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4 We praise thee, that the gospel's light
Through all our land its radiance sheds;
Dispels the shades of error's night,
And heavenly blessings round us spreads.

5 Great God! preserve us in thy fear;
In dangers still our guardian be;
O spread thy truth's bright precepts here;
Let all the people worship thee.


L. M.


God, the Sovereign of Nations.

1 GREAT God! beneath whose piercing eye
The earth's extended kingdoms lie;
Whose favoring smile upholds them all,
Whose anger smites them, and they fall;-

2 We bow before thy heavenly throne;
Thy power we see-thy greatness own;
Yet, cherished by thy milder voice,
Our bosoms tremble and rejoice.

3 Thy kindness to our fathers shown
Their children's children long shall own;
To thee, with grateful hearts, shall raise
The tribute of exulting praise.

4 Led on by thine unerring aid,
Secure the paths of life we tread;
And, freely as the vital air,
Thy first and noblest bounties share.

5 Great God, our guardian, guide, and friend!
O still thy sheltering arm extend;
Preserved by thee for ages past,
For ages let thy kindness last!


L. M.


For a National Celebration.

10 THOU, whose arm of power surrounds
The vast creation's utmost bounds!
This day a nation bends the knee
In grateful reverence, Lord, to thee;-

2 For thou hast given it joy and rest;
By thee its earliest years were blest;
And in its most disastrous hour
It leaned on thy almighty power.

3 The martial chiefs-the patriot few
Whose hands were strong, whose hearts were true,
The noble birthright to be free-

Great God! we owe them all to thee.

4 And now another Israel stands
Redeemed from bondage by thy hands,
May all our hearts rejoice to know
The source whence all our blessings flow.


L. M.

The acceptable Fast.


1 THIS is the fast the Lord doth choose:

Each heavy burden to undo,
The bands of wickedness to loose,

And bid the captive freely go.

2 Let every vile and sinful yoke
Of servile bondage and of fear,
By mercy, love and truth be broke;
And from each eye wipe every tear.

3 Yes, to the hungry deal thy bread;
Bring to thine house the outcast poor;
There let the fainting soul be fed,
Nor spurn the needy from thy door.

4 And when thou seest the naked, spare
The raiment that his wants demand;
Since all mankind thy kindred are,
To all, thy charity expand.

5 Thus did the Savior of our race:
Himself, the Bread of Life, he gave;
He clothed us with his righteousness,
And broke the fetters from the slave.

6 He owned us brethren, nor did hide
Himself from us, in all our woe;
Be his example, then, our guide,
And let our lives his goodness show.


L. M.


Public Humiliation.

1 GREAT Framer of unnumbered worlds, And whom unnumbered worlds adore ! Whose goodness all thy creatures share, While nature trembles at thy power,

2 Thine is the hand that moves the spheres,
That wakes the wind, and lifts the sea;
And man, who moves the lord of earth,
Acts but the part assigned by thee.

3 While suppliant crowds implore thine aid,
To thee we raise the humble cry;
Thine altar is the contrite heart,
Thine incense a repentant sigh.

4 This day we deeply mourn our sins,
Confess thy power, and bless thy rod;
O let us know thy pardoning love,
And find in thee a guardian God.


С. М.


Continuance of National Security implored. Ps. 44.

10 LORD, our fathers oft have told,

In our attentive ears,

Thy wonders in their days performed,
And in more ancient years.

2 'Twas not their courage, nor their sword, To them salvation gave;

'Twas not their number, nor their strength, That did their country save :

3 But thy right hand, thy powerful arm,
Whose succor they implored;
Thy providence protected them,
Who thy great name adored.

4 As thee, their God, our fathers owned,
So thou art still our King;
O, therefore, as thou didst to them,
To us deliverance bring.

5 To thee the glory we'll ascribe,
From whom salvation came;
In God, our shield, we will rejoice,
And ever bless thy name.


8s & 7s M.


Pardon implored for National Sins.

1 GREAT Jehovah! God of nations!
From thy temple in the skies
Hear thy people's supplications,
Now for their deliverance rise.

2 Though our sins, our hearts confounding,
Long and loud upon thee call,
Thou hast mercy more abounding,
Jesus' blood can cleanse them all.

3 Let that love veil our transgression;
Let that blood our guilt efface;
Save thy people from oppression,
Save from spoil thy holy place.

4 Lo! with deep contrition turning,
Humbly at thy feet we bend;
Hear us, fasting, praying, mourning,-
Hear us, spare us, and defend.


С. М.


Judgments for National Sins deprecated.

1 ALMIGHTY Lord! before thy throne
Thy mourning people bend!
'Tis on thy pardoning grace alone
Our dying hopes depend.

2 Dark judgments, from thy heavy hand,
Thy dreadful power display;
Yet mercy spares our guilty land.
And still we live to pray.

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