JRE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE RAMENTS, IN THREE PARTS. n SACRAMENTS in general: Show- On the SACRAMENTS, as connected UMMARY; AND APPLICATORY LL FOUNDED ON THE IPTURES. on a NEW PLAN.-- No Author is referred to, CNEZER CHAPLIN, A. M. e Lord, stand ye in the Wars, and fee, and WORCESTER, (Massachusetts.) DANIEL GREENLEAF. 1802. NTRODUCTION. make no Preface, Advertisement or - writing what is here offered ; otherwing a few hints, in this my Introduc ot gone in the track of any Publica. ever seen on the subject; nor of any pothesis, I have ever heard advanc- do I undertake to oppose, or contro chor. I have therefore, no occafion Apology on the one hand for occupythe other for obstructing, the Paths of The Scriptures for my guide, I have r the Old Paths, the good Way, and ored to clear it, so that all may walk d it appears to me so straight, that the ot be turned out of the Way. gh the Old Paths, are what I here ennd endeavor to clear; yet those annave so long been unoccupied; and eans become so incumbered, that the em, seems properly NEw at the pre. and I doubt not, that those Old Paths effay to clear, will appear New to all or survey them. traight, it unavoidably intersects the rs; yet I leave every one unmoleftDre see not, why I may not justly ex. nmolested myself. However, if any me; if I should live, and have toler. fhall endeavor to defend |