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regular and special teachers and supervisors employed in the several schools of the district; (c) a list of substitutes available for service in the schools of the district; (d) copies of all reports on the schools and teachers of the district and of their reports to the Local School Boards; (e) copies of the course of study for the elementary schools and of all syllabuses issued by the Board of Superintendents; (f) lists of all books, supplies and apparatus approved by the Board of Education; (g) copies of such other documents as pertain to the instruction and work of the schools; (h) lists of text-books used in the several schools of the districts; (i) a record of complaints filed by parents, teachers or principals.

4. They shall attend all meetings of the Local School Boards of which they are members, unless excused. They shall report monthly to the Local School Boards of which they are members upon such matters relating to the schools as they shall deem necessary; they shall furnish to said Boards information upon such matters relating to the schools as said Boards shall request.

5. They shall make recommendations to the City Superintendent of Schools, when necessary, concerning the proper accommodation of all children of school age applying for admission to the schools of their respective districts.

6. They shall make recommendations to the City Superintendent concerning the consolidation and increase of classes, the promotion and transfer of teachers within their districts, and all other matters which in their judgment will promote the efficient and economical administration of their schools.

7. They shall endeavor to secure economy in the ordering and use of supplies, and shall report to the City Superintendent of Schools any case of extravagance or waste therein and any other matters in connection therewith that may seem to them advisable.

8. They shall, by all means in their power, encourage in their work the pupils, teachers and principals of the schools in their respective districts; improve the methods of instruction therein, and by counsel and advice endeavor to secure and maintain a high standard of education.

9. Subject to the approval of the City Superintendent of Schools. they shall have power, from time to time, to call together for conference and instruction any or all of the teachers and principals of the schools in their respective districts.

10. They shall inspect every school in their respective districts twice each year, and inquire into all matters prescribed by the existing by-laws relating to the government, course of study, discipline and conduct of such schools, and the condition of the schoolhouses and the schools generally. They shall visit every class of such schools as often as practicable, and shall examine the same when necessary; and the character of the instruction as to methods and discipline shall be recorded at least once in each school year, with all necessary explanations, and classes showing an unsatisfactory result shall be characterized as "deficient." The name of the teacher in charge and the grade of the class shall form a part of the record, as shall also the general condition of the school, as affected by the management of the principal or acting principal, and the work of such principal or acting principal, in respect to teachers and classes.

11. In visiting schools the District Superintendent shall give special attention to the classes of the teachers of least experience or success; and in the classes of teachers advanced to higher grades the instruction in new subjects shall be supervised with particular


12. Whenever any class has been found to be in an unsatisfactory condition, it shall be visited again within six months. If, upon such visit, the class shall again be found to be deficient, the District Superintendent shall immediately report the fact to the City Superintendent of Schools. The same course shall be taken in the case of any principal or acting principal whose school is recorded "deficient” in general management. When any school or class shall be found deficient, and the removal of the principal or teacher is not recommended, the City Superintendent shall cause such school or class to be visited frequently for the purpose of improving the character of instruction or management of such school or class.

13. In case any principal, any Local School Board, or any member of the Board of Education shall request, in writing, the City Superintendent to examine any class which there is reason to believe is in an unsatisfactory condition, the City Superintendent shall cause such class to be examined with the least possible delay, and shall report the results to the member of the Board of Education, to the Local School Board, or to the principal requesting such examination. The same course shall be taken as to the general management of any school at the request of any member of the Board of Education, or at the request of the Local School Board for the district in which such school is located.

14. Whenever any school is visited for examination, it shall be the duty of the principal of said school to provide the visiting Superintendent with a written statement of such facts as the latter may deem requisite to enable him to form a correct estimate of the efficiency of the instruction imparted.

15. The results of examinations required by this section shall be immediately entered and kept on record in the office of the City Superintendent, and shall be open to the inspection of the members of the Board of Education, of the Local School Boards as to their respective districts, and of the principals as to their respective schools.

16. Whenever a school or class shall be recorded "deficient" a transcript of the record of such deficiency shall be sent without delay to the principal or teacher affected.

17. Whenever an examination of a school shall indicate that the instruction in any subject is not satisfactory, the City Superintendent of Schools shall notify the principal, and it shall be the special duty of said principal to help and encourage the teachers to improve the character of the instruction in the subjects indicated.

18. Each District Superintendent shall report to the Local School Board of any district to which he is assigned and to the City Superindentent of Schools any case of gross misconduct, insubordination, neglect of duty, or general inefficiency arising in such district on the part of any principal, teacher or other member of the

educational staff within his jurisdiction, and charges shall be immediately preferred by, the District Superintendent against such principal, teacher or other member of the educational staff. (As amended November 23, 1904.)

19. A District Superintendent shall have power to suspend a teacher in any school within his district for gross misconduct or insubordination, neglect of duty or general inefficiency, and shall forthwith report such suspension to the City Superintendent of Schools.

20. District Superintendents shall report on all other matters connected with the schools of their respective districts as the City Superintendent shall require.

21. Resignations of District Superintendents shall be made to the Board of Superintendents.

22. District Superintendents, after conference with the Directors of Special Branches, shall assign teachers of such special branches to their duties in the schools of the several districts to which they are assigned.

23. As often as twice a year and at the beginning of each school term, subject to the approval of the Board of Superintendents, they shall designate in each school an assistant to principal or a teacher to take charge of the school in the absence of the principal or acting principal, and shall designate as many alternate teachers as may be necessary to provide that in the principal's absence the school shall never be without a head responsible for the conduct of the appropriate exercises and for the safety of the pupils and teachers. Such assistants to principal or teachers, so designated, shall by such designation have no change in title, position or salary. They shall immediately transmit to the City Superintendent the names of the teachers and alternate teachers so assigned to said service in the respective schools, and shall notify him forthwith of changes that have been rendered necessary in the personnel of the staff of teachers so assigned. (This subdivision was adopted December 28, 1904.)

DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS OF SPECIAL BRANCHES SEC. 42. 1. Upon the nomination of the Board of Superin

tendents, the Board of Education shall appoint such Directors of Special Branches as it deems necessary, for the term of six years, and upon the like nomination such Assistant Directors of Special Branches as it deems necessary; such Directors and Assistant Directors shall be subject to the supervision and direction of the City Superintendent. No person shall be eligible for election as Director of a Special Branch, such as music, drawing, kindergarten, etc., who is not (a) a graduate of a college or university recognized by the University of the State of New York; and (b) a graduate from a course of professional training of at least two years in the special branch that he is to supervise or teach; and (c) a teacher of that special branch with at least three years of successful experience. (As amended January 14, 1903, to be in effect from December 23, 1902.)

2. Resignations of Directors of Special Branches shall be made to the City Superintendent, and shall be reported immediately to the Board of Education.

3. Directors of Special Branches shall act as advisers to the Board of Superintendents, to the District Superintendents and to the principals, with regard to all matters relating to the special branches they supervise. Under the direction of the City Superintendent, and subject to his assignment, Directors and Assistant Directors of Special Branches shall examine the work in their several branches, report upon the same, and instruct special teachers and class teachers in the teaching of their several branches. (As amended December 23, 1903.)

4. They shall report to the City Superintendent at such times as he may require.

5. Subject to the approval of the City Superintendent, assignments of teachers of special branches to their duties in the schools of the several Local School Board Districts shall be made by the District Superintendents, after consultation with the Directors of said special branches.

6. Subject to the general supervision of the District Superin

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