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SIR-In my last I mentioned our speedy and safe arrival in Rotter. dam. The landing is easy and convenient, for the Steam Packet is moored abreast of a platform, by means of which you readily reach the handsome quay called the Boompjes. Weafterwards learned that this name signified the little trees, having been probably given when the trees which skirt the river were yet young and newly planted. They have now grown up to a moderate size, and appeared to be of the elm species. Behind these is a long row of fine brick houses, among which, to our great convenience, were the custom house, and several respectable hotels. This vicinity to places of such importance to voyagers and travellers, forwarded the accomplishment of our wishes ; for our trunks had soon passed from under the public officers' inspection, to afford us in our lodgings the comforts of clean liness and the decency befitting the Lord's day. We had every reason to be satisfied with the New Bath Hotel, where our native language was well understood. Before midday we were prepared to inquire our way to the English Episcopal Church, in which the service begins about that hour. We were not however fortunate enough to reach it; for the directions given to us were not sufficiently minute for å first walk in a strange city, and we returned disappointed. Better success attended our endeavours to reach the Scotch Church, where the time of service is about halfpast one. It lies in quite the opposite direction, and experience having made us more diligent in making the necessary inquiries, we reached the house of God in very good time, and were readily put into a convenient pew. The first thing that caught my attention was

the number of quarto Bibles with which all the pews were furnished, and to which I afterwards perceived that the congregation referred when the minister gave out his text. I bad heard of such an excellent provision being customary in Scotland, and was pleased to find it here: by the side of each Bible was a hymn book. Dr. Anderson is the minister of this church. The congregation was by no means large, but the preacher was heard with attention. His text was taken from the 1st Epistle of Peter ii. 7. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious.From these words the Dr. took occasion to unfold the grounds and nature of that estimation in which the Lord is held by his people. He spoke first of his divinity, then of his sacrifice, setting forth its various merits. From the redemption effected by it, flowed all the believer's peace of mind, touching what had been done wickedly by him in the days of his ignorance. In Christ he had assurance that those misdoings were forgiven. From the present exalted state of the Redeemer, his servants gathered all their strength for the daily duties of life, and nourished the hope of glory to be revealed in them at the great day of retribution. Thus blessed through their Lord, he was indeed precious to them, being the channel of their comforts and the treasure-house of their riches. In him they found all things pertaining to life and godliness. The believer was exhorted to preserve a lively sense of his Saviour's love and presence, and to labour in spirit for the revelation of his grace and loveliness to such as were still in darkness. His saints should bless him ; speaking of the glory of his kingdom, and talking of his power, to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the

glorious majesty of his kingdom: thither lay along-side of one of the for his kingdom is an everlasting most considerable canals which inkingdom, and his dominion endur- tersect this interesting city ; it is eth throughout all ages. Holiness called the Lieuwe Haven, or Lion's unto the Lord should be inscribed Harbour, and runs in a northerly on their person and property. The direction from the river. It is of discourse, which was of sufficient considerable breadth, and of suffilength, was read from a manuscript, cient depth to receive vessels of 200 and was delivered with affection tons, which can thus pass into the and simplicity. Dr. A. is not an very heart of the town; for on orator, but if I mistake not, is a each side of this part of the harbour, real servant of the Gospel, loving as indeed of all other canals which his Lord and declaring his truth. I form it, we see a row of good houses, returned home thankful for the food with trees in the front. As we I had received, and in reviewing walked along every thing bespoke the discourse in my mind, had but an active and diligent population. one unmingled feeling of satisfac- Cleanliness distinguished the houses, tion, not remembering to have and industry the doings of the peoheard a sentiment which did not ple. One street was so narrow harmonize with the Holy Writings. that only hand carriages could

How sweet, how sacred is the traffick on it, and they were at this effect of divine truth! How blessed time so numerous that foot pasare they who are its willing organs sengers experienced occasionally a to others ! How rich are they who little delay. We observed, that the buy at their hands its fine gold, females who were engaged in washand sell it not again! Whether it ing the front of the houses wore be ministers or people, pastor or wooden shoes. These served the flock, grace is with such, mercy, same purpose as pattens with us, and peace from God the Father, but the shoe appeared to be as and from the Lord Jesus Christ, clean as the rest of the apparel. the Son of the Father, in truth and It is not a clog, as worn in Lanlove. I endeavoured to improve cashire, but the entire shoe is of the evening by reading to a lady wood. The stranger will not be and three children a sermon on the long in Rotterdam before he is character of Moses, preached to struck with a singularity in the the young people attending the appearance of many of the houses. Chapel of St. John's, Bedford They are built of very small red Row.

bricks, and beautifully pointed. Not expecting to proceed further But the upper stories project from on our journey till Tuesday, we three to five feet beyond the base ; determined to employ Monday, and that, not as in some of our old the 23rd. in viewing the town and English houses where the front is neighbourhood : I was particularly made up of different planes, but desirous that my little companion here the whole front is one plane, should see the mode of travelling, but so built up as to form an acute so usual in this country, by canal angle with the ground. I do not passage-boats drawn by a trotting remember to have remarked the horse. Time allowed us to reach same style any where else, nor did the town of Delf by this convey. learn the reason: at first, I supance, and return in the same way, posed that the foundation had given at an early hour. With this view way, but afterwards perceived it was we obtained some explicit direc- the effect of design. There must tions for our guidance, and set out be utility in the practice, or else for the Delfse Porte, or city gate, it would not so generally obtain ; leading to that town. Our way but certainly, to the eye, there is

nothing agreeable in it. Having room received any interruption, passed the city gate, we found our for the gentlemen read and the selves by the side of the Delf Canal. ladies knit, we reached Delf, disSeveral passage-boats lay moored tant from Rotterdam about nine near to the bridge—one departing miles, This town is not inferior every hour. It was near ten, and to any other in Holland in neatness when the clock had struck, a man and cleanliness. It has a populaand horse appeared, and the rope tion of ten thousand inhabitants. being fixed to a low kind of mast, Here is a military school, and we we started, having first received happened to pass by as the pupils the complimentary good wishes of were dismissed from some of their the master at the helm for a pleasant morning exercises, and it was trip. For the first quarter of a mile pleasing to observe the orderly the canal sides are lined with the behaviour of the young people: one summer residences of the citizens, could not but form a favourable generally neat, but not elegant ; idea of the discipline maintained each having its particular name over among them. The square is the door, or on the front, according open and pleasant : a good view to the fancy of the proprietor. has lately appeared among the Small and formal gardens usually beautiful engravings which have adjoined them. Having passed been taken from the drawings of these, we had an unconfined view Captain Batty. At the north side of the country. Holland is gene stands a large church, where we rally tiat, and meadows and pasture were directed to inspect the monulands, subject more or less to ments raised to the memory of flood, make up a very consider Grotius and Prince William of able part of its surface. Where the Nassau. Grotius was a native country houses ended the wind- of Delf, being born here in the mills appeared and stretched along- year 1582. The Dutch hold his side the canal for a considerable memory in great esteem. A foreign distance. During the first hour we biographer speaking of Grotius, counted fifty. They were all in says, “ he was at once a historian, motion, and used for the purpose a lawyer, a divine, and a poet." of sawing timber which is floated After his decease, a medal was to and from them on the canal struck, in which he is called the Generally the construction was very Phænix.of his country, the oracle neat, and on that principle that the of Delf, the great genius, a light whole tower, and of tbe mill, might of the earth. A curious incident be turned to the wind, revolving is also mentioned respecting him, on little wheels which moved in which will be noticed in its place. grooves. These mills are different The same biographer says that from those which are built in and when dying he was asked whether near the city. These last are brick he departed in the Romish or structures, and of such an elevation Protestant faith; to which he reas I never remember to have seen plied, non intelligo.* It is very in England: in order, I conclude, certain that a man of mere learnthat their sails might clear the ing, if such was Grotius' character, houses which otherwise would in- would want the consolations which tercept the wind. Of the saw mills flow from spiritual-mindedness, and some had their sides thatched with the holy light which comes from reeds, which gave them a very the divine presence. Learning is neat appearance. After a little a poor substitute for the light of more than two hours of very gentle life.-Happy they who have and do motion, in which none of the ordinary occupations of the sitting

* I do not know.

daily become fools, that they may as the founder of their liberties. be wise. Literature is abused by He was born in the early part of all who do not use it in subservience the sixteenth century, at which to grace, and as a reflection of the time the Spaniards bore rule over truth as it is in Jesus. No man them. Philip the second wished quickened of God and walking in to establish the inquisition among the Spirit, will ever be left at the them, which was the signal for last, to say, what is attributed, revolt, and through the skill and whether truly or otherwise I know valour of this prince, under pro. not, to Grotius in bis dying mo- vidence, the states becanie indements : Alas! I have wasted my pendent, 1579. He was recognized life in laboriously doing nothing ! as their head with the title of Surely all is unprofitable, and with Stadtholder. His success greatly out reward for men, that is not embittered his enemies, and at their done according to the grace of the instigation be fell by the hand of living God! Men must obey the an assassin, 1584. It was not, Spirit, if they would taste his com- however, the divine will that the forts in the hour of need.

liberties of his country should The monument which commemo- descend with him into his grave. rates his country's regard stands His son Prince Maurice inherited on the left hand side of the chancel. his fathers patriotism, the ProtesThere is nothing in it very re- tant cause was established, and to markable. That erected to Prince this day Holland enjoys freedom, William is much more considerable, and the House of Orange is still It represents the prince lying on the guardian of that blessing. his tomb with his faithful dog at

VIATOR. his feet. The Dutch regard him

ON WATCHFULNESS.—Mark xiii. 37.

The God of Israel never sleeps ;
The angelic band strict vigil keeps :
Above, below, amidst, around,
They float in air, or walk the ground;
Leave their bright mansion in the sky,
And watch the world with sleepless eye.

And shall 1, then, the slave of sense,
Sink on the lap of indolence ?
Shall I not wake, and watch, and pray,
Ere morn leads on the drowsy day;
And midst the shades of night prolong
The patient prayer, and cheerful song ?

Come, thou Great Shepherd of the sheep!
Come, Thou whose mercies never sleep!
Descend, as in the showers of spring ;
Shed holy vigour from thy wing ;
Thou swift to hear, and strong to bless,
Inspire the grace of “ watchfulness !"




"I fear, lest by any means, as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so

your minds should be corrupted.”—2 Cor. xi. 3.

I have selected this passage with they serve, into the apostles of the design of showing you that Christ. Satan finds in the Theatre a fit and A third character assumed by ready instrument for corrupting Satan, is that which is referred to the mind; and that in employing in the text; in which he acts over these amusements to effect his again the part which he acted in malicious purposes, he uses the very Paradise ; lying in wait to deceive, same subtilty and deceit by which and with cunning craftiness, betrayhe succeeded in beguiling Eve. ing his dupes into direct transgresIt will be my endeavour, by means sion and open rebellion against of the historical illustration em. God; just as when he took possesployed by the apostle, to expose sion of the serpent, and under that these wiles of Satan, that you may concealment beguiled Eve through not be ignorant of his devices, or his subtilty !-In this character, be taken, at unawares, in this snare Satan employs every variety of of the devil.—And may it please agency and instrumentality with God to keep you from this and all which this world, being in its preother hurtful things; and lead you sent fallen state his empire, can to such things as are profitable for furnish him. your salvation, through his Son, The main points in this temptaour Lord Jesus Christ.

tion are marked by the Apostle in Satan is represented under differ- the phrase, The Serpent beguiled ent characters, expressive of the Eve through his subtilty ! " He various methods by which he op- beguiled her;" and he did so through poses the cause of God and truth, his subtilty. By the most insiduous and seeks the injury and ruin of means he succeeded in deceiving man.

her.-Here then are two particuIn countries and places where he lars to be considered and applied :can sway the ruling powers, and ist. THE ARTS OF SATAN; and engage on his side the unrestrained 2d. THE DELUSION OF Eve. passions and prejudices of mankind, We proceed to consider the Arts he is the roaring lion, persecuting of Satan. The cunning craftiand wasting the church, and endea- ness of the Tempter appears first vouring to crush the cause of Christ in preparing the mind of Fit by terror and violence.

for disobedience;—by insinus ting In religious societies, and amongst hard thoughts of God;—by taking the professors of vital godliness, he away the safeguard of fear; and assumes a different character- he breaking down the barrier of faith is transformed into an angel of light; in the Divine threatening—And he and cloaking his maliciousness under said unto the woman, Yea, hath God a pretended zeal for truth and holi- said, ye shall not eat of every tree ness, he endeavours to introduce in the garden ?-as if he had said — erroneous views, party spirit, dis- And is it so ? Is there any tree in graceful practices, by means of the garden from which the hard false teachers, who are his minis and arbitrary command of your ters, deceitful workers, transforming Maker has debarred you ?- Are themselves, like the master whom you so unhappy as to have its fruit

FEB. 1828.

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