Transactions, Volume 19The Society, 1895 List of members in each vol. |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
agus Alexander Angus Athole Badenoch bhean bheil bhiodh bhith bith bliadhna Caithness Cameron ceann Celtic Celts Cha n eil Cha robh chaidh Charles Fraser-Mackintosh chuir chur Church Clan Cluny dheanamh dheireadh dhol ditto ditto ditto Donald duine Duncan Earl Earl of Athole Edinburgh falbh fhein fhuair Fraser gach Gael Gaelic Ghailig Glen Glenmoriston gobha Golspie gu robh gu'm gu'n Highland honour Iceland Inverness Isles James John Kellachie Kingussie Lachlan Laird lands latha leis letter Lewis Lord Lovat Macdonald Mackay Mackenzie Mackintosh Macpherson Middle Irish mòr Norse Norsemen oidhche Orkneys Pabay Paraphrases parish Portree Presbytery Regiment riamh Ross Scotland Scots Scottish song seann Shetland sinn Skye Society Stewart Strathardle Sutherland taigh taillear taobh Teine thainig thug thuirt uair William word