THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, AND Edinburgh LITERARY MISCELLANY: BEING A General Repository OF LITERATURE, HISTORY, AND POLITICS, FOR 1817. Ne quid falsi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat. THE SCOTS MAGAZINE was begun in 1739, and has been continued, without interruption, during the seventy-eight years which have since elapsed. In forms now a record of Scotish Literature and History, during that long period, the value of which is so universally acknowledged, as to render all panegyric superfluous. For some time past, however, it has been strongly pressed on the Proprietors, from various quarters, that, in order more fully to adapt it to the taste of the times, a considerable enlargement of plan was become necessary, and that it ought to receive some improvements in typography and appearance. The Proprietors felt some hesitation in making any change upon the plan of a work so long established; but the ample and highly respectable assurances which they have. received, both of regular support, and of occasional contributions in the event of such a change, have at length determined them to enter with spirit and zeal upon the execution of the improvements sug gested. The Proprietors, therefore, beg to intimate, that the present series closes with the Number for July; and that the Number for August forms the first of a new series, upon a plan greatly enlarged and improved, and which will combine, with the objects hitherto treated in the SCOTS MAGAZINE, a variety of others, which the narrower limits of that Miscellany did not permit to embrace. To form a repository for the short and occasional productions of men of genius-to draw illustrations of the manners, history, and antiquities of Scotland, from mines yet unexhausted or unexploredto record the remarkable occurrences of the Republic of Letters, including an obituary of its eminent characters-to illustrate the pro(RECAP) 645895 AC |