Militarism in India: Army and Civil Society in Consensus

Bloomsbury Academic, 31 déc. 1998 - 240 pages
In many states in the developing world, tensions between the armed forces and a civilian government have sometimes led to the extreme sanction of a military coup d'etat. India remains one of the exceptions. Despite great ethnic, religious, regional and economic challenges to the existing order, her military officers have remained loyal to the legitimate government of the day. Based on extensive work with senior military figures, this book examines the remarkable consensus of purpose between Indian officers and their civil counterparts in the construction and maintenance of civil supremacy-of-rule.

À l'intérieur du livre

Table des matières

The Indian Nationalist Movement
The Indian National Armies
The Transfer of Power
Droits d'auteur

7 autres sections non affichées

Autres éditions - Tout afficher

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Références à ce livre

Tambara, Volume 22

Affichage d'extraits - 2005

À propos de l'auteur (1998)

Dr Apurba Kundu currently lectures on South Asian politics in the University of Bradford Department of Social & Economic Studies and serves as Managing Editor of 'Contemporary South Asia. This work is based on his doctoral research carried out at the London School of Economics.

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