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" Nor is the law so strict in point of time as to require the party to set out immediately on his return, but allows him time to settle his private affairs, and to prepare for his journey; and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection... "
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Composed Originally for the Use of the ... - Page 22
de Thomas Jefferson - 1837 - 192 pages
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Manual of Parliamentary Practice

1826 - 228 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity, perhaps, punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificandum, or a summons on a jury : and with reason ; because a member...
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A Manual of Legislative Practice and Order of Business in Deliberative Bodies

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1830 - 404 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity perhaps...which is punishable by an attachment of the person ; so a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificandum, or a summons on a .jury ; and with reason ; because...
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A Manual of Legislative Practice and Order of Business in Deliberative Bodies

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1838 - 456 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity perhaps...process the disobedience to which is punishable by ah attachment of the person ; as a subprena ad respondemlum, or testificandum, or a summons on a jury...
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The Practice and Privileges of the Two Houses of Parliament: With an ...

Alpheus Todd - 1840 - 412 pages
...long as the Parliament exists, it being seldom prorogued for more than fourscore days at a time (;»). This privilege from arrest, privileges of course punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum or testifaandum, or a summons on a jury, — and with reason, because a Member...
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A Congressional Manual; Or, Outline of the Order of Business: In the House ...

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1841 - 530 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct; some necessity punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificandum, or a summons on a jury ; and with reason ; because a member...
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A Congressional Manual; Or, Outline of the Order of Business: In the House ...

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1841 - 560 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct; some necessity perhaps constraining him to it. 2 Stra. 986, 987. member has superior duties to perform in another place. [ When a representative is withdrawn from his...
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Laws of Wisconsin Territory

Wisconsin - 1842 - 174 pages
...liberties, as well as the private indepenence of the members. This privilege from arrest, privileges them, of course, against all process, the disobedience to which is punishable by attachment of the person, such as a. subpena ad respondendum, ad testificandum, or a summons to serve...
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1853 - 476 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificanduru, or a summons on a jury ; and with reason, because a member...
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The Legislative Guide, Containing All the Rules for Conducting Business in ...

Joseph Bartlett Burleigh - 1853 - 354 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity, perhaps, punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificandum,* or a summons on a jury, and with reason ; because a member...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Miscellaneous: 4. Parliamentary manual; 5 ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1854 - 608 pages
...and does not even scan his road very nicely, nor forfeit his protection for a little deviation from that which is most direct ; some necessity perhaps...privileges of course against all process, the disobedience is punishable by an attachment of the person ; as a subpoena ad respondendum, or testificandum, or...
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