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were entitled to prove rateably with the holders of the 60 debentures for the sum of £8,000 with interest.-Re Regent's Canal Ironworks Co., 45 L.J. Ch. 620; 35 L.T. 288; 24 W.R. 687.

(xi.) C. A.—Winding-up - Debentures — Registration.- Directors advanced money to Company on mortgage debentures charging the undertakings and all moneys arising therefrom; the entry in the register of mortgages omitted description of the property charged: Held that the debentures were invalid under Companies' Act, 1862, s. 43, and that the holders had no priority over general creditors.-Re Native Iron Ore Co. Ex parte Elphinstone, 45 L.J.Ch. 517; 34 L.T. 777; 24 W.R. 503.

(xii.) C. A.-Winding-up-Illegal Association.-An unregistered Company of more than 20 members made over its assets and business to a limited Company, which proved unsuccessful, and passed a resolution for winding up: Held that the solicitors of the unregistered Company could not prove for costs incurred in relation to the formation of or defending actions brought against such Company, being an illegal Association.-Re South Wales Atlantic Steamship Co. L.R. 2 Ch.D. 763.; 35 L.T. 294. (xiii.) Ch. Div. M. R.-Winding-up-Jurisdiction.-The Court in England in which the winding-up of a Company is proceeding can restrain an action in Ireland by a creditor of the Company. Re International Patent Pulp and Paper Co. 45 L.J. Ch. 446; 35 L.T. 229; 24 W.R. 535.

(xiv.) Ch. Div. M. R. Winding up-Liquidators. The survivor of two liquidators appointed on the voluntary winding-up of a Co. has no power to affix the seal of the Co. to a conveyance of the bare legal estate to property vested in the Co.-Re Metropolitan Bank and Jones, L.R. 2, Ch. D. 366; 45 L.J.Ch. 525; 24 W.R. 815.

(xv.) Ch. Div. V. C. H. Winding-up-Registration-Infant Subscriber.-One of the seven subscribers to memorandum of association was an infant who attained majority about 4 months afterwards and 16 months before a compulsory order to wind up the Company was made; he took no steps to remove his name till six months after the order: Held that the registration was valid, the Company duly incorporated, and the winding up order good.-In Re Nassau Phosphate Co., L.R. 2, Ch.D. 610; 45 L.J.Ch. 584; 24 W.R. 692.

Copyhold:(i.) C. P. Div.—Enfranchisement.—Copyholder, having given notice of enfranchisement, died after the award had been forwarded to the Commissioners, but before confirmation: Held that his devisee must be admitted and pay the fine before claiming enfranchisement of the land.-Myers v. Hodgson, L.R. 1, C.P.D. 609; 45 L.J. C.P. 603; 34 L.T. 881; 24 W.Ř. 827. (ii.) Ch. Div. M. R.-Minerals-Trespass.-Where a lord of a manor, having the customary right to bring to the surface through and upon a copyholder's land minerals got within the manor, brought through and upon such land minerals got outside the manor: Held, that the act was trespass, and injunction granted, but damages refused.-Eardley v. Earl Granville, 45 L.J. Ch. 669; 34 L.T. 609; 24 W.R. 528.


(i.) Q. B. Div.-Imperfect Verdict.-Where coroner rejected material evidence so that jury gave an imperfect verdict, and new material evidence was forthcoming, the Court quashed the inquisition and ordered coroner to hold an inquiry with a fresh jury-super visum corporis.—Regina v. Carter, 45 L.J. Q.B. 711; 34 L.T. 849; 24 W.R. 882.

County Court:

(i.) App. Div. Ct.-Appeal-Fact.-The County Court Act, 1875, s. 6, gives no right of appeal on a question of fact.-Cousens v. London Deposit Bank, 45 L.J. C.P. 573.

(ii.) P. D. & A. Div.-Appeal-Salvage.—Where a tender of less than £50 is upheld in a salvage case, no appeal lies.-The Fyenoord, 34 L.T. 918.

Crimes and Offences:

(i.) App. Div. Ct.-Arrest.-A person against whom a warrant has been issued for an offence less than felony, cannot be arrested by a constable who has not the warrant in his possession at the time of arrest.-Codd v. Cabe, L.R. 1, Ex. D. 352; 45 L.J. M.C. 101.

(ii.) App. Div. Ct.-Baker-Scales and Weights.-A baker was in the habit of delivering bread to a regular customer from his cart, not carrying with him scales or weights. Held that he was rightly convicted under 6 & 7 Wm. iv., c. 37, s. 7.-Robinson v. Cliff, L.R. 1, Ex. D. 294; 45 L.J. M.C. 109; 31 L.T. 689.

(iii.) C. C. R.—Bigamy.-On an indictment for bigamy, it was proved that the first marriage was solemnized in a building where Divine Service was performed during repair of the parish church: Held that the building must be presumed to have been licensed: conviction affirmed. Regina v. Cresswell, L.R, 1, Q.B.D. 446; 45 L.J. M.C. 77; 33 L . 760; 24 W.R. 281.

(iv.){Q. B. Div,—Conspiracy.-Defendants were indicted for conspiring as promoters of a Company to induce the Stock Exchange Committee to order quotation of its Shares, and thereby to induce and persuade divers of the liege subjects of our Lady the Queen who should thereafter try to sell the shares of the said Company, to believe that the said Company was duly formed and constituted, and had in all respects complied with the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange, so as to entitle the said Company to have their shares quoted in the official list of the said Stock Exchange: Held a sufficient indictment.-Regina v. Aspinall, 44 L.J M.C. 129; 24 W.R. 921.

v.) C. C: R.-Deaf-Mute.-A deaf-mute was convicted of larceny, but the jury found that the prisoner was not capable of understanding the proceedings. Held that the conviction could not be sustained, but that he must be detained as non-sane during the Queen's pleasure.-Regina v. Berry, L.R. 1 Q.B,D. 447; 45 L.J.M.C. 123.

(vi.) App. Div. Ct.-Gaming.-Service of information and summons is necessary to render valid, under 8 and 9 Vict., c. 109, a conviction for permitting gaming and wagering.-Blake v. Beach, L.R. 1 Ex.D. 320; 45 L.J.M.C. 111; 34 L.T. 764.

Debtor and Creditor:

(i.) C. A.-Fraudulent Assignment.-T. with knowledge of defendant delivered to A. goods in fraud of his creditors; A. without knowledge of T., and not in furtherance of the fraud, sold the goods to defendant. Held that Pltf. was entitled to recover the goods.-Taylor v. Bowers. 34 L.T. 938. (ii.) Infant-Ratification.-A promise on attaining majority to pay a debt, contracted in infancy, "as a debt of honour" is not a ratification of the contract within 9 Geo. IV., c. 14, s. 5.-Maccord v. Osborne, L.R. 1 C.P.D 569; 45 L.J.C.P. 727; 35 L.T. 164.

(iii.) C. A. Infant-Set-off.-Under 2 Geo. II. c. 22 s. 13 and 9 Geo. IV. c. 14, s. 5, set off cannot be maintained of a debt contracted in infancy and not ratified on attaining full age.-Rawley v. Rawley, L.R. 1 Q.B. D. 460; 45 L.J. Q.B. 675; 35 L.T. 191; 24 W.R. 995.

(iv.) App. Div. Ct.-Sheriff-Writ of fi. fa.-When goods have been seized under fi. fa., and the execution creditor afterwards becomes disentitled to recover the judgment debt, the sheriff cannot, without instructions from the execution creditor, sell any of the goods to realize his possession money, fees, and expenses.-Sneary v. Abdy, L.R. 1 Ex. D. 299; 34 L.T.

(v.) Ch. Div. V. C. H.-Statute of Limitations.-Within 6 years after debt incurred plaintiff took out writ in Common Pleas; within 6 months afterwards he took out administration summons in respect of some debt: Held that the debt was barred in Chancery.-Fievet v. Manby, In re Manby, L.R. 3 Ch. D. 101; 35 L.T. 307; 24 W.R. 699.


(i.) Q. B. D.-Libel-Costs.-Where, on information for libel, under 6 & 7 Vict. c. 96, judgement is given for defendant, he is entitled to costs incurred previously to filing of information.-Regina v. Steel, L.R. 1 Q.B.D. 482; 45 L.J. Q.B. 391.

(ii.) C. P. Div.-Slander-Privilege.-An expert witness, being asked in cross-examination as to comments of the judge on evidence given by him in a former trial, voluntarily gave an explanation or defence in defamatory language: Held that the language was used in the character of a witness, and was priveleged. Seaman v. Netherclift, L.R. 1 C.P.D. 540; 34 L.T. 878; 24 W.R. 884.


(i.) Ch. Div. M. R.-Held that acquisition of domicil of choice involves residence in a new country with intention to continue there permanently, and that where there was a clear intention to abandon such domicil of choice the domicil of origin revived.-King v. Foxwell, 45 L.J.Ch. 693; 24 W.R. 630.

Ecclesiastical Law:

(i.) P. C.-Church Ornaments.-In cause by vicar against churchwarden for having removed a wooden cross placed on the re-table by the vicar's authority. Held that the cross was not a lawful church ornament, but neither party having acted under a faculty the suit was dismissed without costs. Durst v. Masters, L.R. 1 P.D. 373; 35 L.T. 37; 24 W.R. 1019. (ii.) London Consistory Ct.-Churchyard-Faculty.-The court granted a faculty for appropriation of a churchyard, closed for burials under Order in Council, for purpose of a public garden, and authorized construction of footpaths and erection of gates.-Re St. George's-in-the-East, L.R. 1 P.D. 311.

(iii.) C. A.- Dilapidations. Two incumbents after the passing of the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 1871, agreed to exchange benefices on terms that no payments should be made by either to the other in respect of dilapidation: Held that the agreement was not illegal under the statute nor (semble) Simoniacal.-Wright v. Davies, 33 L.T. 188; 24 W.R. 841.

(iv.) Ar.-Holy Communion-Crucifix.-Held that incumbent who repeatedly administered the Holy Communion to less than three persons must be admonished to obey the rubric; also that a metal crucifix surmounting a screen at entrance of chancel must be removed as unlawful.-Clifton v. Ridsdale, L.R. 1 P.D. 316,

(v.) P. C.-Inhibition.-37 & 38 Vict. c. 85 s. 9. The Public Worship Regulation Act, 1874, does not deprive the judge of his discretionary power to issue inhibition pending appeal.-Ridsdale v. Clifton, 45 L.J. P.C. 12; 34 L.T. 515; 24 W.R. 1021.


(i.) C. P. Div.-Municipal Election.-The description of a candidate by initials, instead of Christian name in full, is fatal to validity of a nomination paper.-Mather v. Brown, L.R. 1, C.P.D. 596; 45 L.J. C.P. 547 34 L.T. 869; 24 W.R. 736.

(ii.) C. P. Div.-Municipal Election.-The delivery of a nomination paper to the town clerk by an agent is bad under Municipal Elections Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Vic. c. 40) s. 1, sub. sec. 3.-Monks v. Jackson, 35 L.T. 95.

(iii.) C.. P. Div.-Municipal Election.-Notice of the day on which nomination papers are to be delivered, must be given seven clear days previously, exclusive of nomination day, day of election, and Sundays.-Howes v. Turner, 45 L.J. C.P. 550; 35 L.T. 58.

(iv.) C. C. R.-Municipal Election-Voting Papers.-At a Municipal Election the County Court has power to order production of the counted and rejected voting papers and marked counterfoils, as evidence of an offence against the Ballot Act.-Regina v. Beardsall, LR. 1, Q.B.D. 452; 34 L.T. 660

(v.) C. P. Div.-Parliamentary Election.-The Court will not allow the amendment of a petition by an unsuccessful candidate by striking out the claim for the Seat.-Aldridge v. Hurst. L.R. 1, C.P.D. 410; 45 L.J. 431; 35 L T. 156; 24 W.R. 708.

(vi.) App. Div. Ct.—Parliamentary Election-Revising Barrister.-A revising barrister ordered removal of plaintiff from Court, on the ground that in the previous year he had wrongfully withheld certain documents: to County Court action for wrongful expulsion, the barrister relied as special defence on provisions of 28 Vic. s. 16, and plaintiff was non-suited on the ground that the decision of the barrister on the question of "interruption" could not be reviewed by another Court: Held that the non-suit was wrong. Willis v. Machlachlan, L.R. 1, Ex. D. 376; 45 L.J. C.P 689; 35 L.T. 218.

Enclosure Act:

(i.) C. A.—Gravel pit-Lateral extension.-Held, on the construction of an Inclosure Act passed in 1764, wherein it was enacted that the surveyors of the parish of B. might cut and dig gravel from existing pits for repair of highways, that the surveyors were entitled to extend the pits laterally though the surface was thereby destroyed.-Ellis v. Local Board of Bromley, 33 L.T, 182; 24 W.R. 716.

Endowed School:

(i.) P. C.-The mastership of Alleyn's College, Dulwich, being an office created and defined by 20 and 21 Vic., c. 84, gives the holder a vested interest in the office and emoluments thereof, within Endowed Schools Act, 1869, s. 13.-Re Alleyn's College at Dulwich, L.R. 1 App. 69; 45 L.J. P.C. 28.

Evidence :

(i.) Ex. Div.-Descent.-Where death of a person is of very remote date, if it is shown that no trace of his descendants can be found, it will be persumed that he died without issue.-Greaves v. Greenwood, 35 L.T. 65; 24 W.R. 926.

(ii.) C. A.- Publication.-The publication of depositions taken in a suit to perpetuate testimony was opposed on the ground that the suit was collusive, and that the plaintiff in the present suit was not a party thereto: Held that the evidence must be published, and that time for taking evidence in the cause must be extended to enable either party to produce fresh evidence after having seen the depositions.-Vane v. Vane, 45 L.J.Ch. 589; 24 W.R. 565.


(i.) C. P. Div.-A custom for the dwellers of a manor and parish to have common of fishery over the lord's waters, and to take away fish as profit à prendre is unreasonable and bad. Allgood v. Gibson, 34 L.T, 883. Foreign Loan:

(i.) H. L.-Scrip.-Scrip issued by a Foreign Government through agents in England, entitling the bearer to a bond on payment of all instalments, is a negotiable instrument.-Goodwin v. Robarts, 45 L.J. Ex. 748; 85 L.T. 179; 24 W.R. 987.

Forest of Dean :

(i.) Ch. Div. V. C. M.-Grant of Gale.-In 1844 A., a free-miner, applied for grant of a vacant gale; in 1846 B. & C. applied for the same gale: in 1856 the gale was granted to A: in 1868, the gale being vacant, D. applied for it, but died before his grant, having devised his gale to X. and Y., not free-miners: Held that D.'s application gave him an equitable and transmissible right to the gale, and that X. & Y. were entitled to a grant. thereof.-Davis v. Adams 24 W.R. 944.

(ii.) Statutory Duty-1 & 2 Vic. c. 43, s. 29.-This Act, and the Rules under it regulate mines in the Forest of Dean: s. 29 provides that the statutory, duties may be enforced by injunction: Held that an action was, nevertheless, maintainable for injury sustained by breach of the rules.-Ross v. Rugge Price, L.R. 1, Ex. D. 269; 34 L.T. 535; 24 W.R. 786.

Friendly Society:

(i.) Q. B. Div.—Action against Secretary.—An action against a Friendly Society was compromised, the Society undertaking to pay to plaintiff certain costs and charges, which, not being paid, plaintiff sued the Secretary: Held that this was a proceeding touching the right of the Society under 18 & 19 Vic. c. 63, s. 19, and was properly brought against the Secretary under 21 & 22 Vic. c. 101, s. 7.-Roberts v. Page, L.R. 1, Q.B D. 476; 45 L.J. Q.B. 601.

Highway :

(i.) App. Div. Ct.-Construction of Statute.-Although the word “rider" is not mentioned in tht penal clause of the Highway Act. 1835 (5 & 6 Wm. iv. c. 50,) s. 78, the justices have jurisdiction to convict thereunder for furiously riding on horseback.-Williams v. Evans, L.R, 1, Ex. D. 277. (ii.) Q. B. Div.-Repair-Landslip.-A portion of a road was carried away by a landslip: Held, upon the facts, and the surveyor's report, that there was no such destruction as to free the parish from liability to repair.-Regina v. Greenhow, Inhabitants of, 45 L.J. M.C. 141.

(iii.) Q. B. Div.-Sale of parish_land—preemption.-On sale under 5 & 6 Wm. IV. c. 50, s. 48, of land allotted to the parish for repair of highways, the price is to be fixed with regard to the interests of the adjoining landowner in whom the right of pre-emption lies-Regina v. Drayton Highway Board (Mainwaring and others), L.R. 1 Q B.D. 608; 45 L.J. M.C. 126; 35 L.T. 251; 24 W.R. 756.

(iv.) Q. B. Div.--Sale of Toll-house-Discretion.-A wide discretion must be allowed to turnpike trustees in deciding whether the site of a disused tollhouse shall be sold, or added to the road.-Regina v. Fox, 35 L T. 249.

Husband and Wife :

(i.) Ch. Div. M. R.-Acknowledgments.-Commissioners for taking acknowledgments of married women under Fines and Recoveries Act s. 81, may act for any county.-Blackmur v. Blackmur, 45 L.J. Ch. 710; 24 W.R. 900.

(ii.) Ch. Div. M. R.-Acknowledgments.-When order under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. c. 74, s. 91, has been obtained, a deed disposing of the property therein referred to does not require acknowledgment.-Goodchild v. Dougal, 24 W.R. 960.

(iii.) P. D. & A, Div.-Divorce-Jurisdiction.-Persons, both being domiciled in Jersey, were there married; the husband having there committed adultery and deserted his wife, she came to and lived in England.-Held that the Court had no jurisdiction to grant divorce.-Le Sueur v. Le Sueur, L.R. 1, P.D. 139; 45 L.J. P.D. A. 73; 34 L.T. 511; 24 W.R. 616. (iv.) Ch. Div. V. C. B.-Necessaries.- Where a husband turned his wife adrift without means, she must be presumed to have authority to pledge

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