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particularly connected, to look back upon this period. It was easy soon to discover, that such a pupil would do honour to any tutor.

Speaking of his views, about this time, of some most important gospel doctrines, and of his own experience, he


It is necessary when sick to be sensible of the disorder; otherwise the remedy will not be sought after. Sin is the malady of the soul; and a knowledge of it is necessary to salvation. My views on this subject are, that whatever is not conformable to the will of God, as revealed in the Scriptures, is siu. Our sin is both original and actual. Our whole nature is corrupted by original sin. By this, all the faculties of our mind are perverted from proper objects; and, from the depravity of our nature, influenced by outward temptation, we are constantly committing actual transgressions of the divine law, This is the state of every individual of the human race. Sin being the violation of the law of the infinite God, each sin possesses an infinite degree of criminality, and therefore cannot be expiated by finite crea tures. The sinner is not only exposed to bodily diseases and death, but to eternal punishment, in the privation of the bliss of heaven, and suffering intolerable torments for ever.

All men being thus exposed to the wrath of God, and incapable of rendering themselves acceptable to him, must have inevitably perished, had not God, of his free grace, appointed a way in which sinners might be saved. Having elected unto eternal happiness some of the sons of Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, came into this world, perfectly fulfilled the holy law, and died in the place of sinners. Thus, by his active and passive obedience, he made full satisfaction to divine justice; and the righteousness of Christ being imputed to the elect, they are viewed as righteous by God. We are brought into this state by the operation of the Holy Spirit, who convinces the soul of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, bestows saving faith in the merits of the Redeemer, and enables us to lay hold of them for our justification.

As to my personal experience of these things, having been blessed with pious parents, and constantly favoured with the faithful preaching of the gospel, I hope the work of the Spirit of God was begun at an early period of my life. I cannot recollect the particular time when serious impressions were first made upon my soul; nor the circumstances which led me first to serious reflections on divine sub jects; but I trust I have been led to see something of the depravity of my nature. to see, in some measure, the evil of sin in its nature and conseque ces; to hate it not only on account of the punishment annexed to it, but because it is odious in the sight of God;—and I desire to depend on Christ as my only Saviour; to rely on his merits alone for acceptance with God, and, from a principle of love, to practise holiness.


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• Perfect holiness, or an entire conformity to the law and image of the divine Being, is not attainable by any of the human race while in this world of sin; -but in all renewed souls there is a principle of holiness, which makes them hate all sin; and by the influence of which they are in a progressive state. Sanctificatiou is necessary, because it is commanded, because, without it, we can have no evidence

the infirmities of

MEMOIR OF THE REV. MR. HEDcies of their cha

of a saving change being wrought in our

not glorify God in the world, nor enjoy comme attention and and without it now, we cannot see his face with thren in the great judgment-day. The design of holiness is to One of happy here, and to prepare us for the employments and co

the blessed in heaven. The means of sanctification are the
of the Holy Ghost, reading the word of God, and attending up
ordinances of divine appointment."

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Considering his youth when he wrote the above, it gives us a pleasing view of Mr. Heudebourck's early character. During four years, the period of his academical course, he continued to give very great satisfaction. To his studies he gave a diligent attention. He had a superior capacity for the acquirement of learning. His duty and his inclination were happily united. He made considerable proficiency, both in the languages and the sciences and while additions were making to his mental furniture, they were accompanied with that humility, that vein of piety, and that sweetness of dispo sition, which marked him as a favourite of Heaven, who was likely to be useful in the world.

After having finished his studies, he entered, with acceptance, on the work of the ministry. He commenced his regular labours at Teignmouth, in the county of Devon; where he continued one year and three-quarters; and there is reason to believe he was blessed to some souls in that place. He removed from thence to Bishop's Hull, Sept. 1805; and was ordained there March 1808. That congregation, at the time of his going thither, was in a very low state; but, under his ministry, the number of hearers considerably increased. He established a Sunday School, and paid great attention to it, in which he was rewarded by the number of children who there received instruction.

Mr. Heudebourck's grandfather, who had been long in the ministry, died Sept. 1808: he preached a funeral sermon for him; which is published, together with Memoirs of that venerable man, written by himself. He laboured in the abovementioned situation for nearly six years and a half. He was called to visit a poor family, several of whom were ill of a typhus fever; he caught the infection, from the effects of which he never recovered. His last services among his people were on Lord's Day, Feb. 9, of the present year. He preached in the morning from Gen. xxviii. 12, Jacob's dream;' when he treated of the mystery of Providence. In the afternoon, from Joshua iv. 10, For the priests which bare the ark stood in the midst of Jordan, until every thing was finished that the Lord commanded Joshua to speak unto the people, according to all that Moses commanded Joshua: and the people hasted, and passed over. His friends, who were present, testify, that a peculiar solemnity attended both services;

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e took them to record that he at the Lord had commanded, ny thing short of the obeof God, and entreated them out prayer. It is hoped that of rejoicing another day. ppeared calm and composed; y thing, excepting a strong to have addressed his people as the day for the administrahad fixed on his subject, Gal. sins, that he might deliver us according to the will of God, and stood ready for his Master's service to

the last. He said nothing particular about death during his illness, but only I have committed my all to God.' He endeavoured, as much as possible to keep anxiety from the minds of his family and friends. After a severe struggle with death for one hour, in the night of March 16th, he calmnly slept in Jesus, departing, without a sigh or groan, the following morning.

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To the testimonies already given, we may add, that his talents as a preacher were respectable. His subjects were selected and discussed with judgment; and his manner discovered that his heart was in his work. He was earnestly concerned to do good to souls. This appeared by his visits and conversation in private, as well as by his public services. His labours were not confined to his own congregation. He frequently preached in the neighbouring villages; and encountered many hardships from unfavourable weather and bad roads, rather than disappoint the people. His constitution was naturally good; but he exerted himself beyond his strength. He has been. known to ride between 20 and 30 miles on a Lord's Day, to preach once at three places; and at one of them to administer also the Lord's Supper.

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If we reflect on the conduct of this worthy young minister, in the private walks of life, we shall see that his character was uniform; that the minister and the Christian were happily joined. As a son, none more dutiful, none more amiable. As a husband, his affection was discreet and tender. His afflicted widow is left with four lovely children to lament his loss. As a father, he was sensible of the importance of his trust. Attention and kindness marked his conduct as a brother and as a master, he was easily pleased. If we view him as a friend, he was benevolent and sincere. Always ready to afford that attention which the circumstances of his connec tions might demand. From the stores of a well-informed mind, he communicated pleasure and advantage to those who enjoyed an intimacy with him. The liberality of his sentiments


led him to make proper allowances for the infirmities of others, and to do justice to the real excellencies of their character. His zeal and his diligence attracted the attention and esteem of the wise and the good; and his brethren in the ministry who knew him, feel and lament their loss. One of them gives this comprehensive sketch of his character:- He had a fine taste for literature; his piety was exemplary; his modesty great; his zeal for the cause of his Redeemer, lively and operative: he has lived long in a little time: the churches in this neighbourhood will miss him much; while I have to mourn over the premature removal of a most affectionate friend and brother."


J. S.


AVARO, from being a man of small property was, by the death of a relation, suddenly raised to the enjoyment of a good estate and ample fortune, just at the period when he began to look forward anxiously to a provision for the future circumstances of life, when age would prohibit labour. So unexpected a blessing almost overset his reason. In the fulness of his heart, he resolved to enjoy it with his friends, to ease his tenants, and promote industry and virtue to the utmost; but particularly with never-failing gratitude to thank that' Redeeming God' from whom he derived so great a kindness;-but, ah! when he comes to survey his riches and possessions, he feels his whole soul changed, and, from being attentive and careful, in a short time, he becomes mistrustful and avaricious:so surely does Satan watch and strive to turn all our good into evil. Every day sees his riches increase: he hangs with rapture over them, dwells with extacy on their increase; and in worshipping the golden calf, forgets God and every other object. He raises the rent of the poor cottager, wrings from the hand of Poverty its last penny, and denies himself the necessaries of life. The evil grows upon him; weak and nearly starved, he falls into the grave: oppressed and borne down by agonizing thoughts, he cannot, yet he must, leave that dross for which he has forfeited his heaven; and another must enjoy what, with so much anxiety, care, and misery, was hoarded together at the expence of his salvation. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which, while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.'1 Tim, vi. 10.


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J. F. F-9.




IN some preceding numbers of the Evangelical Maga zine, the Internal Evidence which the Four Gospels supply, concerning their respective authors, occasions, dates, and the sources whence their materials were drawn, has been exhibited as distinctly as the necessary limitations admitted. It is now proposed to apply the general information which has been communicated, and the leading principles which have been established, to the explanation of those parts of the Gospels which have been suspected of incongruity, if not openly charged with mutual contradiction. How far it may be expedient to pursue such an illustration of the hypothesis that has been sketched, must depend on the degree in which the subject may prove acceptable to readers at large. A few papers may suffice to exemplify the manner in which some of the greatest diversities apparent in the Gospels, may be vindicated from all rational imputation of inconsistency.

The first instance of this kind is more remarkable for its complicated difficulties than for its intrinsic importance. To pass it unnoticed, would be to leave an enemy's garrison in the rear: to treat it superficially (as some of our contemporaries have lately done) would be to stumble at the threshold of the proposed investigation. Some trial of patience, therefore, seems to be indispensable on the occasion; and it will probably be compensated by facilitating the investigation of subjects more interesting, and less intricate in their nature.

The Gospel of Matthew commences with a Genealogy of Christ, which involves considerable difficulties in itself; but much greater when compared with the Genealogy which is inserted in the Gospel of Luke. The name of Joseph, though declared by the Evangelists to be merely the reputed father of Jesus, is placed in both the Genealogies; and in both he is 'derived from David; but the descent is traced by Matthew, in the royal line, from Solomon to Jechoniah; by Luke, in a totally different branch of David's family. The names of Salathiel and Zerubbabel are inserted in each of the Genealogies, as descendants of these two distinct branches; which afterwards wholly differ, till they re-unite in Joseph, the husband of our 'Lord's mother.

Such diversities will be readily admitted, to prove that the two Evangelists did not insert these Genealogies by mutual consultation: and if it can be demonstrated that, nevertheless, they involve no real contradiction or inconsistency, and

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