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" And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things of obscene and unlovely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian woof, Into the rough woods far aloof, In a basket, of grasses and wild flowers full, The freshest her gentle hands could pull For the poor... "
The Rugbæan - Page 26
de Rugby sch - 1850
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in ..., Volume 1

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1829 - 575 pages
...ozier bands; If the flower» had been lier own infants, she Could never have nursed them more tenderly. hand» could pull For the poor banish'd insect», whose intent, Although they did ill, was innocent....
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in One Volume

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1831 - 624 pages
...osier bands ; If the flowers had been her own infants, she Could never have nursed them more tenderly And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things of obscene and unlovely forms, She bort1 in a basket of Indian woof, Into the rough woods far aloof, In a basket, of grasses and wild...
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The Royal Lady's Magazine, Volume 2

1834 - 402 pages
...nursed them more tenderly. " And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And all things that were of unlovely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian woof,...Into the rough woods far aloof, " In a basket, of grapes and wild flowers full, The freshest her gentle hands could pull, For the poor banish'd insects,...
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The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with His Life, Volume 1

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1834 - 886 pages
...cups of the heary flowers She emptied the rain of the thander showers. And all killing insects und gnawing worms, And things of obscene and unlovely forms, She bore in a hasket of Indian woof, Into the rough woods far aloof, In a hasket of grasses and wild llowersfull,...
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The Metropolitan, Volume 14

1835 - 598 pages
...moro tenderly ! And all killing insects, and gnawing worms, And things of obscene, unlovely forma, She bore in a basket of Indian woof, Into the rough woods far aloof! In a basket, of grapes and wild flowers full, The freshest her gentle hands could pull, For the poor banished insects,...
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in One Volume

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 - 634 pages
...osier bands ; If the flowers had been her own infants, she Could never have nursed them more tenderly. And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things...unlovely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian woof, nto the rough woods far aloof, na basket, of grasses and wild flowers full, rhe freshest her gentle...
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The jewel, sacred, domestic, narrative and lyrical poems selected from ...

Jewel - 1839 - 352 pages
...osier bands ; If the flowers had been her own infants, she Could never have nursed them more tenderly. And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things...freshest her gentle hands could pull For the poor banish 'd insects, whose intent Although they did ill, was innocent. But the bee and the beamlike ephemeris,...
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The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1839 - 408 pages
...never have nursed them more tenderly. And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things of obseene and unlovely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian...insects, whose intent, Although they did ill, was innoeent. But the bee and the beamlike ephemeris, Whose path is the lightning's, and soft moths that...
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National: A Library for the People, Numéros 1 à 26

1839 - 446 pages
...osier bands ; If the flowers had been her own infants, she Could never have nursed them more tenderly. And all killing insects and gnawing worms, And things of obscene and unlorely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian woof, Into the rough woods far aloof, In a basket, of...
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The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1840 - 404 pages
...never have nursed them more tenderly. And all killing inseets and gnawing worms, And things of obseene and unlovely forms, She bore in a basket of Indian...and wild flowers full, The freshest her gentle hands eould pull For the poor banished inseets, whose intent, Although they did ill, was innoeent. But the...
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