2 Praise to the goodness of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word; And there, as strong as his decrees, He sets his kindest promises.
3 Each of them powerful as that sound That bid the new-made world go round And stronger than the solid poles On which the wheel of nature rolls.
4 O for a strong, a lasting faith,
To credit what th' Almighty saith! T' embrace the message of his Son, And call the joys of heaven our own!
5 Then, should the earth's old pillars shake. And all the wheels of nature break, Our steady souls would fear no more Than solid rocks when billows roar;
6 Our everlasting hopes arise Above the ruinable skies, Where the eternal Builder reigns, And his own courts his power sustains.
1 BEGIN, my tongue, some heavenly theme,
And speak some lofty thing;
The mighty works, or mighty name
Of our eternal King!
Tell of his wondrous faithfulness, Or sound his power abroad; Sing the blest promise of his grace, And the performing God.
3 Proclaim salvation from the Lord To sinful, dying men; His hand has writ the sacred word With an immortal pen.
4 Engraved as in eternal brass
The gracious promise shines; Nor can the powers of darkness raze Those everlasting lines.
5 His very word of grace is strong As that which built the skies; The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises.
All Nations promised to Christ.
1 FATHER, is not thy promise pledged To thine exalted Son,
That through the nations of the earth Thy word of life shall run?
2 Ask, and I give the heathen lands For thine inheritance, And to the world's remotest shores Thine empire shall advance.'
3 Hast thou not said, the blinded Jews Shall their Redeemer own; While Gentiles to his standard crowd, And bow before his throne ?
4 Are not all kingdoms, tribes, and tongues, Beneath th' expanse of heaven,
To the dominion of thy Son, Without exception, given ? 23*
5 From east to west, from north to south, Then be his name adored!
Europe, with all thy millions, shout Hosannas to thy Lord!
6 Asia and Africa, resound
From shore to shore his fame; And thou, America, in songs, Redeeming love proclaim !
Uxiversal Spread of the Gospel.
1 LORD, send thy word, and let it run, Armed with thy Spirit's power; Ten thousand shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour.
2 Beneath the influence of thy grace The barren wastes shall rise, With sudden greens and fruits arrayed, A blooming paradise.
3 True holiness shall strike its root In each regenerate heart, Shall in a growth divine arise, And heavenly fruits impart.
4 Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch
Her wings from shore to shore;
No trump shall rouse the rage of war, Nor murderous cannon roar.
5 Lord, for those days we wait;-those days
Are in thy word foretold; Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring This promised age of gold!
6 Amen, with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry; Amen, with joy divine, let heaven's Unnumbered choirs reply!
Prayer for the Spread of the Gospel.
1 O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness Look, my soul, be still and gaze; All the promises do travail With a glorious day of grace.
2 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness- Grant them, Lord, the glorious light; And from eastern coast to western, May the morning chase the night.
3 May the glorious day approaching On their grossest darkness flame, And the everlasting gospel Spread abroad thy holy name.
4 Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel; Win and conquer, never cease; May thy lasting wide dominions Multiply and still increase.
L. M. Universal Blessings of Christ's Reign. Ps. 72.
1 JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
2 Behold the islands, with their kings, And Europe, her best tribute brings; From north to south the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet.
3 There Persia, glorious to behold, There India shines in eastern gold; And barbarous nations at his word Submit, and bow, and own their Lord.
4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns; The prisoner leaps to loose his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest.
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