i He wounds them for his mercy's sake, Humbled beneath his mighty hand, Now, trav'ller in the vale of tears! Pursue thy flight. There is a calm for those who weep, The soul, of origin divine, A star of day! The sun is but a spark of fire, SHALL NEVER DIE! THE DOVE. MONTGOMERY. THE dove let loose in eastern skies, Returning fondly home, Ne'er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies But high she shoots through air and light, : Where nothing earthly bounds her flight, So grant me, God, from earthly care, No lure to tempt, no art to stay MOORE THE DECEITFULNESS OF THE WORLD. In the morning of life, when its sweet sunny smile Shines bright on our path, we may dream we are blest, We may look on the world as a gay fairy isle, Where sorrow's unknown, and the weary have rest. But the brightness that shone, and the hopes we enjoy'd, Are clouded ere noon, and soon vanish away; While the dark beating tempest, on life's stormy tide, Obscures all the sweets of the morning's bright ray. Then where are those bowers, in some gay happy plain, Where hope ne'er deceives, and where love is aye true; ere the brightness of morning shines on but to gain A sunshine as bright and as promising too? . Oh! ask for if not, in this valley of sighs, For the world we would wish, shines afar in the skies, Where sorrow's unknown-'tis the home of the blest! WEIR. : HEAVENLY MINSTREL. ENTHRON'D upon a hill of light, Spring from the golden strings. Yet was he sad and lonely here; Of low and humble birth; A crown of heav'nly radiance now, Then while with visage blank and sear, And look beyond this earthly night, EDMESTON. EVENING HYMN FOR FAMILY WORSHIP. O Lord, another day is flown, Are met once more before thy throne, And wilt thou bend a list'ning ear, And Jesus, thou thy smiles wilt deigu, Thus chasten'd, cleans'd, entirely thine, The sun of Holiness shall shine, In glory on our head. And thou wilt turn our wand'ring feet, *Till worlds shall fade, and faith shall greet The dawn of lasting day. H. K. WHITE. ! 1 PRAYER. PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire, The motion of a hidden fire, Prayer is the burthen of a sigh, Prayer is the simplest form of speech Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The saints in prayer appear as one O thou by whom we come to God, |