name which can designate, the perpetrators of this dastardly devastation. It was not the least of the crimes laid to the charge of Verres, that he had plundered Sicily, in the manner since imitated at Athens. The most unblushing impudence could hardly go farther than to affix the name of its plunderer to the walls of the Acropolis; while the wanton and useless defacement of the whole range of the basso - relievos, in one compartment of the temple, will never permit that name to be pronounced by an observer without execration. On this occasion I speak impartially: I am not a collector or admirer of collections, con aouts at hand, they remained stationary, and thus saved our party which was too small to have opposed any effectual resistance. Colonna is no less a resort of painters than of pirates; there „The hireling artist plants his paltry desk, But there Nature, with the aid of Art, has done sequently no rival; but I have some early prepossessione in favour of Greece, and do not think the honour of England advanced by plunder, whether of India or Attica.a Another noble Lord has done better, because he has done less: but some others, more or less noble, yet << all honourable men," have done best, because; after a deal of excavation and execration, bribery to the Waywode, mining and countermining, they have done nothing at all. We had such ink-shed, and wine-shed, which almost ended in bloodshed! Lord E's «prigsee Jonathan Wylde for the definition of <priggism, " - quarrelled with another, Gropius*) by name (a very good name too for his business) and muttered something about satisfaction, in a verbal answer to a note )This Sr. Gropius was employed by a noble Lord for the sole purpose of sketching, in which he excels, but I am sorry to say that he has, through the abused sanction of that most respectable name, been treading at humble distance in the steps of Sr. Lusieri. A shipful ot his trophies was detained, and I believe confiscated at Constantinople in 1810 I am most happy to be now enabled to state, that,, this was not in his bond;" that he was employed solely as a painter, and that his of the poor Prussian: this was stated at table to Gropius, who laughed, but could eat no dinner afterwards. The rivals were not reconciled when I left Greece. I have reason to remember their squabble, for they wanted to make me their arbitrator. 7. 1 Her sons too weak the sacred shrine to guard, Yet felt some portion of their mother's pains.s Stanza xii. lines 7 and 8. I cannot resist availing myself of the permission of my friend Dr. Clarke, whose name requires no comment with the public, but whose sanction will add tenfold weight to my testimony, to insert the following extract from a very ob X noble patron disavows all connexion with bim, except as an artist. If the error in the first and dyson second edition of this Poem has given the noble Lord wa moment's pain, I am very sorry for it; Sr Gropins has assumed for years the name of his agent; and though I cannot much condemn myself for sharing in the mistake of so many, I am happy in being one of the first to be undeceived. Indeed, I have as much pleasure in contradicting this as I felt regret in stating it. liging letter of his to me, above lines: as a note to the When the last of the Metopes was taken from the Parthenon, and, in moving of it, great part of the superstructure with one of the triglyphs was thrown down by the workmen whom Lord Elgin employed, the Disdar, who beheld the mischief done to the building, took his pipe from his mouth, dropped a tear, and, in a supplicating tone of voice, said to Lusieri; Τέλος! - I was present." The Disdar alluded to was the father of the present Disdar. 8. Where was thine Ægis, Pallas! that appall'd Stern Alaric and Havoc on their way? Stanza xiv. lines 1 and 2. According to Zozimus, Minerva and Achilles frightened Alaric from the Acropolis; but others relate that the Gothic king was nearly as mischievous as the Scottish peer. See CHANDLER. 9. the netted canopy.c Stanza xviii. line 2. The netting to prevent blocks or splinters from falling on deck during action. But not in silence pass Calypso's isles. Goza is said to have been the island of Calypso. 11. Land of Albania! let me bend mine eyes Stanza xxxviii. lines 5 and 6. Albania comprises part of Macedonia, Illyria, Chaonia, and Epirus. Iskander is the Turkish word for Alexander; and the celebrated Scanderbeg (Lord Alexander) is alluded to in the third and fourth lines of the thirty-eighth stanza. I do not know whether I am correctin making Scanderbeg the countryman of Alexander, who was born at Pella in Macedon, but Mr. Gibbon terms him so, and adds Pyrrhus to the list, in speaking of his exploits. Of Albania Gibbon remarks, that a country within sight of Italy is less known than the interior of America. Circumstances, of little consequence to mention, led Mr. Hobhouse and myself into that country before we visited any other part of the Ottoman dominions; and with the exception of Major Leake, then offi |