Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... Legislative Assembly of WisconsinTerritorial Printer, 1840 |
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11th amendment 8th amendment act concerning act entitled act to provide acting commissioner amend an act appointed ayes and noes Ayes-Messrs Baldwin Beardsley bill to amend bill to provide Blackstone Bracken Brunson Childs clerk committee on enrolment committee rose concurred Conroe Council file Craig Crawford county Cruson Dewey Dodge county duties election Fort Snelling Governor House adjourned House of Representatives Hoyt James Morrison Jenkins joint committee Joint resolution Lake Michigan lands Legislative Assembly Legislature Longstreet Madison McGregor Memorial to Congress Messrs Milwaukee and Rock Mineral Point motion Newman noes being called noes were called Noes-Messrs Ordered organize the county petition present printing public buildings question read a third read the third referred register of deeds Resolution relating Rock river canal Secretary select committee serjeant-at-arms Shackelford Shew Sholes Speaker Speaker-The Council Stevens Story Sutherland Territorial road Territory of Wisconsin third reading tion title thereof agreed town votes
Fréquemment cités
Page 12 - No standing rule or order of the House shall be rescinded or changed without one day's notice being given of the motion therefor; nor shall any rule be suspended, except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present...
Page 22 - House the same originated ; which endorsement shall be signed by the secretary or clerk (as the case may be) of the House in which the same did originate, and shall be entered on the journal of each House. The said committee shall report the day of presentation to the President, which time shall also be carefully entered on the journal of each House.
Page 8 - He shall preserve order and decorum ; may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House by any two members — on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the House.
Page 10 - When a question has been once made and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order...
Page 22 - When a bill or resolution, which shall have passed in one house, is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same shall have passed. 13. When a bill or resolution, which has been...
Page 21 - In every case of an amendment of a bill agreed to in one House, and dissented to in the other, if either House shall request a conference, and appoint a committee for that purpose, and the other House shall...
Page 22 - States for his approbation, shall also, in the same manner, be previously enrolled, examined, and signed; and shall be presented in the same manner, and by the same committee, as provided in case of bills.
Page 2 - Council, to wait upon his Excellency, the Governor and inform him that the two Houses are now permanently organized and ready to receive any communication he may have to make to them.
Page 9 - When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the House, he shall rise from his seat, and respectfully address himself to "Mr. Speaker," and shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid personality.
Page 21 - After examination and report, each bill shall be signed in the respective Houses, first by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, then by the President of the Senate.