Rapt into future times, the Bard begun : A Virgin shall conceive, a Virgin bear a Son ! From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flower with fragrance fills the skies : The ^Ethereal spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its top descends... The American Preceptor - Page 171de Caleb Bingham - 1825Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | John Bell - 1796 - 524 pages
...maids, Delight no more — O thou my voice inspire 5 Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire! Rapt into future times, the bard begun: A Virgin shall conceive, a Virgin bear a Son; IMITATIONS. Ver. 8. A Virgin shall conceive— All crimes stall cea«e, 4cc. 3 Vira. Setiv. vcr. 6.... | |
 | 1800 - 322 pages
...maids. Delight no more — O thou, my voice inspire, Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire! Wrapt into future times the bard begun, A virgin shall conceive,...From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flow'r with fragrance fills the skies : Th' ethereal spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 600 pages
...voice inspire, Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with hre ! Rapt into future times, the bard began, A virgin shall conceive, a virgin bear a son ! From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Isa. xi. 4. Whose sacred flower with fragrance fills the skies : Th' aethereal Spirit o'er its leaves... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1804 - 230 pages
...Aonian maids, Delight no more. O thou my voice inspire 5 Who touched Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire ! Rapt into future times, the bard begun : A Virgin...From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flow'r with fragrance fills the skies : 10 Th' Ktherial Spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its... | |
 | E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 pages
...Ab'nian maids, Delight no more.—O thou my voice inspire, Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire! Rapt into future times, the Bard begun: A Virgin shall...From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flow'r with fragrance fills the skies: Th' ethereal Spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its top... | |
 | 1806 - 330 pages
...Delight no more — O tliou, my voice inspire, Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire I Wrapt into 'future times the bard begun, A virgin shall...From Jesse's root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flow'r with fragrance fills the skies : Th' aethereal spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages
...son F From Jesse's * root hehold a hranch arise, Whose sacred flower with fragrance fills the sties : The' etherial spirit o'er its leaves shall move. And on its top descends the mystic dove. Ye t heavens ! from high the dewy nectar pour, And in soft silence shed the... | |
 | George Richards - 1808 - 404 pages
...Aonian maids Delight no more. O Thou my voice inspire, Who touch'd Isaiah's hallowed lips with fire 1 Rapt into future times the bard begun : A Virgin shall...From Jesse's root behold a Branch arise, Whose sacred flow'r with fragrance fills the skies : Th' ethereal Spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1808 - 702 pages
...Aonian maids, Defight no more— O thou my voice inspire Who tonch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire! Rapt into future times, the bard begun: A Virgin shall conceive, a Virgin bear a Son! From Jesse's (a) root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flower with fragrance fills the skies: Th' aethereal spirit... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 pages
...into future times, the bard begnn ; A virgin shall conceive, a virgin bear a son ' ! From Jesse's a root behold a branch arise, Whose sacred flower with fragrance fills the skies: The' ethereal spirit o'er its leaves shall move, And on its top descends the mystic dove. Ye heaveps 3 !... | |
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