VINDICATION OF "The Book of the Roman Catholic Church," AGAINST THE REVEREND GEORGE TOWNSEND'S "Accusations of History against the WITH THE NOTICE OF SOME CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST THE REV. JOSEPH BLANCO WHITE, M. A. B. D. AND IN SOME ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. BY CHARLES BUTLER, Esq. WITH COPIES OF DOCTOR PHILLPOTTS'S FOURTH LETTER TO MR. BUTLER, AND OF A LETTER OF DOCTOR LINGARD TO MR. BUTLER, LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. M.DCCC.XXVI. 356. "I DO NOT HOLD, THAT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC RE- "I DO NOT HOLD THE MAXIM, THAT FROM THEIR "I DO NOT HOLD, THAT THEY MAINTAIN ANY SUCH Extract from the Speech of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Horsley, 34 Luke Hansard & Sons, near Lincoln's-Inn Fields, London. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Mr. Townsend's assertion, that a decree of the Council of Constance, which an article of the creed of Pope Pius IV. compels every conscientious IV. His assertion that Arminianism, Calvinism, Quakerism 1. Mr. Townsend's vindication and adoption of Doctor Southey's expression, that "the Roman Catholic 2. His intimation that "if the adherents to Rome are as numerous as they are represented to be in the "Book of the Roman Catholic Church, the vigilance "of Protestants should be proportioned to their Answered, Foreign Catholic States have shown 1.-Identity of the Doctrine preached to them, and the Mr. Townsend's charge against the Author of " the Book of Disproved - 22 ib. Mr. Townsend's assertion, that "in defending St. Thomas, "the author of 'the Book of the Roman Catholic "Church,' has quoted the half only of a passage cited Transcription of the whole passage: it completely III.-Statement by the Author of "the Book of the Roman 1.-Mr. Townsend's declaration, that "he is almost tempted to believe all the accusations of Protestants "against the fairness and candour of the Church of "Rome; and could also accuse the Author of The "Book of the Roman Catholic Church, of insidious "Jesuitism,' for his representation of the conduct of |