Townsman. A long parade, indeed, sir, and yet here You see but half; round yonder bend it reaches S. 'Tis but a mournful sight, and yet the pomp all Tempts me to stand a gazer. es ana T. Yonder School-boy Who plays the truant, says the proclamation Of peace was nothing to the show, and even The chairing of the members at election Would not have been a finer sight than this; Only that red and green are prettier colours ght Than all this mourning. - There, sir, you behold One of the red gown'd worthies of the city, The envy and the boast of our exchange, Aye, what was worth last week, a good half million. 1. Screw'd down in yonder hearse. S. Then he was born Under a lucky planet, who to-day T. When first I heard his death, that very wish S. The camel and the needle, Is that then your mind? T. Even so. The text Is gospel wisdom. I would ride the camel,- 2 8. Your pardon, sir; But sure this lack of Christian charity Looks not like Christian truth. T. Your pardon too, sir, If, with this text before me, I should feel In the preaching mood! But for these barren be trees, With all their flourish and their leafiness, Cumber the earth no longer. 8. Was his wealth Stor'd fraudfully, the spoil of orphans wrong'd. And widows who had none to plead their right? T. All honest, open, honourable, gains; Fair legal interests, bonds and mortgages, Ships to the East and West. So hardly of the dead? 8. Why judge you then T. For what he left Undone for sins, not one of which is mention'd 7. As all men know The virtues of your hundred-thousanders; They never hide their lights beneath a bushel. T. We track the streamlet by the brighter green But slime and foul corruption. 8. Yet even these Are reservoirs, whence public charity Still keeps her channels full. T. Now, sir, you touch Upon the point. This man of half a million en Your benefactors in the news-papers. His alms were money put to interest Cre In the other world,-donations to keep open t rito S. I must needs ealth Believe you, sir: these are your witnesses, or as ; These mourners here, who from their carriages Some decent rheum. The very hireling mute Bears not a face blanker of all emotion T. Who should lament for him, sir, in whose Love had no place, nor natural charity ? The parlour spaniel, when she heard his step, Rose slowly from the hearth, and stole aside With creeping pace; she never rais'd her eyes To woo kind words, from him, nor laid her head Up-rais'd upon his knee, with fondling whine. How could it be but thus! Arithmetic Was the sole science he was ever taught. The multiplication-table was his Creed, His Pater-noster, and his Decalogue. When yet he was a boy, and should have breath'd The open air and sun-shine of the fields, To give his blood its natural spring and play, He, in a close and dusky counting-house, Smock-dried and sear'd and shrivell'd up his heart. So, from the way in which he was train'd up, His feet departed not; he toil'd and moil'd, Poor muck-worm! thro' his three-score years and ten, And when the earth shall now be shovell'd on him, If that which serv'd him for a soul were still Within its husk, 'twould still be, dirt to dirt. S. Yet your next newspapers will blazon him For industry and honourable wealth, A bright example. T. Even half a million Gets him no other praise. But come this way Some twelve-months hence, and you will find his virtues Trimly set forth in lapidary lines, SOUTHEY. PSALM. View of the heavenly bodies. THE spacious firmament on high, Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, Soon as the evening shades prevail, While all the stars that round her burn, What tho', in solemn silence, all ADDISO |