Souls of lonely places ! can I think A vulgar hope was yours when ye employed Such ministry, when ye through many a year Haunting me thus among my boyish sports, On caves and trees, upon the woods and hills, Impressed upon all forms the characters Of... The American Whig Review - Page 4361851Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | 1889 - 614 pages his embrace, throbs against his, and swells the tumultuous joy of physical existence, ' and thus did make The surface of the universal earth, With...and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea.' Such influences of Nature upon human sensibility are common enough. But we are far removed from the... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1850 - 412 pages
...trees, upon the woods and hills, Impressed upon all forms the characters Of danger or desire ; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth With triumph and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea ? Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1851 - 750 pages
...trees, upon the woods and hills, Impressed upon all forms the characters Of danger or desire; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth With triumph and delight, with hope and fear Work like a seat Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every changa Of exercise and play, to... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1854 - 786 pages
...trees, upon the woods and hills, Impressed upon all forms the characters Of danger or desire : and thus did make The surface of the universal earth With triumph...and delight, with hope and fear. Work like a sea? Not uselessly employed. Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1854 - 432 pages
...trees, upon the woods and hills, Impressed upon all forms the characters Of danger or desire ; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth With triumph...and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea? Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1859 - 432 pages
...Impressed upon all forms the characters Of danger or desire ; and thus did make The surface oTtneuniversal earth With triumph and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea ? Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William [poetical works] Wordsworth - 1870 - 382 pages
...woods and hills, VOL. v. c Impressed, upon all forms, the characters Of clanger or desire ; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth, With...triumph and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea ? Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1870 - 382 pages
...woods and hills, voi. v. K Impressed, upon all forms, the characters Of danger or desire ; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth, With...and delight, with hope and fear, "Work like a sea ? Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to which... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1871 - 630 pages
...forms the characters Of danger or desire ; and thus did make The surface of the universal earth f . With triumph and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea Î Not uselessly employed, Might I pursue this theme through every change Of exercise and play, to... | |
 | Stopford Augustus Brooke - 1872 - 592 pages
...impressed upon all outward forms, and day by day more vividly that great enjoyment swells which makes The surface of the universal earth With triumph and delight, with hope and fear, Work like a sea. And in quieter moments, calmer pleasures are his — pleasures of love given and received, pleasures... | |
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