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" fourteen years of age, in any business or service whatever, during any part of the term during which the public schools of the district in which the child resides are in session; or to employ any child between "
By-laws of the Board of Education of the City of New York and By-laws of the ... - Page 39
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Annual Report

1883 - 750 pages
...impracticable, shall cause such child to attend a public day school regularly and constantly while the public schools of the district in which the child resides are in session, or to receive elsewhere thorough instruction in the studies taught in the public schools during the hours...
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Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Volume 2

New York (State). Department of Public Instruction - 1895 - 782 pages
...for any person, firm or corporation to employ any child between the ages of eight and twelve years in any business or service whatever, during any part...resides, are in session; or to employ any child between twelve and fourteen years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present a certificate...
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Proceedings of the Board of Public Instruction of the City of Albany, Volume 14

1892 - 770 pages
...any person, firm or corporation to employ any child between the ages of eight and twelve years in auy business or service whatever, during any part of the...resides, are in session ; or to employ any child between the ages of twelve and fourteen years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present...
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Miscellaneous Pamphlets Not Separately Cataloged

California Teachers Association - 1892 - 174 pages
...corporation to employ any child under the age of fourteen years, in any business or service whatever, for any part of the term during which the public schools of the city, city and county or district, in which the child resides, are in session, who does not at the...
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Annual Report Transmitted, Volume 41,Numéro 2

1895 - 786 pages
...for any person, firm or corporation to employ any child between the ages of eight and twelve years in any business or service whatever, during any part...resides are in session; or to employ any child between twelve and fourteen years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present a certificate...
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Digest of Public School Laws

United States. Bureau of Education - 1896 - 254 pages
...unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to employ any child between the ages of 8 and 1? years in any business or service whatever during any part...resides are in session, or to employ any child between 12 and 14 years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present a certificate signed by...
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Annual Report of the Board of Education, for the City of Auburn, for the ...

1897 - 928 pages
...for any person, firm or corporation to employ any child between the ages of eight and twelve years in any business or service whatever, during any part...resides, are in session ; or to employ any child between twelve and fourteen years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present a certificate...
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The School System of the State of New York (as Viewed by a Canadian ...

John Millar - 1898 - 216 pages
...for any person, firm or corporation to employ any child between the ages of eight and twelve years in any business or service whatever, during any part of the term during which the Public Schools are in session. It is also a misdemeanor to employ any child between twelve and fourteen years of age,...
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Interim Report of the Commissioners on Certain Parts of Primary Education ...

New South Wales. Commission on primary, secondary, technical, and other branches of education - 1903 - 634 pages
...unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to employ any child botween the ages of 8 and 12 years in any business or service whatever, during any part...resides are in session ; or to employ any child between 12 and 14 years of age who does not, at the time of such employment, present a certificate signed by...
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Bulletin ...: Legislation, Volume 5

New York State Library - 1904 - 1264 pages
...throughout the entire school year and absolutely prohibits the employment of any child under 14 yeare " in any business or service whatever, during any part of the term during which the public schools" are in session. The school law is thus the most comprehensive of all the laws ivpilating child labor,...
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