Transactions, Volume 22

The Society, 1900
List of members in each vol.

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Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 70 - Monday for wealth ; Tuesday for health ; Wednesday the best day of all ; Thursday for crosses ; Friday for losses ; Saturday no luck at all.
Page 193 - That would not be a religious act,' said her people. But they were murderously assailed. At this time the cleric was at mass. ' Let us have respite till mass is ended,' said Donnan. ' Thou shalt have it,' said they. And when it was over, they were slain every one of them...
Page 263 - There is a design on foot to print the originals as soon as the translator shall have time to transcribe them for the press ; and if this publication shall not take place, copies will then be deposited in one of the public libraries, to prevent so ancient a monument of genius from being lost.
Page 293 - And great is the blindness and darkness of sin and ignorance and of understanding among composers and writers and supporters of the Gaelic, in that they prefer and practise the framing of vain, hurtful, lying, earthly stories about the Tuath de...
Page 258 - The sons of future years shall pass away. Another race shall arise. The people are like the waves of ocean: like the leaves of woody Morven, they pass away in the rustling blast, and other leaves lift their green heads on high.
Page 193 - With the festival of Peter the Deacon To glorious martyrdom ascended, With his clerics, of pure lives, Donnan of cold Eig." " Donnan of Eig, ie, Eig is the name of an island which is in Alba, and in it Donnan is [commemorated] ; or, in Catt ; ' et ibi Donnan sanctus cum sua familia obiit, id est LII.
Page 52 - The eyes of all hope in thee, O Lord, and thou givest them meat in due season.
Page 258 - Did thy beauty last, 0 Ryno ? Stood the strength of car-borne Oscar ! Fingal himself departed ! The halls of his fathers forgot his steps. Shalt thou then remain, thou aged bard, when the mighty have failed ? But my fame shall remain, and grow like the oak of Morven ; which lifts its broad head to the storm, and rejoices in the course of the wind...
Page 299 - It is the shield of war, said Ronnar ! the spear of Cuthullin, said Lugar ! son of the sea put on thy arms ! Calmar, lift thy sounding steel! Puno! dreadful hero, arise! Cairbar from thy red tree of Cromla ! Bend thy knee, O Eth ! descend from the streams of Lena. Ca-olt stretch thy side as thou movest along the whistling heath of Mora...
Page 262 - D. Campbell, 1862; JF Campbell. 1862; WF Skene, 1862 ; E. Waag, 1863 ; Th. Pattison, 1866 : Arch. M'Neil, 1868 ; A. Ebrard, 1868-70 ; Arch. Clerk, 1870 ; PH Waddell, 1875 ; J. St. Blackie, 1876 ; CS Jerram, 1876 ; D. Mackinnon, 1877 ; Shairp, 1880 ; Ch. Stewart, 1884 ; Alex. Macbain, 1884. The many translators of " Ossian" who seem by this to be convinced of its genuineness I have not mentioned in the above list.

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