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Livres Livres
" of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law with a registrar of vital statistics, or other officer charged with the duty of recording births shall be conclusive evidence of the age of such child.... "
By-laws of the Board of Education of the City of New York and By-laws of the ... - Page 44
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Annual Report

Newburgh (N.Y.) Education Board - 1902 - 798 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record showing the date and place of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript...births, shall be conclusive evidence of the age of the child," and the only conclusive and final evidence. It is evident that these amendments to the...
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Bulletin of the Department of Labor, Volume 9,Numéros 50 à 53

1904 - 1154 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record, showing the date and place of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript...recording births shall be conclusive evidence of the ageof such child. (3) The affidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of the child, which shall...
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Bulletin of the Department of Labor, Numéro 10,Parties 56 à 58

1905 - 1114 pages
...certilicate liled accord ing to law with a registrar of vital stali>tics or other ollicer charged wilh the duty of recording births shall be conclusive evidence of the age of such child. (.S) The allidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of the child, which shall be rei|iiired,...
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State Library Bulletin: Legislation, Numéros 30 à 34

1907 - 782 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record showing the date and place of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript...affidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of a child, which shall be required, however, only in case such last mentioned transcript of the certificate...
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Bulletin of the Department of Labor, Numéro 15,Parties 71 à 73

1907 - 1134 pages
...executed; (1) The school record of such child, properly filled put and signed as provided in this act. (2) A duly attested, transcript of the birth certificate, filed according to law with the officer charged with the duty of recording births which shall be conclusive evidence of the birth...
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Laws Passed At... Session of the Legislative Assembly of the State of North ...

North Dakota - 1909 - 422 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record, showing the date and place of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript...affidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of a child, which shall be required, however, only in case such last mentioned transcript of the certificate...
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Education Department Bulletin, Numéros 448 à 451

1909 - 850 pages
...section and which shall he required in the order herein designated as follows: (a) Birth certificate: A duly attested transcript of the birth certificate...officer charged with the duty of recording births, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the age of such child. (b) Certificate of graduation:...
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Acts of the State of Ohio, Volume 101

Ohio - 1910 - 510 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record, showing the date and place of birth of such child; a duly attested transcript...births, shall be conclusive evidence of the age of the child; or the affidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of the child applying for an age...
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Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Passed

Kentucky - 1910 - 412 pages
...transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism or other religious record, showing the date and place of birth of such child. A duly attested transcript...the birth certificate filed according to law with any officer charged with the duty of recording births, shall be sufficient evidence of the age of such...
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Education Department Bulletin

1911 - 588 pages
...section and which shall be required in the order herein designated as follows: (a) Birth certificate: A duly attested transcript of the birth certificate...officer charged with the duty of recording births, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the age of such child. public school of the state...
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