IX. 'Mean time, the lambent prodigies on high And their each nimble turn, and radiant embassy. x. The moon turns paler at the sight, In seven-fold winding jet her conscious temples bound. ΧΙ. The stars next starting from their spheres Whilst this with double fury glares, And wheels in sportive gyres around, What mimics 'em so twinkling there; And like Narcissus as they gain more near, And agonize in warm desire, Or slake their lust, as in the stream they roll. XII. • Whilst the world burns, and all the orbs below In their viperous ruins glow, They sink, and unsupported leave the skies, Which fall abrupt, and tell their torment in the noise. Then see th' Almighty Judge, sedate and bright, His wings the winds, rough storms the chariot bear, And nimbler harbingers before him fly, And with officious rudeness brush the air, Halt as he halts, then doubling in their flight, And shiv'ring lest they start, a sailing caravan compose. XIII. The mighty Judge rides in tempestuous state, Whilst menial guards of flame his orders wait; His waving vestments shine, Bright as the sun, which lately did its beams resign, And burnish'd wreaths of light shall make his form divine; Strong beams of majesty around his temples play, And the transcendent gaiety of his face allay. His Father's reverend characters he'll wear, And both o'erwhelm with light, and over-awe with fear. Myriads of angels shall be there, And I, perhaps, close the tremendous rear. Angels, the first and fairest sons of day, XIV. Nor for magnificence alone, To brighten and enlarge the pageant scene; Shall we encircle his more dazzling throne, XV. The welcome news, Thro' ev'ry angel's breast, fresh raptures shall diffuse. When Satan with his pow'rs shall sink to endless doom; XVI. Then Raphael, big with life, the trump shall sound; From falling spheres, the joyful music shall rebound, And seas and shores shall catch and propagate it round. Louder he'll blow, and it shall speak more shrill, Than when, from Sinai's hill, In thunder, through the horrid redd'ning smoke, We'll shout around with martial joy, And thrice the vaulted skies shall rend, and thrice our shouts reply. Then first th' Archangel's voice, aloud, Shall cheerfully salute the day and throng; And hallelujahs fill the crowd, And I, perhaps, shall close the song. XVII. From its long sleep, all human race shall rise; And see the morn, and Judge advancing in the skies. To their long tenements the souls return, Whilst down the steep of Heav'n, as swift the Judge descends. These look illustrious bright, no more to mourn, PRAYER. [MONTGOMERY.] PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire, Prayer is the burden of a sigh, Prayer is the simplest form of speech Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Nor prayer is made on earth alone, O Thou, by whom we come to God, CAMERONIAN MIDNIGHT HYMN. [HOGG.] OH! thou that dwellest in the heavens so high, The powers of darkness are all abroad, |