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" Parent of thousand wild desires, The savage and the human breast Torments alike with raging fires; With bright, but oft destructive, gleam, Alike o'er all his lightnings fly ; Thy lambent glories only beam Around the fav'rites of the sky. "
La Belle Assemblée - Page 39
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D: In Thirteen Volumes, Volume 14

Samuel Johnson - 1788 - 586 pages
...terras per freta longa novas. ODE TO FRIENDSHIP*. / Friendfhip, peculiar gift of heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To Men and Angels only given, To all the lower world deny'd : While love, unknown among the bleft, Parent of rage and hot defires, The human...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson: LL.D. In Fourteen Volumes. Vol. XIV.

Samuel Johnson - 1788 - 596 pages
...terras per freta longa novas. • ODE TO FRIENDSHIP*. Friendfhip, peculiar gift of heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To Men and Angels only given, To all the lower world deny'd: While love, unknown among the bleft, Parent of rage and hot defires, The human...
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The banquet of Thalia, or the Fashionable songsters pocket memorial

Thalia, Frederick Atkinson (of York) - 1790 - 234 pages
...failor— he was one* ( 200 ) SONG. ON FRIENDSHIP. Tj'RIENDSHIP ! peculiar gift of heav'n -*- The noble mind's delight and pride,— To men and angels only given, To all the lower world deny'd. While LOVE, unknown among the bleft, Parent of age and hot defines, The human...
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Essays on Various Subjects: in which Some Characters of the Present Age are ...

Mary De La Garde, Sarah Guppy - 1800 - 112 pages
...a -great pleafure in offering both at its fhrine. " Friendfhip, peculiar boon of Heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To men and angels only given, To all the lower world denied. " While love, unknown among the bleft, Parent of thoufand wild delircs, The...
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The Nursery Garland: Being a Selection of Short, Classical Poems, Adapted to ...

W. M. - 1801 - 356 pages
...follow'd, perhaps, by a fmile. COWPER. FRIENDSHIP. AN ODE. FRIENDSHIP, peculiar boon of Heav'n, The nobfe mind's delight and pride, . To men and angels only given, To all the lower wodd denied. While Love, vnknown among the bleft, Parent of thoufand wild deGres, The favage...
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The chaplet, poems, partly original and partly selected

Chaplet - 1805 - 238 pages
...dost thou show, Best of virtues here below. FRTENDSHIP. Friendship, peculiar boon of Heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To men and angels only given, To all the lower world deny'd. While love, unknown among the blest, Parent of thousand wild desires, The savage...
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The Poetical Works ...: With the Life of the Author

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 238 pages
...FRIENDSHIP : AN ODE. PRINTED IN THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 17 FRIENDSHIP, peculiar boon of heaven. The noble mind's delight and pride. To men and angels only given, To all the lower world denied. While love, unknown among the blest, Parent of thousand wild desires, The savage...
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The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

Samuel Johnson, Francis William Blagdon - 1811 - 250 pages
...the happiness she does not find. 16 ODES. FRIENDSHIP. FRIENDSHIP, peculiar boon of heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To men and angels only given, To all the lower world denied. While love, unknown among the blest, Parent of thousand wild desires, The savage...
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The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 206 pages
...the happiness she does not find. ODES. FRIENDSHIP. FitiENUSHiP, peculiar boon of heaven, The noble mind's delight and pride, To men and angels only given, To all the lower world denied. While love, unknown among the bless'd, Parent of thousand wild desires, The...
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La Belle assemblée: or, Bell's court and fashionable magazine, Volume 5

1812 - 374 pages
...virtue dwell. FRIENDSHIP. BY TBE LATE RET. CJ SEI.VTYN. FRIENDSHIP ! peculiar boon of Heav'n, The noble mind's delight and pride; To men and angels only given, To all the lower world deny'd. While love, unknown among the blest, Parent of thousand wild desires, The savage...
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