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whole should be dedicated. Nor be seized upon by wolves, or at is it immaterial to add, that he in- least very unfit and evil ministers.” formed the Archbishop, that Walter And the same spirit, which dictated of Zurich had written an epistle to this passage with more immediate the Diocesan of Ely, a copy of reference to vesture, appears in their which he enclosed, furnishing in general correspondence on the conhis own judgment a very fit answer troversies of the day. to the letter from the same eminent A second edition of Whitgift's foreigner, placed at the end of the work was published in 1573, with Admonition, as favouring the cause the title “ An Answer to a certain of its compilers. Strype observes, Libel, entitled, An Admonition to that in this work of Whitgift, with the Parliament, newly augmented his defence of it which was pub- by the author, as by conference lished soon after, may be seen all shall appear.” To this Cartwright the arguments and policy used in issued a Reply, and then the Doctor those times, for abolishing episco. composed his celebrated Defence. pacy and the use of a liturgical His opponent published again in form of worship, and every excep- 1574, “ The second reply of T.C. tion which could be made against against Dr. Whitgift's second Anthem drawn up in the fairest man- swer touching Church-discipline :" ner, with a full and particular re- on which it is surely not invidious futation of the former, and a vindi. to give the opinion of Whitaker, cation of the latter ; together with who was considered as favourable sentiments of able protestants on the to Puritanism.” I have read over continent in favour of the Anglican a great part of the book which church, among whom might be found Master Cartwright hath lately set thegreat names of a Martyr, a Bucer, forth. Let me not live if I ever a Zuinglius, a Bullinger, a Calvin, saw any thing more loose, and and a Walter. And it certainly is almost more childish. As for words a very striking record, the accuracy indeed, he hath store of them, both of which cannot be denied, that so trim, and fresh enough; but as for many eminent reformers, whose matter he hath none at all. Bejudgment in the case may be pre- sides this, he hath not only peevish sumed to be impartial, or whose assertions touching the Prince's aubias, if any had prevailed, would thority in matters sacred and ecclehave been on the side of their bre siastical, but he also flatly revolteth thren the presbyterians, should have from us to the camp of the Papists, evinced such zeal in behalf of the from whom he would seem to fly episcopalians. Bullinger used this with deadly hatred. And not in language in writing to Sampson this cause only is he unsufferable, and Humfrey, two of the non-con- but in other points also he borrowformists: si He advised, that no eth his weapons and arguments from man should frame a conscience to the Papists. And in a word, as himself, out of a love of conten. Hierome sometime said of Ambrose, tion; and exhorted all by Jesus “he is in his words but a trifler, Christ the Saviour, head and king and for his matter but a dreamer, of his church, that every one would and altogether unworthy to be rehonestly weigh with himself by futed by any man of learning.” whether of the two he should more He next appeared in opposition edify the church, either for order to a design then meditated, for sake to use the garments as an abolishing pluralities, and taking indifferent thing, and as making for away the impropriations and titles concord and the profit of the church; from bishops and spiritual (not inor for the sake of garments to for- cluding teinporal) persons, for the sake the church, and to leave it to better provision of the poorer clergy

He did not however proceed farther custody till he was willing to subin this, than to express his senti- mit to the award of the court. Sir ments in private to the bishop of John Russell and Sir Henry BerkeEly, who had proposed the schcme, ley had so deadly a quarrel that it which was relinquished, as is sup- was feated great bloodshed would posed, in consequence of his repre- have ensued at a sessions in Worsentations. On the twenty-first of cester, among their respective parApril, 1577, he was consecrated tisans; but his Lordship prevented Bishop of Worcester ; having pre- it by placing a strong watch at the viously taken leave of the Univer- gates and about the city, requiring sity, in a sermon at St. Mary's, them to bring both parties with with an earnest exhortation to the their attendants well-guarded to his cultivation of peace; as well as palace; where he caused them all, preached in Trinity Chapel with so to the number of four or five hunmuch effect, that nearly the whole dred, to deliver their weapons into audience were constrained to weep. the hands of his servants. He He chose for his text the same then occupied two hours in effecting farewell which St. Paul gave to the an accommodation, sometimes enCorinthians : “ Finally, brethren, treating, at others threatening; after farewell: be perfect, be of good which they both attended him band comfort, be of one mind, live in in hand to the town-hall, with every peace, and the God of love and peace token of amity, while he gained for shall be with you!" In the follow himself their abiding estimation : ing June he was accompanied on “ wherein," as Sir George Paule, leaving Cambridge by a numerous who relates the anecdote, observes, train of the heads of houses, pro- “ he was much happier than Bias, fessors, and chief graduates, to a who reporteth of himself, that certain distance, where the separa: he never arbitrated any controtion took place with all the demog. versy between two of his friends, stration of respect and affection due but he made one of them his to his tried character.

enemy." His first measure on taking pos Her Majesty was so much pleased session of his See, was to correct with his discharge of his ecclesiasmany abuses in granting leases on tical and civil trusts, that she conportions of its territory to rapacious ceived he would be a fit person to courtiers, by which the property be raised to the highest dignity in of the church had been much dete. the establishment. Grindal, having riorated. He was made Vice-pre- succeeded Parker in 1575, found sident of the Marches of Wales, the cares and responsibilities of the about a year after his consecration, Primacy very burdensome, on acin which offiee he conducted himself count of his advanced age and with a temperate and discreet, yet infirmity, and laboured at the same determined spirit, ensuring the ap- time under a feeling of decline in probation of all parties coneerned. the favour of his sovereign; he Nor was it the least creditable fea- therefore yielded to an inclination, ture in his exercise of the powers which had been manifested by Elizaconfided to him, that he displayed beth, of facilitating the advancemuch skill in reconciling disputes ment of Whitgift, whom he es.. among neighbouring gentry, which teemed and admired, by proposing in those times were often followed his resignation of the archiepiscopal with the most serious evils. When mitre; but the diocesan of Worhe found an individual so passionate cester could not be persuaded to and contumacious as not to be comply with such an arrangement, moved by just reasoning, he used and in the Queen's presence begged his authority in committing him to permission to refuse acceptance of JAN. 1828.


the See of Canterbury during the tember. On the seventeenth of life-time of the excellent Grindal. November, the Queen's accession, This prelate however had nearly an event of so much importance to finished his honourable career, as a the cause of Protestantism in Chris“ principal of the flock” of Christ, tendom, the new archbishop preachand “overseer of the house” of ed at Paul's Cross, to the assembled God; and on his decease on the authorities in church and state from sixth of July, 1583, Whitgift was the appropriate passage, Titus iii. 1, elected his successor the twenty- “ Put them in mind to be subject third of the following month; and to principalities and powers, to obey confirmed the twenty-fourth of Sep- magistrates.”


“ And the world passeth away and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God

abideth for ever.”—] John 11, 17.

ALMOST every thing in the conduct shall remain in this imperfect state, of man proves that he is in a fallen How much have the servants of the and degenerate state ; but nothing Lord to lament in this respect! perhaps affords a more glaring What backwardness do they often evidence of this than his aversion feel to reflect on passing events, to reflect on truths and events, of on the most certain incidents of which he cannot entertain the time, on the vanity of the world, least doubt; the consideration of on the shortness and emptiness of which is calculated to direct the all worldly enjoyments; and also mind to spiritual things, and to on the realities of another life, on stamp on the heart a religious im- the unperishable nature of things pression. All is life, attention, and not seen, on the perpetuity of feeling, when a worldly business is spiritual pleasures, and on the real in hand, when a temporal object is and substantial satisfaction and in view, or when our prosperity in fulness of joy to be derived from this life is in danger. But let a them! And when they are enspiritual subject be introduced, abled in some measure to conquer something that has reference to the this backwardness to reflect, О how soul, mention even the uncertainty little are they affected, what a faint of life, or the transitory nature of impression is made on the heart ! things below, which are facts that Neither what we hear with our cannot be denied, there is nothing ears, nor what we see with our but deadness, indifference, and ob- eyes, nor what we believe upon the duracy; they are unwelcome to the testimony of God; move, stir, and mind, they are loathed and ab- impress our minds in any degree horred by the heart. Men in proportionable to what they ought general shun and avoid such sub. - proportionable to their consejects as much as they possibly can. quence and importance.

This reluctance to reflect on But, blessed be God, we have things that may lead us from the many advantages to obviate these world to God, from earth to heaven, evils. The revolution of the year is often very powerful even in the may well be considered as one of regenerated and the renewed; it is them ; especially when the end what is inseparately connected with of one and the commencement of sin ; and it will continue to affect another is commemorated by a them more or less as long as they religious service. The very change,

the very circumstance of having then that all these things shall be finished one twelve months of our dissolved, what manner of persons short life, and of having entered ought we to be in all holy conversaupon another, might well induce tion and godliness, looking for and us to “ consider our latter end,” hastening unto the coming of the and compel us to reflect on the day of God, wherein the heavens fleeting nature of time, and on the being on fire shall be dissolved, and changeableness of all things below. the elements shall melt with fervent May we duly reflect on these things : heat. 2 Peter iii. 10–12. See and may the few observations that also Heb. i. 10-13. shall now be made on the words The inhabitants of the world are of the text, deepen the impression also passing away. This is what which the season is calculated to we see daily with our own eyes. produce.

One generation departs, drops The apostle has been dissuading down to the tomb; another comes his fellow-Christians from setting in its place. This world exhibits their affections on the things of this nothing but a continual succession; life, from loving the world and its man in this life is continually pleasures; and what he says in the travelling to his grave; every text is one of the considerations moment brings him nearer to his which he produces to prove and end. We that are living now, at enforce the reasonableness of his the beginning of this new year, exhortation. He would not have may be gone before its end. Many them to love the world and its that were with us at the commencepleasures; and why? Because, ment of the last, have passed away, among other considerations, they have gone to their long home, and vanish away and are very soon are never to return again. They gone : The world passeth away and are departed to a place where the lust thereof. And to encourage months and years are not known, them to direct their attention to where there is no succession, no other objects, to fix their affection such thing as time, nothing but on other things, he adds, but he that eternity, yea, an eternity of misery doeth the will of God abideth for ever. or of happiness. How awful is the

The passage makes mention of idea! Some of those who comtwo things, one of a perishable memorated with us the beginning nature, the other of a nature which of the last year, who, it may be, sat is iinperishable.

by our side in the house of God, The world passeth away, This some of them have since passed is true of the material world, and away, have passed into another of its inhabitants : All these are world, have gone to a world which passing away. This earth and the does not pass away, have entered whole system of creation is hasten into a new state, a state which is ing to a dissolution; and all that never to change, whether it be one we see will very soon be no more. of suffering or of enjoyment. ConWe are assured of this by the word sider, this may be the case with of inspiration : But the day of the us before the beginning of another Lord will come as a thief in the year. It may be that this is the night, in the which the heavens shall last New year's day that you shall pass away with great noise, and the ever have to commemorate. Perelements shall melt with fervent haps in the course of this year you heat; the earth also and the works shall be made to give proof to the that are therein shall be burned up. words of the text, The world passeth And the improvement that ought away. to be made of this solemn truth is And when once gone from the added also by the Apostle: Seeing present scene, you are never to return; and as there are only two worthy, do not deserve to be the places for your reception, you first objects of man's desires. How must go to one of them, And if foolish then must we be to love summoned to depart before this and delight in objects, wbich will year be over, you will be occupying very soon perish and pass away. a place either in hell or in heaven, The different lusts that are in while others will be celebrating the the world have been mentioned by commencement of the next new the Apostle in a former verse; to year. And are you in any doubt all which no doubt he meant to in which of them you are likely apply the character in the text. to be, if such an event were to He says that all that is in the happen? Does it seem to you world, is the lust of the flesh, the a matter of indifference? It is lust of the eyes, and the pride so indeed to many, for their con of life. All these pass away. If duct is a sufficient proof. But can we follow any of them, we follow any of you consider it in that light ? things that will be very soon gone If you live carelessly in sin, you do and lost for ever. consider it so,-if you love the The man who is a lover of pleaworld more than God, if you de- sures more than of God, delights light in it more than in the work in objects of which he is very soon and services of God and communion to be deprived; for he shall have with Him, you are practically of this no pleasures, no sensual gratificaopinion, you manifestly show that tions in that country where he is you do not care where you may be fast going; no, for there is nothing in the next state of existence. But there for him but weeping and reflect, is it an indifferent matter, wailing and gnashing of teeth. If whether you be in hell or heaven, we possess a stronger desire to whether you shall have to spend gratify the flesh than to serve God, this day twelve months, it inay be, if we derive more enjoyment from with devils in torments, or with sinful amusements than from reangels in glory? Is it a matter ligious exercises; if this be the of no concern to you whether you state of our hearts, as sure as we shall be consigned to spend eternity now exist, if we be summoned to in undescribable sufferings or in the depart before the end of this year, enjoyment of God's favor and except a real and substantial change presence ? Have you no care for previously take place, there can be these things ? Surely it cannot no doubt but that we shall have to be; God forbid it: and may He spend this day twelve months, not grant that you may so consider only destitute of our idol pleasures, these things now, that you may be but labouring under the intolerable ready and prepared to pass away, pressure of guilt, of shame, and of whenever the summops shall come, punishment, suffering the venwhenever the cry shall be made, geance of an offended God, and Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. exposed to the taunts and tortures

There is another thing that passeih of the infernal spirits. Think not away, mentioned here. The world that I am indulging my fancy ; passeth away and the lust thereof; no, for God has said, These, its lust passeth away also. Every that is, the wicked, shall go into thing in this world that men long everlasting punishment. And this after or wish to enjoy is in this re- must be your portion if you serve spect of the same nature with itself. the lust of the flesh. All the things that are seen are He that sets his eyes on the temporal, are only for a time, riches of the world, is subject to the whether they be lawful or sinful same loss, and shall obtain the same enjoyments; and therefore are un- inberitance in a future state. He

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