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ments thereto, either by inserting or by leaving out words; in which last case, the question shall "Shall these words stand as part of the article?" And in every of the said cases, the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators present shall be requisite to decide affirmatively. And when through the whole, the proceedings shall be stated to the House, and questions shall be again severally put thereon for confirmation, or new ones proposed, requiring, in like manner, a concurrence of two-thirds, for whatever is retained or inserted; the votes so confirmed shall by the House, or a committee thereof, be reduced into the form of a ratification, with or without modifications, as may have been decided, and shall be proposed on a subsequent day, when every one shall again be free to move amendments, either by inserting or leaving out words; in which last case, the question shall be, "Shall these words stand as part of the resolution?" And in both cases, the concurrence of two-thirds shall be requisite to carry the affirmative, as well as, on the final question, to advise and consent to the ratification in the form agreed to.

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38. All confidental communications made by the President of the United States to the Senate, shall be by the members thereof kept secret; and all treaties which may be laid before the Senate shall also be kept secret, until the Senate shall, by their resolution, take off the injunction of secrecy.

39. All information or remarks, touching or concerning the character or qualifications of any person nominated by the President to office, shall be kept secret.

40. When acting on confidential or executive business, the Senate shall be cleared of all persons, except the secretary, the principal or the executive clerk, the sergeant-at-arms, and doorkeeper, and the assistant doorkeeper.

41. The legislative proceedings, the executive proceedings, and the confidential legislative proceedings, of the Senate, shall be kept in separate and distinct books.

42. The President of the United States shall, from time to time, be furnished with an authenticated transcript of the executive records of the Senate; and all nominations approved, or definitively acted on by the Senate, shall be returned by the secretary from day to day, as such proceedings may occur; but no further extract from the executive journal shall be furnished, except by special order; and no paper, except original treaties, transmitted to the Senate by the President of the United States, or any executive officer, shall be returned or delivered from the office of the secretary, without an order of the Senate for that purpose.

43. When an amendment to be proposed to the Constitution is under consideration, the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present shall not be requisite to decide any question for

amendments, or extending to the merits, being short of the final question.

44. When any question may have been decided by the Senate, in which two-thirds of the members present are necessary to carry the affirmative, any member, who votes on that side which prevailed in the question, may be at liberty to move for a reconsideration; and a motion for reconsideration shall be decided by a majority of votes.

45. Messages shall be sent to the House of Representatives by the Secretary, who shall previously endorse the final determination of the Senate thereon.

46. Messengers are introduced in any state of business, except while a question is putting, while the yeas and nays are calling, or while the ballots are counting.

47. The presiding officer of the Senate shall have the regulation of such parts of the Capitol and of its passages, as are or may be set apart for the use of the Senate and its officers.

48. The secretary of the Senate, the sergeantat-arms, and doorkeeper, and the assistant doorkeeper, shall be chosen on the second Monday of the first session of the 21st Congress, and on the same day of the first session of every succeeding Congress.

49. After the journal is read, the President shall first call for petitions, and then for reports from standing committees; and every petition


or memorial, or other paper, shall be referred, of course, without putting a question for that purpose, unless the reference is objected to by a member at the time such petition, memorial, or other paper is presented.








1. He shall take the chair every day precisely at the hour to which the House shall have adjourned on the preceding day; shall immediately call the members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall call the Journal of the preceding day to be read.

2. He shall preserve order and decorum; and speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House by any two members, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the House.

3. He shall rise to put a question, but may state it sitting.

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