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Schooner bound for Baltimore. For several sugar estates, and attorney for about five weeks we had it very plea- another. sant, but the north and north-west winds My London friends and benefactors set in, and after beating on the coast for in 1790, when they were dispensing their about six weeks, suffering much from bounty to enable me and my family to excessive cold, losing a passenger who return to our native soil, could not fell overboard, and having been in a contemplate that the means they were gale of wind thrown on our beam ends, using, would at last prove such a blessand expecting every moment to be ing to us, it went farther, it enabled swallowed up in the great deep, the me for more than twenty-six years to Lord interposed, the vessel righted, send pecuniary aid to my aged parents and again we attempted to pursue our and to my poor relatives. voyage; but finding we made no pro- This is a proof we never should gress towards land, and our provi withhold (agreeably to our means) aid sions falling very short, all hands having from the necessitous, for we know not been put on an allowance of half a bis- where the good may end. My success cuit and about two ounces of salt fish in in life proceeded not from my natural the twenty-four hours; the captain bore abilities, no, it is the Lord's doing who up for Bermuda, but missing that Island; has directed my steps. he sailed for the West Indies. Here we The Report of the London Hibernian landed half starved, and not having the Society for 1817, fell into my hands command of twenty shillings; but the lately by mere chance. I think the feeling Lord whom I had put my trust in, had appeal in that Report to all Irishmen not forsaken us, he raised friends. I kept to promote the cause (one of the best a school for about twelve months, and that possibly could be conceived) should was clerk to a merchant for about three be made inore public. If a few were years; he giving up business I set up a sent to the Governor or Presidents of retail shop, and I may truly say, the the British East and West India Lord prospered all my undertakings, Settlements, to be distributed among which enabled me to send the means of the Irish Protestants, and if it were supporting my children that I left mentioned that any donation for the use behind ; and after a few years I sent of that Society, to be paid to them, be for them, and carried them to the United forwarded to the Treasurer, many would States of America, where I left them at subscribe. I shall direct five guineas a boarding school; my son I had edu- to be sent to you, as a mark of my cated in England, he is now occupying esteem and approbation of so praisean important station under government, worthy a cause. It would confer a great and married into a respectable family; 1 favor on me if you would direct a few of fill the situation of a Justice of the the Reports to be sent to me occasionally, Peace, and a Member of the Assem- through — , who have vessels trading bly. I am receiver in Chancery for here; they would forward them.


Lyons, March 31, 1828. It is indescribable, and any where else « Yesterday, I attended the Protes- would be most ludicrous. The French, tant service. The building, formerly in general make a trumpet of their used for commercial purposes, is small, noses; a practice resulting from their and could not contain the throng, many taking so much snuff. But, when a of whom were obliged to stand without. whole congregation join, as if by pre.... If the Roman Catholics have too concerted plan, in such an astounding much ceremony, too much ostentation din; the devout Roman Catholic must of humble devotion to be really humble; be shocked, and deterred from jointhe Protestants have a carelessness and ing such worship. O! how different disrespect, which is very shocking to my the solemnity of the Church of Engfeelings. You might almost think your land, generally. Could the French self in a theatre, the men sitting with Protestants be induced to adopt it, their hats on their heads during the and celebrate it with the spirit of true sermon and singing, and taking them devotion, they might hope to have their off only during prayer.... When the numbers augmented by those, who are preacher made a pause in his discourse, sick of superstition, and thirsting for a his silence was the signal for the whole pious, devout, and reasonable service. congregation to blow their noses. I There are six thousand Protestants, bave been pained by this disgusting now at Lyons, and they are increasing. practice at Paris, but never did I bear In the country around, whole villages such an obstrenerous din as vesterday hare boon concerted "

IRISH SOCIETY OF LONDON. May 2, Friday Afternoon. The Annual Meeting will be at Free Mason's Hall. The Chair to be taken at Twelve o'clock.

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. May 5, Monday Evening. The Sermon will be preached at St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester. Service to commence at Half-past Six.

May 6, Tuesday Morning. The Annual Meeting will be at Freemason's Hall. The Chair to be taken at Eleven o'clock.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. May 7, Wednesday Morning. The Annual Meeting will be at Freemason's Hall. The Chair to be taken at Eleven o'clock.

THE IRISH SOCIETY OF LONDON. May 7, Wednesday Morning. The Annual Sermon will be preached at St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden. Service to commence at Half-past Eleven o'clock.

THE PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY. May 7, Wednesday Evening. The Annual Sermon will be preached at Christ Church, Newgate Street, by the Rev. R. W. Sibthorpe, B. D. Service to commence at Half-past Six.

May 8, Thursday Morning. The Annual Meeting will be held at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Street. Lord Bexley will take the Chair at Twelve o'clock. LONDON ASSOCIATION IN AID OF THE MORAVIAN MISSIONS.

May 8, Thursday Morning. A Sermon will be preached, by the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, M. A. at St Cleinent Dane's Church, Strand, Service to commence at Half-past Ten o'clock. LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIANITY AMONG

THE JEWS. . May 8, Thursday Evening. The Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Thomas Thomason, at St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden. Service to commence at Ilalf-past six o'clock. - May 9, Friday Morning. The Annual Meeting, at Freemason's Hall. Sir Thomas Baring will take the Chair, at Twelve o'clock.

LONDON HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. May 10, Saturday Morning. The Annual Meeting will be held at Freemason's Hall. The Chair to be taken at Twelve o'clock.

PORT OF LONDON AND BETHEL UNION SOCIETY. May 13, Tuesday Morning. The Annual Sermon will be preached on Board the Floating Chapel, by the Rev. Edward Parsons. Service to commence at Eleven o'clock.

NAVAL AND MILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY. May 13, Tuesday Noon. The Annual Meeting will be at Free Mason's Hall. The Chair to be taken at Twelve o'clock.

NEWFOUNDLAND SCHOOL SOCIETY. · May 14, Wednesday Noun. The Annual Meeting will be at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill. The Chair to be taken at Twelve o'clock.

LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. May 14, Wednesday. The Annual Sermon will be preached at Surrey Chapel, by the Rev. Richard Alliott. Service at Half-past Ten.-Another in the evening, by Rev. Dr. Stewart, at the Tabernacle. Service at Six o'clock.

May 15, Thursday. The Annual Meeting will be at the City Road Chapel, at Ilalf-past Ten. A Sermon will be preached in the evening, by the Rev. William Clayton, at Tottenham Court Chapel, at Six o'clock.

May 16, Friday. A Sermon will be preached by the Hon, and Rev. W. B. Noel, M. A. at St. Clement Danes, at Ten o'clock,

. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. May 16, Friday Morning. The Annual Breakfast will be at the City of London, Tavern, at Six o'clock.

Notices and Acknowledgments. Received, Ego-met:-Pos :-Q. X. Z.-JUVENIS-ANNE-EWe are desired to acknowledge the receipt from R. S- of £10. for the Church Missionary Society, and £10. for the London Hibernian Society. Also, from ALIQUIS, £7. for the Church Missionary Society, and £5. for the Bible Society.

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Church of England Magazine.

JUNE 1828.


HOOKER. Richard HOOKER, deservedly dear that he would double his diligence to every true member of the English in instructing him, and would establishment, and honoured by neither expect nor receive any other unprejudiced Christians of every reward, than the content of so denoinination, was born at Hea- hopeful and happy an employment." vitree, contiguous to the city of Such a testimony could not but Exeter, in 1553, according to Wal- be grateful to his affectionate paton, but about Easter in the follow- rents. Meanwhile his master made ing year according to Wood. The a personal application to his uncle, means of his parents were not so Mr. John Hooker, to send him to limited, as to prevent the education the university, declaring his conof their family in the usual studies viction that his nephew, whose of the age. Richard was intended talents would ensure him academic for trade. In his youth he was success, would soon cease to be remarkable for his gravity ; ' and chargeable to him. This gentleman was slow both in motion and speech. was a person of wealth, informaThis was attended with modesty tion, and influence. Son of Robert, of character, and serenity of tem- who had served the office of Mayor per, as might be expected, but not of Exeter, he was himself the Chamwith its frequent accompaniment, berlain, had travelled much, had dullness of apprehension. On the written both in civil and natural contrary, he was distinguished as history, and was the friend of Sir a school-boy, for readiness of con- Peter Carew, a neighbouring Knight, ception and diligence of application, who had employed him as his agent as well as for extraordinary inqui- in Ireland, where he subsequently sitiveness into causes and reasons. obtained a seat in parliament, which His master strongly dissuaded his was exchanged for the representaparents from binding him appren- tion of his native city.* He felt a tice, and entreated them to find becoming interest in the destination some relation or friend who would of young Richard, and promised complete his education at an expense to befriend him. He formed an to which they might themselves be acquaintance with Dr. Jewel, who incompetent: “assuring them, that had been sent down to the west as their son was so enriched with the ecclesiastical commissioner on the blessings of nature and grace, that accession of queen Elizabeth; and God seemed to single him out as a when that divine was raised to the special instrument of his glory : and the good man told them also, • Prince's Worthies of Devon. TINT 1000

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