island: sland; that population being a fourth, one fourth of the council of state, &c. to be Sicilians. The abolition of feudal rights is to be maintained in Sicily, as in the other states of the kingdom. When the King resides in Sicily, a prince of the royal family, or other person of distinction, is to be appointed governor of Naples, &c. The permanent expenses of the state to be found yearly, but this annual part can never exceed the sum of 147,687 ounces, and 20 tari, which was fixed in 1813, by the parliament, as the certain revenue of Sicily. No greater sum is to be imposed without the consent of parliament. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. TRIAL OF THE LONDON RIOTERS. Every search for the younger Watson, ne of the principals in the riots of the 2d December, has proved fruitless. He has been indicted for shooting Mr Platt, and, failing to appear, has been outlawed. Mr Platt is getting better, but will never fully Tecover the effects of the shot. The trials of the other individuals concerned in the riots took place at the Old Bailey on the 20th and 21st current. Cashman, an Irish sailor; Hooper, Treasurer of the Spa-fields Committee; Gamble, Carpenter, and Gunnell, were indicted for having attacked the shop of Mr Beckwith, the fun-smith, in Skinner-street, and plundered it of guns, pistols, &c. to the amount of me hundred pounds. Mr Beckwith, in his evidence, stated the amount of his loss to have been £.1,341. The trials lasted from ten o'clock till a few minutes after for; when the Jury retired, and having Celaberated for two hours and a half, they Fund Cashman Guilty, and the other four Not Guilty. The Recorder, however, ordered the four men to be detained, that they might be tried for the misdemeanor.--The talerest excited by the expectation of these trials caused the Court to be filled at a very early hour. On the Bench were the Lord Mayor, Mr Justice Burrough, and Mr Justice Parke, the latter of whom tried the prisoners. The elder Watson was arraigned in an ictment charging him with having felosly cut and stabbed Joseph Rhodes, *ch intent to murder; and, by a second cant, with having committed the assault in intent to do the said Rhodes some boGiy injury. His trial, however, was postJanned until the 21st, when, on his being put the bar, Mr Gurney said, that after the "est minute enquiry, his Majesty's Law icers had ascertained that the wounds cribed as being inflicted by the prisoner, had been inflicted in the scuffle between him and the two persons into whose charge he had been given; but whether they had been wilfully or maliciously giver, those persons could not state. -Mr Justice Park, under these circumstances, was of opinion, that the offence imputed to the prisoner could not be supported; inasmuch, as if death had ensued in consequence of this violence, the crime of which he would be guilty, would be Manslaughter, and not Murder. The prisoner was therefore entitled to an acquittal. Mr Justice Burrough was of the same opinion. The Jury then acquitted the prisoner. On the verdict of acquittal being pronounced, several persons in the Galleries and other parts of the Court clapped loudly. The Sheriff was called, and it quickly stopped. Mr Justice Park immediately said, Who ever I may see guilty of such indecorum I shall immediately commit. There is no triumph; the Law of England will always protect the innocent, and where even there may be suspicion of guilt, if there be not legal proof, that law will throw its protecting shield around the accused. There is therefore no triumph here, and whoever is observed guilty of such an infringement of the solemnity of the Court shall be instantly committed. Mr Watson's counsel now applied for his discharge, which Mr Justice l'ark refused. He was then committed to stand trial for a misdemeanor. On the 22d the Grand Jury of Middlesex returned a true bill against James Watson the elder, James Watson the younger, John Hooper, Thomas Preston, and Thomas Cashman, on a charge of conspiracy and riot. This indictment will be traversed until next sessions. MEETINGS FOR PARLIAMENTARY The questions of a reform in the House of Commons, abolition of sinecures and useless pensions, and an abridgement of the national expenditure, have been of late much agitated throughout the United Kingdom, and numerous meetings have been held to petition the legislature on these subjects. The proceedings on these occasions have been so very similar, that to detail them would present no novelty to our readers; but the reformers in London appear to differ somewhat from those of the country re garding the measure of Parliamentary Reform. A select meeting of gentlemen professing themselves independent of all parties, and friendly |