Achil. Where, where? art thou come? Why, my cheese, my digeftion, why haft thou not ferved thyself in to my table fo many meals? Come; what's Agamemnon! Ther. Thy commander, Achilles. Then tell me, Patroclus, what's Achilles? Patr. Thy lord, Therfites.-Then tell me, 1 pray thee, what's thyfelf? Ther. Thy knower, Patroclus. Patroclus, what art thou? Patr. Thou must tell that know'ft. Achil. O tell, tell Then tell me, Ther. I'll decline the whole queftion. Agamemnon commands Achilles; Achilles is my lord; I am Patroclus's knower; and Patroclus is a fool. Pair. You rafcal! Ther. Peace, fool, I have not done. Achil. He is a privileg'd man.-Proceed, Therfites, Ther. Agamemnon is a fool; Achilles is a fool; Therfites is a fool; and (as aforefaid) Patroclus is a fool. Achil. Derive this; come. Ther. Agamemnon is a fool to offer to command Achilles; Achilles is a fool to be commanded of Agamemnon; Therfites is a fool to ferve fuch a fool; and Patroclus is a fool pofitive. Patr. Why am I a fool? Ther. Make that demand 3 of the prover. It fuffices me, thou art. -decline the whole queftion.-] Deduce the queftion from the first cafe to the lat. JOHNSON. 2 -Patroclus is a fool.] The four next speeches are not in the quarto. JOHNSON. of the prover.] So the quarto. JOHNSON. The folio reads,of thy creator. STERVENS, Enter Enter Agamemnon, Ulyffes, Neftor, Diomedes, and Ajax. Look you, who comes here? Achil. Patroclus, I'll speak with no body.-Come in with me, Therfites. [Exit. Ther. Here is fuch patchery, fuch juggling, and fuch knavery! All the argument is, a cuckold, and a whore a good quarrel to draw emulous factions, and bleed to death upon. 4 Now the dry ferpigo on the fubject! and war and lechery confound all! [Exit. Aga. Where is Achilles? Patr. Within his tent; but ill difpos'd, my lord. Let him be told fo; left, perchance, he think Patr. I fhall fo say to him. [Exit. Ulyf. We faw him at the opening of his tent; He is not fick. Ajax. Yes, lion-fick, fick of a proud heart. You may call it melancholy, if you will favour the man; but, by my head, 'tis pride. But why, why?—let him fhew us the caufe. A word, my lord. [To Agamemnon. Neft. What moves Ajax thus to bay at him? Ulyf. Achilles hath inveigled his fool from him. Neft. Who? Therfites? Ulyf. He. Neft. Then will Ajax lack matter, if he have loft his argument. Now the dry, &c ] This is added in the folio. JOHNSON. 5 He SENT our messengers ;-] This nonfenfe fhould be read, He SHENT our meffengers ; -i. e. rebuked, rated. Ulyf. No; you fee, he is his argument, that has his argument;-Achilles. Neft. All the better; their fraction is more our wish than their faction: but it was a strong 6 compofure, a fool could difunite. Ulyf. The amity, that wisdom knits not, folly may eafily untye. Re-enter Patroclus. Here comes Patroclus. Neft. No Achilles with him. Ulyf. The elephant hath joints; but none for courtesy; His legs are for neceffity, not for flexure. Patr. Achilles bids me fay, he is much forry, Aga. Hear you, Patroclus! We are too well acquainted with these answers: Much attribute he hath; and much the reason We come to speak to him: and you fhall not fin If you do fay we think him over-proud, 6 compofure,-] So reads the quarto very properly; but the folio, which the moderns have followed, has, it was a Arong COUNSEL. JOHNSON. 7 noble fate, Perfon of high dignity; fpoken of Agamemnon. JOHNSON. Noble ftate rather means the ftately train of attending nobles swhom you bring with you. STEEVENS, And And under-honeft; in felf-affumption greater Here tend the favage ftrangenefs he puts on; 8 His humourous predominance; yea, watch "Bring action hither, this can't go to war: Patr. I fhall, and bring his anfwer prefently. [Exit. Exit Ulyffes. Ajax. What is he more than another? thinks himfelf A better man than I am? Aga. No question. Do you not think, he Ajax. Will you fubfcribe his thought, and fay, he is? Aga. No, noble Ajax; you are as ftrong, as valiant, As wife, and no lefs noble, much more gentle, And altogether more tractable. Ajax. Why fhould a man be proud? How doth pride grow? I know not what it is. 8-under-write] To fubfcribe, in Shakespeare, is to obey. JOHNSON. 9 His pettish lunes, -] This is Hanmer's emendation of his pettifh lines. The old quarto reads, His courfe and time. This fpeech is unfaithfully printed in modern editions. JOHNS. Aga. Your mind is the clearer, Ajax, and your virtues The fairer. He that's proud eats up himself: Ajax. I do hate a proud man, as I hate the engendering of toads. Neft. [Afide.] And yet he loves himself: is it not strange? Uly. Achilles will not to the field to-morrow. Ulys. He doth rely on none; But carries on the ftream of his difpofe, Aga. Why will he not, upon our fair request, And batters down himself. What should I fay? He is fo plaguy proud, that the death-tokens of it Cry-no recovery. Aga. Let Ajax go to him. Dear lord, go you and greet him in his tent: 'Tis faid, he holds you well, and will be led At your request a little from himself. Úlyf. O, Agamemnon, let it not be so! We'll confecrate the steps that Ajax makes When they go from Achilles. Shall the proud lord, That |