By Laws and General Rules and Regulations of the Board ...: Amended Dec. 29, 1858

Pudney & Russell, prtrs., 1859 - 102 pages

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 96 - twice on the same question, without leave of the Board ; nor more than once until every member" choosing to speak shall have spoken. Nor shall any member be allowed to speak more than ten minutes at any one time, upon any subject under consideration, unless by consent of a majority
Page 79 - The Principal shall enter in a Book, to be kept for that purpose, the name, residence, age, and occupation of the pupil, together with the name of the parent or guardian of said
Page 44 - At either of the regular examinations, members may be admitted to one or all the classes, to pursue the studies of any one or more departments, provided they shall have attended the Common Schools the requisite period—shall be of the proper age—shall pass the proper examination in the
Page 40 - Chemistry and Physics. A Professor of Natural History and Physiology. A Professor of Drawing. An Adjunct Professor in the Department of Philosophies. An Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mathematics. And as many Tutors as may be from time to time required.
Page 94 - RULES OF ORDER. First. In case the President shall not attend at the time appointed for a meeting of the Board, the Clerk, on the appearance of a quorum, shall call the Board to order, when a President pro
Page 75 - Evening Schools shall be established in such of the Ward School-Houses or other buildings now used for public school purposes, and in such other places as the Board of Education shall, from time to time, deem expedient, and the following rules and regulations are hereby established for the government of the same:
Page 32 - and Directors of such school shall apply to the Common Council to supply such deficiency; and before the Board of Education shall certify to the Common Council the cause of such deficiency, and that the same was unavoidable, the Trustees, Managers, and Directors of such school shall furnish to the Board of Education a full and detailed statement of
Page 66 - It shall be the duty of the Principal of each School to attend to the general order of the Institution, to open each session by the proper exercise, to receive visitors and introduce them, if necessary, to the several class-rooms
Page 52 - Every student shall conduct himself according to the rules of good manners, good morals, and manly propriety ; shall give punctual and constant attendance to all his duties; shall use the property of the Institution with care and economy, and restore the same when required.
Page 52 - final admonition by the Principal in a meeting of the Faculty, and dismission for misconduct, to be directed by a vote of the Faculty; and whenever either of the same is inflicted, it shall be recorded in the " Book of Discipline," with the number of demerit marks, to be carried into the ledger for the same.

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