Of social peace; and list'ning Treachery lurks, Thee, Lamb of God! Thee, blameless Prince of Peace! Death's prime slave merchants! scorpion whips of fate! Apt for the yoke, the race degenerate, In the fierce jealousy of waken'd wrath Lord of unsleeping Love, From everlasting Thou! we shall not die. THE LAST EPIPHANY. [POMFRET.] I. ADIEU, ye toyish reeds, that once could please A brighter power invokes my muse, And promises assistance with his hands. I rise, the mountains lessen and retire, And now I mix, unsing'd, with elemental fire; Nor mortal knows as yet, what wonders will ensue II. We pass'd through regions of unsullied light! I gaz'd, and sicken'd, at the blissful sight; * Say, sacred guide, shall this bright clime Or perish, with our mortal globe below, Straight I finish'd-veiling low, The visionary pow'r rejoins: ''"Tis not for you to ask, nor mine to say, Know, when o'er-jaded Time his round has run, On all the trembling world below.' He said; I mus'd, and thus return'd : 'What ensigns, courteous stranger, tell, Shall the brooding day reveal?" He answer'd mild- 'Already, stupid with their crimes, Blind mortals, prostrate to their idols lie! Such were the boding times Ere ruin blasted from the sluicy sky, Dissolv'd they lay, in fulsome ease, IV. Adult'rate Christs already rise, And dare to 'swage the angry skies; Erratic throngs their Saviour's blood deny; And from the cross, alas! He does neglected sigh. The anti-christian power has rais'd his hydra-head, And ruin, only less than Jesus, health, does spread : So long the gore through poison'd veins has flow'd, That scarcely ranker is a Fury's blood; Yet specious artifice, and fair disguise, The monster's shape, and curst design belies; A fiend's black venom, in an angel's mien, He quaffs, and scatters the contagious spleen : Straight, when he finishes his lawless reign, Nature shall paint the shining scene, Quick as the lightning which inspires the train. v. • Forward Confusion shall provoke the fray, Loud issuing peals, and rising sheets of smoke, VI. Reverse all Nature's web shall run, And sportless misrule all around, Order, its flying foe, confound, Whilst backward all the threads shall haste to be unspun, Triumphant Chaos with his oblique wand, (The wand, with which, ere time begun, His wand'ring slaves he did command, And made 'em scamper right, and in rude ranges run), The hostile harmony shall chase, And as the nymph resigns her place, And panting to the neighb'ring refuge flies, The formless ruffian slaughters with his eyes, Adding the terror of his threat; The globe shall faintly tremble round, And backward jolt, distorted with the wound. VII. Swath'd in substantial shrouds of night, The sick'ning sun shall from the world retire, Stripp'd of his dazzling robes of fire, Which dangling once shed round a lavish flood of light; No frail eclipse, but all essential shade, Not yielding to primæval gloom, Whilst day was yet an embryo in the womb, Nor glimm'ring in its source, with silver streamers play'd, A jetty mixture of the darkness spread O'er murmuring Egypt's head; And that which angels drew O'er Nature's face, when Jesus dy'd; Which sleeping ghosts for this mistook, And, rising, off their hanging funerals shook, [view, And fleeting pass'd, expos'd their bloodless breasts to Yet find it not so dark, and to their dormitories glide. Now bolder fires appear, VIII. And o'er the palpable obscurement sport, Glaring and gay as falling Lucifer, Yet mark'd with fate as when he fled th' etherial court And plung'd into the op'ning gulf of night; And with this arm his flour'shing plume I tore, And straight the fiend retreated from the fight. |