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If the First Covenant had been faultless, then should ne Place have been sought for the Second.

No one who reads the scripture can be ignorant

that there is frequent mention made of two Covenants, or Testaments, namely, the Old and the New. The First Covenant was made in the wilderness, at the time of God's bringing up the Israelites out of Egypt, and is the law or Covenant of works. The Second Covenant is that made in Christ Jesus, and is the gospel, or Covenant of grace, or, as it is at other times called, the Covenant of promise.

The apostles and servants of God in all latter ages have called this Covenant of grace the New Covenant, or the Second Covenant, though it was indeed the First, and revealed to Abraham, and confirmed to him and his seed four hundred and thirty years before the law came into the world; and the Covenant of the law, or what is properly the Covenant of works, came in between the time of God's blessing Abraham and the coming of the Messiah. The reason, then, why the Covenant of works is called the first, is, because it was the first that was manifested and written, and under which all seem VOL. 1.


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