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In concluding our fourth volume, we hoped to be able to announce to our patrons an increase in the size, and still greater increase in the interest of the HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. The present season, however, admonishes the prudent not to undertake any new or extended enterprise; and we merely state here our wish and intention to do so at the earliest possible moment, and to introduce, as a new feature in the Magazine, authentic portraits, and historical views or maps.

The present volume has, we trust, been a satisfactory one to all; at least, we have met, neither from the press nor individual subscribers, any complaint of its not meeting their wishes and expectations. The Diary kept at Newport, during the British occupation; the extremely valuable papers embodying the Hon. H. C. Murphy's researches at Leyden; the Documents relating to the States of Spanish origin, for which we are indebted to Buckingham Smith, Esq.; the Reminiscences of Dr. Buchanan; Habersham's Journal, and the other Revolutionary documents, from the papers of the Hon. George Bancroft; the Journal of the Siege of Quebec, with the papers specially prepared or supplied from their historic collections by our numerous and able contributors, render it certainly a valuable addition to collections of American History.

The interest in historical matters is daily gaining strength: new Societies are springing into existence, older ones are reviving their sometimes dormant energies, and by their meetings and publications stimulate, while they feed this interest. Already

several States, besides doing much to describe the natural features of the land in which we live, have issued their early records, or the Documents of their Colonial History, in a manner worthy of great nations; and one State has, by authorizing each town to publish its history, given an additional impetus to our local history.

In this state of the public mind, we shall endeavor not to be inferior, and hope to excel.

December 1, 1860.




Newport in the Hands of the British,..

History of the Pilgrim Fathers,

Tilden's Poems,

Letter from Horatio Gates,


Illinois.--Chicago Historical Society, 10.

Maryland.-Maryland Historical Society, 10.

Massachusetts.-New England Historic-Genealogical Society, 11.

New York. -New York Historical Society, 11; American Ethnological Society, 12; American Numismatic Society, 18. Rhode Island.-Rhode Island Historical Society, 13.


Notes.-The Shekomeko and Wechquadnack Monuments, 13; the Women of Chester County, Pa., 14; Columbus, 15; Masterly Inactivity, 15; Chads' Ford, 15; American Works in Germany, 16; Poor Richard's Proverbs, 16; Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" early printed in Ohio, 17; First Paper printed in Mississippi, 17; Post Riding in 1775, 17; Dress in 1775, 17; American Proverbs and Similes, 17; Sally Lunn, 17; Ecclesiastical Blessing of Bells, 18; Benedict Arnold's Mother, 18; A Family of Governors, 18.

Queries.-Indian Mounds, Ulster Co., 18; Sober Second Thought, 19; The Indian Printer, 19; Copyright, 19; Vine Planting in Va., 19; American Medal, 19; K. Saint, 20; Engravings of Washington and Franklin, 20; Saur or Sower, 20.

Replies-Maple-Sugar, 20; Autographs of Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 20; History of the Civil War, 20; Robert Feke, the Portrait Painter, 20; The Mayflower Ship, 21; Painted Post, 21; Wizard Clip, 21; Paoli, 23; Lynch Law, 24.


John Y. Mason, 24; B. A. Gould, 25; James C. Jones, 25; Danl. Cady, 25; Mrs. Nathl. Wilson, 26; Horatio G. Phillips, 26; S. J. Varney, 26; George R. Gilmer, 26; Eleanor Brown, 26; W. W. Turner, 27; Hannah Conant, 28; Z. C. Lee, 29; Asa A. Gore, 29; Theodore Sedgewick, 29.


Collections of Maine Historical Society,

Council of Revision of New York,

Allibone's Dictionary,

Battles of the United States by Sea and Land,

History of Independence Hall,.......







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Anniversary of New York Historical Society, 81; Old Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg, Va., 31; Diary of the Revolution, 32; Hakluyt Society, 32; Mirelet's Explorations in Yucatan, 32; Life of Philip Schuyler, 82; War of 1812, 32; American Tokens, 32; Annals of Groton, Ct., 32; Tilden's Poems, 32; The Croakers, 32; Irvingiana, $2.

Any Works noticed or advertised in this Magazine can be supplied by the Publisher.
Correspondents will please address letters, C. B. Richardson, P. O. Box 2757.

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