pleasure in welcoming his "Leading Cases on the Law of Torts as an addition to legal literature valuable alike to the English and American lawyer. Mr. Justice Markby winds up his able article on Analytical Jurisprudence in our last number with the following pertinent enquiry:-"I have heard of such a suggestion as a codification of the Law of Torts. Has any one yet seriously considered what the Law of Torts is, in England or in any other country?" The Law of Torts is, indeed, a wide subject, and, in order to keep his work within serviceable limits while affording "a full and complete view of the essential doctrines of the Law of Torts," Mr. Bigelow has wisely confined himself to its typical branches. Bailments, marine torts, statutory torts and the torts of persons under legal disability, are omitted except where those topics and the leading doctrines regarding them are incidentally referred to. The author's system is to give, from the reports, the leading cases on the various species of Torts, followed by notes containing (1) a historical consideration of the rise and growth of the law as thus represented, and (2) a statement in greater detail of its present aspect. To take an example. Under the head of "Deceit " we find: "Pasley v. Freeman, leading case. (Note on Deceit generally; Historical aspects of actions of Deceit; Knowledge of falsity, including misrepresentations of agents; Intention of Defendant; Acting upon the misrepresentation; Representations concerning solvency.) Malachy v. Soper, leading case. (Note on Slander of Title.) Marsh v. Billings, leading [American] case. Sykes v. Sykes, leading case. (Note on Trade-marks.)" The historical notes are worthy of special praise, and will commend themselves to all who take an interest in legal history. At the same time they are kept carefully distinct from statements of the existing law, so that neither the student nor the practitioner can be misled. We congratulate Mr. Bigelow on having produced a legal text-book well designed, carefully and conscientiously worked out, and lucidly expressed. Principles of the Common Law. An elementary work intended for the use of students and the profession. By JOHN INDERMAUR, Solicitor, author of "Epitomes of Leading Cases," &c. Stevens & Haynes. 1876. Mr. Indermaur, whose experience in "coaching" candidates for the examinations of the Incorporated Law Society renders him peculiarly fitted for the task, has acquired a deservedly high reputation as a writer of convenient epitomes and compendiums In the of various branches of the Law for the use of students. present volume he has essayed a somewhat more ambitious rôle, the practitioner as well as the student being kept in view. We regret to see that Mr. Indermaur, like Dr- Broom in his "Philosophy of Law," has adopted a title much more comprehensive than the subject matter of his work warranted. It is utterly illogical and misleading to exclude from "The Principles of the Common Law," the whole subject of criminal jurisprudence, and to restrict that title to "the popular divisions of Contracts and Torts," with a brief appended discussion of the subjects of "Damages" and "Evidence in Civil Cases." Within the limits, however, which the author has assigned to himself, he has certainly, without any pretention to scientific treatment, given proof of praiseworthy industry, accuracy, and clearness of exposition, which cannot fail to be of the greatest advantage to the Law Student, whose wants in the Examination-room Mr. Indermaur has had chiefly in view. The practising Solicitor will also find this a very useful compendium either as a refresher to the memory, if read through, or as an index referring him to the text-books or cases where the law on any point may be easily found in ampler detail. Care has evidently been taken to note the latest deci. sions on important points of law, and the short but important Act Amending the Law relating to Crossed Cheques (39 & 40 Vict., c. 81, passed 15th August, 1876) is set out in the Appendix. A full and well-constructed Index supplies every facility for ready reference. Leading Cases in Constitutional Law briefly stated, with Introduction, Excursuses, and Notes. By ERNEST C. THOMAS, Bacon Scholar of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, late Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford. Stevens & Haynes, 1876. The author of this little work seems to have had in view the needs of students, who find that "some knowledge of the chief cases in Constitutional Law is now required in many examinations." This is, happily, becoming a more frequent requirement, though, when we consider the numerous and illustriously filled Chairs of Constitutional Law which exist in Foreign Universities and Schools of Law, we cannot consider that the subject has yet received its due meed of honour in this country. We welcome Mr. Thomas's book as challenging attention to a very important branch of legal study, though we could wish it had been compiled with a view to a higher class of readers than the passmen, to whom its brevity appeals. Moreover, it should be remembered that brevity is not necessarily synonymous with clearness. We do not think Mr. Thomas has sufficiently considered this point. His statement for instance, of the "cause célèbre," Forbes v. Cochrane, is inadequate, for it does not bring out the fact that the British-born owner of the fugitive slaves had a Spanish domicile, nor the very material fact that the ship-of-war on board of which the slaves were received was not, as erroneously stated in the margin of the Reports, "on the high seas," but "within one mile of the shore;" both of which facts Sir Travers Twiss was careful to set out in his argument relating to this case in our February number. So, again, in stating the case of "Le Louis," Mr. Thomas omits to set forth that the French vessel was captured" on the high seas;" the case being, to use the words, of Sir Travers, one of "active aggression by a king's cutter without any sanction of Treaty-right, against a French merchantship on the high seas, carrying on the slave-trade in accordance with the Laws of France." In the "Excursus" on Allegiance and Aliens, p. 37, we observe a curious misprint of "subject " for "sovereign." Mr. Thomas's treatment of Calvin's case seems to us to share in the fault we have already noticed. He does not set forth the concrete circumstances so helpful to the memory," which are clearly and concisely stated in Taswell-Langmead's "English Constitutional History," p. 471, a work often quoted by Mr. Thomas, but, singularly enough, never under its proper title. We do not quite understand what is the "absurdity" with which Mr. Thomas charges the "decision' in Calvin's case, although some of the arguments used wereof doubtful authority then, and would seem absurd now. To the student, who is obliged in a brief space of time to make himself acquainted with the principal points in some of the most celebrated cases in Constitutional Law, Mr. Thomas offers the help of a convenient précis, excellently printed, and furnished with a copious Analytical Index. But, for the aspirant to honours in a Legal Examination, the book has yet to be written which should guide him through the "prolixity" of Broom and the Reports, to a clear comprehension of the doctrines involved in the leading cases in this important branch of Law. Leading Cases done into English. By an APPRENTICE OF LINCOLN'S INN. Macmillan. 1876. Here is a rare treat for the lovers of quaint conceits, who in reading this charming little book will find enjoyment in the varied metre and graphic language in which the several tales are told no less than in the accurate and pithy rendering of some of our most familiar "Leading Cases." The facility with which the "Apprentice" passes from one style to another, and the terseness with which he fits well-known cases to the framework of his verse, cannot fail to make this dainty volume a welcome companion for the practitioner whose love of culture has not yet been blunted by Court or Chamber-work. There are many such, we are sure, who will thank the "Apprentice of Lincoln's Inn" for singing to them, " in the music of Homer," of the "strife immortal that arose between landlord and tenant, Strife that set high in the heavens a star to illumine in all time Divers kinds and distinctions of chattels annexed to the Freehold," and who will gladly be reminded of the "Six Carpenters" in the gloom of a winter's evening by the picturesque refrain, "The birds on the bough sing loud and sing low." The Statules: Revised Edition, Vol. X. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1876. The new issue of the Revised Statutes covers about the same extent of time, three years of the present Reign, as its immediate predecessor. The work of the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875, is very marked in the volume before us, which brings down this valuable series to the year 1850. Self-preparation for the Final Examination. Containing a complete course of study, with Statutes, Cases, and Questions; and intended for the use of those Articled Clerks who read by themselves. By JOHN INDERMAUR, Solicitor. Second Edition. Stevens & Haynes. 1876. Every articled clerk who has passed the Intermediate Exami. nation would do well to read these fifty pages of sound practical advice and guidance. No candidate of average ability, who fairly works through the course of study here laid down for him by Mr. Indermaur, can well fail to pass the Final Examination. We are glad to see this little work has reached its second edition. Owing to the great pressure on our space we have been obliged to postpone several Reviews.—ED. Books Received. We have to acknowledge the receipt of the following: Macleod's Theory and Practice of Banking. Vol. II. Longmans. Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation. Clarendon Press. 1876. Hamel's Customs Laws and Tariff Act, 1876. Butterworths. 1876. Saunders's Oke's Magisterial Synopsis. Twelfth Edition. Butterworths. 1876. Fisher's Law of Mortgages and other Securities. Third Edition. Butterworths. 1876. Proceedings of Royal Colonial Institute. Vol. VII. 1875-6. Balfour Browne's Compulsory Purchase by Corporations. Stevens & Haynes. 1876. Nicoll & Flaxman's Parliamentary and Municipal Registration. Knigh & Co. 1876 Boston: Little, Brown, & Co. We have also received to date:- Dunedin: Reith & Wilkie. The Scottish Law Magazine. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparée. Revue de Législation Française et Etrangère. Paris. E. Thorin. Rivista di Discipline Carcerarie. Rome. Tip: Artero. |