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" PITY the sorrows of a poor old man, Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door. Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span, Oh ! give relief and heaven will bless your store. "
The American Preceptor - Page 134
de Caleb Bingham - 1825
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry: Vol. I.

1789 - 222 pages
...ling' ring fell a victim to despair, And left the world to wretchedness and me. Pity the sorrows of a poor old man ! Whose trembling limbs have borne...! give relief— and Heaven will bless your store. ELEGY Xll. BT DANlEL HATES, ESQ. AH ! what avails this short sublunar sphere ? Why wish to a£t in...
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The Bee: Or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, Volume 15

James Anderson - 1793 - 380 pages
...Roberts. This ballad was entitled the " Beggar's Petition," and it begins with, Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door; Whose days are dwindling to their fl1ortest span. Oh give relief ! and heav'a will blels your store. These tatter'd...
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The Beauties of the Poets:: Being a Collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry ...

1800 - 322 pages
...Thenceforth, but in thy presence joy entire. INCIDENTAL MISERIES ATTENDANT ON POVERTY. 1 ITY the sorrows of a poor old man, Whose trembling limbs have borne him...door; Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span; O give relief, and Heaven will bless your store ! These tatter'd clothes my poverty bespeak, These...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 pages to wretchedness and me. Pity the sorrows of a poor old man ! Whose tremhling limhs have horne him to your door, Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span; Oh ! give relief — and Heaven will hless your store. HYMN TO BENEVOLENCE. BY BLACKLOCK. HAIL, source of transport, ever new! While I thy...
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The Beauties of English Poetry: Selected from the Most Esteemed ..., Volume 2

Peter Pindar - 1804 - 176 pages
...PETITION. ANON. X ITY the sorrows of a poor old man, [door, Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span; Oh give relief, and Heaven will bless your store! These tatter'd clothes my poverty bespeak, These hoary locks proclaim my lengthen'd years ; And many...
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The Speaker Or Miscellaneous Pieces Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1804 - 418 pages
...poor YORICK !". STERN-B,CHA P. II I. The Beggar's Petition. JtiT* tfie sorrows of a poor eld mail , "Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door , "Whose days are dwindled to tfie shortest span y ©h ! give' relief y and Heav'n will bless your store. These tatter'd clothes...
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The beauties of English poetry, selected from the most esteemed ..., Volume 2

John Wolcot - 1804 - 178 pages
...and me. • t Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, [door, Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span ; Oh give relief, and Heaven will bkss your store! TO THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARCHIONESS GREY: Sent with Plucbe, a Pastoral Opera. BY...
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Poetry for children, selected by L. Aikin

Poetry - 1806 - 192 pages
...cold : Short is my passage to the friendly tomb, For I am poor, and miserably old. Pity the sorrows of a poor old man Whose trembling limbs have borne him...door ; Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span — O give relief! and Heaven will bless your store. THE DYING NEGRO. O'ER my toil-wither'd limbs sickly...
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The Beauties of the Poets: Being a Collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry

1806 - 330 pages
...Thenceforth, but in thy presence joy entire. 302 INCIDENTAL MISERIES ATTENDANT ON POVERTY. PITY the sorrows of a poor old man, Whose trembling limbs have borne him...door; Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span ; O give relief, and Heaven will bless your store ! These tatter'd clothes my poverty bespeak, These...
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Poems on various subjects, selected by E. Tomkins

E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 pages
...And left the world to wretchedness and me Pity the sorrows of a poor old man! , Whose trembling limhs have borne him to your door, Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span; Oh! give relief—and Heaven will bless your store. HYMN TO BENEVOLENCE. BY BL.sCEI.OCE. HAIL, source of transport,...
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