COLLECTION OF PSALMS AND HYMNS FOR THE USE OF UNIVERSALIST SOCIETIES AND FAMILIES. BY HOSEA BALLOU, 2d. Speaking to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs. TENTH EDITION. BOSTON: BENJAMIN B. MUSSEY. B 450 B33 1840 Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1837, By B. B. MUSSEY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts STEREOTYPED BY E. SHEPARD AND CO. 31-2 PREFAСЕ. THE following Collection contains a greater number of hymns and probably a greater variety of topics, than any compilation hitherto made for the use of Universalist churches in this country. I will not say that it excells also in the character of the selections. It is hoped, however, that in this respect it will be found equal to other works of the kind, justly approved among us. It has been my aim to furnish, 1. a good supply of hymns for exercises purely devotional; 2. hymns adapted to every special occasion that may be observed in our churches, or occur in the labors of the ministry; 3. hymns on all the subjects commonly urged from our pulpits, so far as they are compatible with the spirit of sacred song; and 4. hymns for private and domestic use. In selecting for these purposes, I have paid particular attention to what I deemed correctness of sentiment on all of the important points; allowing, however, free scope to poetic figure and imagery, in the form of expression. With regard to character, style, &c., it has been my wish to exclude, on the one hand, all effeminate, insipid nicety-every thing in which cordiality and fervor are sacrificed to formal correctness; and, on the other, all downright awkwardness, fondling endearments, puerile sentimentality, and rant. It should be observed that not every species even of good poetry, and of the religious kind, is suitable for hymns. They should be as plain as possible, easy in their versification, and yet full of vig 1 |