Brougham, Mr, altercation -between him and Lord Cochrane, 224-5--- His mo- #tion on the distresses of the country, 384-and on the state of the nation, 567 Burdett, Sir Francis, speech of on the subject of Parlia- mentary reform, 223-De- precates the arbitrary mea- sures of ministers, 302- His motion for Parliament- ary reform negatived, 551 Castlereagh, Lord, proposes suspension of Habeas Cor- pus act, and other mea- --sures of restraint, 301, 559 -High words between him and Mr Bennet, 304 Catholic claims, statements of Earl Donoughmore re. specting, 457
Cleary, T, secretary of Lon- don Union Society, com- plains of the report of the Lords' secret committee, - 218
COMMONS, HOUSE of, ad- dress in answer to Regent's ¡ speech, 140 Examine Lord James Murray on an attack on the Prince Re- gent's state carriage, 142— Address the Prince on the subject, 143-Secret Com- mittee on the state of the country, 147-Committee to consider of retrench- ment, 222-Discussions on petitions for reform, &c. ib. 224-Report of Secret Com- mittee, 226-Pass Habeas Corpus suspension act, 307 -And bills for preventing seditious meetings, &c. 380,
AFRICA, accounts from the expedition to the Niger, 388-and from a traveller in Nubia, 569
America North, United States of, President Madison's speech to Congress, 59- Revenue and expenditure of, 150-Mr Monroe elect. ed President of, 230-Ac- counts of French emigrants in, ib. 570-Inauguration of Mr Monroe, 309 America, South, Royalists
386-Reject motion for a reform in Parliament, 551 -Budget, 558 — Discus- ⚫sions on farther suspension of Habeas Corpus act, 559, 562
Erskine, Lord, argument of, against seditious meetings bill, 377
Glasgow, treasonable oath alledged to be administered in, 304- Petitions from ⚫ persons arrested in, 459,548 Grenfell, Mr, his motion for inquiring into the profis of the bank rejected, 227 Grosvenor, Earl, his motion for abolishing sinecures ne- gatived, 298
Habeas Corpus act suspend- ⚫ed, 297, 562
Holland, Lord, complains of the harsh treatment of Bo- naparte, 299
London, petition of the Liv- ery of, for reform and re- trenchment, 218
LORDS, HOUSE of, Message 1of the Prince Regent, on certain conspiracies in the country, referred to a secret committee, 138-House addresses the Regent on an attack made on his car- riage, ib. Reports of Se- cret Committee, 217, 538 -Pass Habeas Corpus sus- pension act, 297, 541- Reject motion for abolish- ing sinecures, 298 — and one for a Committee on the claims of the Roman Catho- lics, 537-Speech of Re- gent on prorogation of par- liament, 542
Historical Affairs.
on Spanish Main defeated by the patriots headed by a Scotsman, 64-An Ama- zon lady at the head of the patriots of Peru, 65– Monte Video taken by the Brazilian Portuguese troops, 68, 388-Success of the revolutionists in Mexico, 231-Revolution in Per- nambuco, 461- and in Chili, 463-Royal authori- ty restored in Pernambuco, 571
Poor Laws, Committee Commons appointed to revise them, 228 Prince Regent, his speech on opening Parliament, 137– attacked by a mob while proceeding to Parliament, 141-Speech on preregning it, 542
Reform in Parliament, peti- tion in favour of, 145, 148, 222, 224, 380, 381, 383, 459
Ryan, Mary, distressing case of, 548
Seditious practices, message from the Regent respect ing, 138 Report of Lord' Committee on, 217-and of the Commons, 226 Shop Tax, petition of Le don merchants against, ??i Speaker of the House Commons resigns his office, 551-Commons vote thanks to, 552
Spies of Government, dis cussions respecting, 555
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in the Isle of Man, 390 Domingo, St, attempt of Louis XVIII. to recover it fails, 66-New Consti- tution of Hayti, ib. Earthquake at Charleston, North America, 230 Emigrations from Germany to America, 311, 466 England, disturbances in the , midland counties of, 467 Fire-damp, dreadful explo- sion of, near Newcastle, 574 France, borrows twelve mil- lions in England, &c. 67- Legislature proceedings in, ib. 232-Army of occupa tion reduced one fifth, 151 -Finances of, ib.-Talley- rand restored to favour at Court, 232- Arrests for treasonable practices at Bourdeaux, 389-Discov- ery of a plot at Paris to destroy the Royal Family, ib.-Arrests in Paris, 390
attempt at insurrection in the South, 465-Distur- bances on account of the dearth of provisions, ib. Germany, jealousy of British commerce in, 68-Nume- rous emigrations from, 311 466-Violent storms in, ib. -Emperor of Austria pro- hibits bible societies in his 'dominions, 466 - Account of a fanatical sect in, 573 Gold Coinage, issue of a new one in Britain, 575 Gregor M'Gregor, a Scots- man, heads the Patriots of the Spanish Main, and de- feats the Royalists in seve
ral actions, 64-Biographi- cal notice of, 65
Indies, East, accounts from, 148 Destructive fire in the isle of France, 149- Quarrels of the Petty Sove- reigns of, 229-Ravages of the Pindarees, 387- Their defeat, 388-and ex- pulsion from the Company's territories, 461
Ireland, meetings for reform in, 70-Petition of Catho- lics of, ib.--Disturbances in, on account of dearth, 468
Italy, modification of the inquisition in, 151-Bull of the Pope against bible societies, 390
Manchester, tumultuous as- sembly at, 232-Meditated insurrection in defeated, 312
Massena, the French Mar- shal, dies at Paris, 311 Moorish privateers captured in the North Sea, 390 Northumberland, death of the Duke of, 575 New South Wales, interest- ing intelligence from, 57— Flourishing state of the co- lony, 308-Discoveries in Van Dieman's Land, ib. New Zealand, dreadful mas- sacre of a ships' crew by the natives of, 58 Pernambuco, revolution in, 461-defeated, 571 Persia, applies for permis- sion to take British officers into pay, 229 Poland, military conscription in, 68
Ponsonby, Mr, death of, 575 the Pope, issues a bill a-
gainst bible societies, 390 Portugal, conspiracy disco- vered at Lisbon, and de- feated, 464-farther parti- culars of, 512
Reform of Parliament, meet- ings throughout Britain to petition for, 69
Rioters in London tried, and one of them condemned, 69
Russia, Emperor of, remon strates with France for not acknowledging Bernadotte, 152-Decree of the Empe- ror in favour of dissenters from the Greek Church, 390-Population of, 573 Shipwreck, melancholy cases of, 70
Sicily, liberal decree of the King of Naples in favour of, 68
Sierra Leone, accounts from, 569 South Wales, New See New South Wales Spain, insurrection in Val- encia, 231-Plot to re-es- tablish the Cortes, in Bar- celona, 310, 389-Mutiny of troops at Cadiz, 310- Insurrection in Catalonia, 389, 465-Naval arsenal near Cadiz burned by in- cendiaries, 465-Finances of, 572 Steam-boat, dreadful explo- sion of one in England, 312 Storms, violent ones in Ger- many, 311
Sweden, conspiracy against the Crown Prince at Stock- holm, 309 Treason, trials for, in Lon- don, 467
Turkey, changes of the mi- nistry in, 389-Fire in Constantinople, ib. Vandamme, General, arrest- ed at Ghent, 68 Warsaw, a university order- 'ed to be founded in, 152 Watson, Dr, senior, tried at the Old Bailey for assault and wounding, and ac- quitted, 69-Arrested with four others on charges of high treason, 152 — tried again, and acquitted, 467 junior, escapes to America, 312 Westminster, electors of, pe- tition for the removal of Ministers, 311 Wooller, T. J., trial of for libel, 466
ABERDEEN, bankrupt state of the Burgh of, 236 Accidents-At Glasgow,236
Extraordinary one at Paisley, 316 Ludicrous one near Edinburgh, 396 -Fatal one in Glasgow, 475 and at Pennycuick, 476-melancholy one in the river Nith, 579-at Hamilton, ib.-Distressing one in the Clyde, 579 Assault, atrocious case of, 392
Atrocious case in the Justi- ciary Court, 578 Blair, the late Dr Hugh, monument to, in Gray- friars' churchyard, 155 Blue Gowns, anecdote of, 578
Campbell, Jean, a deaf and dumb woman, singular case of, 576 Catrastrophe, melancholyone in Ayrshire, 581
Circuit Intelligence, 391,472 College of Edinburgh, deci-
sion of the competition plans, 76
Cottage Tax, memorial from Glasgow and Paisley a. gainst it, 77 Cunynghame, Colonel, mo- nument to, in Kirkmichael churchyard, 318 Depravity, juvenile, case of,
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his second indictment, 395, 478 Is set at liberty, 578 Edinburgh, visit of the Rus. sian Prince Nicholas to it, 74 Subscriptions for re- lief of the labouring poor in, 77. Institution for lighting it with gas, 314- Improvement of, 476, 581 Emigrations from Scotland, 395, 396, 477, 580 Execution of Larg and Mit- chell at Perth, 237 - of M'Kay at Glasgow, 476 Fiars of Edinburghshire, crop 1916, 238 Fife, Earl, decision of the Jury Court in favour of, 234
Forfar, prison of, broken, 314
Funeral of a Highland Chief- tain, 476 Gas Lights, institution for introducing them into E- dinburgh, 314
General Assembly, proceed- ings of, 469
Glasgow, arrest of persons for treasonable practices in, 235-eleven of them sent to Edinburgh, ib.-set at liberty, 578
Golfing, match at, in Mon- trose, 476 Hurricane, violent one in Perthshire, 157 Inverness, whipping of a woman there, 315 Jury Court, proceedings in, 154, 234 Justiciary, High Court of, proceedings in, 71-Trial for rape, 72-for assault, 73-for falsehood & fraud, 74--for robbery, 153-for forgery, 154, 575-for per- jury, 154-for theft, &c. 233-mobbing in Dundee, 234 Sedition, 313-ad- ministering unlawful oaths, ib. 395, 472, 577-Singu- lar trial of a deaf and dumb woman, 575—of a chim- ney-sweeper for murder, 578
eaths, 313-pleadings on Labouring poor, subscrip-
tions throughout the coun- try for their relief, 77 Loss of a fishing boat near Arbroath, 315
Lothian, Marquis of, elected a representative Peer of Scotland, 316
M'Kinlay, Andrew, indicted for administering unlawful oaths, 472-tried and ac- quitted, 577
M'Laren and Baird, tried for sedition, and imprison- ed, 313 Montrose, disfranchisement of the burgh of, 475 Morris, John, stands the pillory in Edinburgh, 237 Natural curiosity discovered near Kilmaurs, 155 Nautical expedition, exam- ple of, 578 Otter, desperate affray with one, 578
Outrage in Edinburgh, mal- treatment of the public ex- ecutioner, 237 — animad- versions on it in the High Court of Justiciary, 313 Perth, attempt to break the prison there, 315 Pugilistic match near Edin- burgh, 237
Rae, Joseph, trial of for murder, 578
Rains, extensive damage done by, 156
Rape, alledged one near Glasgow, 396
Robbery on the highway near Dalkeith, 77 Russian Prince Nicholas vi. sits Edinburgh, 74—and is magnificently entertained by the Magistrates, 75 "Shipwreck at Inchkeith, 396
Shocking occurrence on Leith Walk, 77 Shop-Tax, decision of the Court of Exchequer, re- specting, 76
Singular occurrence at Stock- bridge, 314
Smuggling, fatal consequen- ces of at Whitby, and at Arran, 315 Solicitor-general, accused of tampering
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