Francis M. Scarlett and Mary Ann Parland, administrator and administratrix of John Parland, deceased, to Charles W. Cartwright, William Howard Gardiner, and Simon Greenleaf, trustees of the Brunswick Land Company: Deed dated March 14, 1837, conveys "all that tract or parcel of land, called Blythe Island, situate, lying, and being in the waters of Turtle river, and opposite to the city of Brunswick, in said county of Glynn, and State of Georgia;" recorded March 18, 1837, in book H, folio †60. Charles W. Cartwright and William H. Gardiner, trustees, &c., to Samuel R. Brooks and Amos Davis: Deed dated April 9, 1851, conveys "all that tract or parcel of land, called Blythe Island, situate, lying, and being in the waters of Turtle river, and opposite to the city of Brunswick, in said county of Glynn, and State of Georgia;" recorded January 12, 1852, in book L, pages 55, &c. Amos Davis to William Chauncey: Deed dated February 5, 1853, conveys "all the one undivided sixteenth part," of above-described premises; recorded March 10, 1853, in book L, page 182. Samuel R. Brooks to D. Randolph Martin: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded 1853, in book L, page 283. 17, Amos Davis to Thomas A. Dexter: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys, all of one undivided thirty-second part of Blythe Island;' recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 291. Amos Davis to Edmund Monroe: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys" all of the undivided one eighth part of one undivided half part of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 292. Samuel R. Brooks to Thomas A. Dexter: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 295. Samuel R. Brooks to Edward Monroe: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 294. Samuel R. Brooks to Thomas A. Dexter: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 295. Samuel R. Brooks to Edward Monroe: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 294. Samuel R. Brooks to Thomas A. Dexter: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all of one undivided thirty-second part of Blythe Island;" recorded November 12, 1853, in book L, page 296. Samuel R. Brooks to Charles Illins: Deed dated September 29, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one-eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded December 15, 1853, in book L, page 305. Samuel R. Brooks to Charles Illins: Deed dated September 24, 1853, conveys "all the undivided one-eighth part of the undivided fifteen thirty-second parts of Blythe Island;" recorded December 15, 1853, in book L, page 307. Samuel R. Brooks to Charles Day and Thurston R. Bloom: Deed dated September 27, 1853, conveys "all the undivided fifteen thirtysecond parts of Blythe Island;" recorded January 11, 1854, in book L, page 314. Amos Davis to George W. Hodges: Deed dated February 23, 1856, conveys "one undivided thirty-second part of Blythe Island;" recorded October 28, 1856, in book M, pages 177 and 178. STATE OF GEORGIA, Glynn County: Clerk's Office, Superior Court. I, Jacob W. Moore, clerk of the superior court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true abstract of the title for Blythe Island as it appears on record in this office, which is the only office in said county where such conveyances are recorded. And I further certify that there are no adverse claimants to any portion of said property. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of court, this 11th of September, 1857. [SEAL.] Know all men by these presents: That we, Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly, of the county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, have granted, bargained, and sold, unto John Parland, of the county of Glynn, and State of Georgia, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, and sell, enfeoff and confirm, for and in consideration of the sum of $1,500, to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, unto the said John Parland, all that undivided moiety of that tract or parcel of land held by us, the said Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly, as tenants in common with on, and bounded by the water of the Turtle river, in the county of Glynn, and State aforesaid, known and called by the name of Blythe Island, containing 4,205 acres, be the same more or less, of which 1,633 acres are marsh land, 260 acres are hammock land, and 2,312 acres are pine barren; the said island of Blythe being bounded on all sides by the waters of Turtle river; to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with all the issues, profits, and appurtenances thereto, as fully and completely as we, the said Thomas Handly and Sarah Handly, have hitherto held the said undivided moiety of the said tract or parcel of land, to the said John Parland and his heirs forever, as tenants in common with And the said Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly do covenant and agree for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, to warrant and defend the titles of the undivided moiety of the said tract or parcel of land above-mentioned and described, unto the said John Parland, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, against all and every person, whatsoever, having, or pretending to have, any claim, legal or equitable, to the said undivided moiety of the island of Blythe with the said Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 12th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1815. SARAH HANDLY. [L. 8.] Signed, sealed, and delivered before us- John McQuin, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within deed, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that he saw Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly sign and seal the within, the same being first read to them in this deponents presence, and acknowledged the same as their act and deed; and that this deponent also saw John Hartford Montgomery, the other subscribing witness, sign the same, as a witness, in the deponent's presence, and in the presence of the said Sarah Handly and Thomas Handly. JOHN MCQUIN. Sworn to before me, this 13th day of March, 1816. JOHN CUMMING, J. I. C. R. C. Recorded this 15th day of November, 1817, or examined by me. J. ABRAHAMS, STATE OF GEORGIA, Glynn County : Clerk's Office, Glynn County. C. I. C. G. C. I, Jacob W. Moore, clerk of the superior court in the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy from record as it appears in book G, folios 306, &c. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand officially, and affixed the seal of court, at Brunswick, this 10th day of September, 1857. J. W. MOORE, Clerk. Know all men by these presents, that we, Frederick Beal and John E. Carson, members of the board of commissioners of and in behalf of James Hooper, Dudley James, James Blair, and John Mullin, Esq. the other named commissioners of the said academy, and all of the county of Franklin, and State of Georgia, have granted, bargained. and deed, and do by these presents sell and bargain with and unto John Parland, of the county of Glynn, and State aforesaid, and by these presents to give, grant, sell and bargain, enfeoff and confirm, for and in consideration of the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars, to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have this day sold unto the John Parland all that undivided moiety of that tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Glynn county, and on Turtle river, known and called by the name of Blythe Island, containing two thousand one hundred and two acres, be the same more or less to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with all the rights, issues, profits, and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining thereunto, as fully and amply as we the said commissioners have hitherto held the said undivided moiety of the said tract or parcel of land, to the said John Parland and his heirs forever, in fee simple; and we the said Frederick Beal, and John E. Carson, members, for themselves and for the aforesaid James Hooper, Dudley James, James Blair, and John Mullins, Esq., named commissioners of the Franklin County Academy, do warrant and defend the title of the aforesaid undivided moiety of the said tract or parcel of land above-mentioned and described, as commissioners, as aforesaid unto the said John Parland, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, against all every person whatsoever having or pretending to have any claim legal or equitable title to the said undivided moiety of the said tract or parcel of land, or to any part thereof. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seal, this 19th day of May, 1817. SAMUEL PILES, J. I. C. FREDERICK BEAL, [L. S.] Recorded this 15th day of November, 1817, and examined by me. STATE OF GEORGIA, Glynn County: J. ABRAHAMS, C. S. C. G. C. I, Jacob W. Moore, clerk of the superior court in the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy from record, as it appears in book G, folios 307, &c. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand officially, and affixed the seal of court, at Brunswick, this 10th day of September, A. D. 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, Glynn County: J. W. MOORE, Clerk. This memorandum of agreement, made and entered into this 19th day of May, 1836, between John Parland, of the State and county aforesaid, of the one part, and Abraham Colby, of the city of Boston, and State of Massachusetts, of the other part, witnesseth: That the said John Parland doth by these presents promise and agree to sell to the said Abraham Colby, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land called Blythe Island, situate, lying, and being in the waters of the Turtle river, and opposite to the town of Brunswick, in the State and county aforesaid, for the sum of twelve thousand dollars, to be paid four thousand dollars on the 1st day of January, 1837, when and at which time the said John Parland doth promise and agree for himself or his assigns to make to the said Abraham Colby, or to his assigns, good and sufficient warranty titles to the said Blythe Island, he, the said Abraham Colby, being bound by these presents to give to the said John Parland, or to his assigns, a mortgage on the said Blythe Island, and personal security to secure to him, the said John Parland, the remaining eight thousand dollars of the sum agreed to be paid for the said Blythe Island, with legal interest thereon, which said eight thousand dollars are to be paid in two equal annual installments of four thousand dollars each, with the interest thereon, as follows, to wit: four thousand dollars and interest on the 1st day of January, 1838, and four thousand dollars and interest on the 1st day of January, 1839. In witness whereof, I, the said John Parland, have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above written. THOS. BUTLER KING, Recorded February 27, 1837. STATE OF GEORGIA, Glynn County: Clerk's Office, Glynn county. JOHN PARLAND, [L. S.] JOHN BURNETT, Clerk. I, Jacob W. Moore, clerk of the superior court in the county and and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy from record, as it appears in book H, folio 442. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand officially and affixed the seal of court, at Brunswick, this 10th day of September, A. D. 1857. J. W. MOORE, Clerk. Know all men, that I, Abraham Colby, within named, in consideration of one dollar, and for divers other valuable considerations, paid me by Charles W. Cartwright, Simon Greenleaf, and William Harward Gardiner, Esqrs., trustees of the Brunswick Land Company, the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, do hereby assign, transfer, sell and convey, bargain and grant to the said Cartwright, Greenleaf, anl Gardiner, all my right, title, and interest, at law and in equity, in and to all and singular the lands within mentioned, and also in and to the contract and obligation within, and all benefits, equities, and claims resulting to me under and by virtue of the same, hereby investing them, and each of them, with full power as my attorneys irrevocable, and with power of substitution in my name, place, and stead. but at their cost and expenses, and to their use and benefit, to adopt and pursue all lawful means to carry said contract into effect, and complete, effect, and to enforce the performance of the same on the part of the obliger therein named and his heirs and assigns, and to |