Eminent Literary and Scientific Men: John Dryden. Two centuries of minor poets. Matthew Prior. Alexander Pope. Edward Young. Mark Akenside

Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1839

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Page 41 - In the first rank of these did Zimri stand; A man so various, that he seem'd to be Not one, but all mankind's epitome: Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong; Was everything by starts, and nothing long; But, in the course of one revolving moon, Was chymist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon: Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking.
Page 37 - This last is indeed the representation of nature, but 'tis nature wrought up to an higher pitch. The plot, the characters, the wit, the passions, the descriptions are all exalted above the level of common converse, as high as the imagination of the poet can carry them, with proportion to verisimility.
Page 75 - is Tonson. You will take care not to depart before he goes away : for I have not completed the sheet which I promised him ; and if you leave me unprotected, I must suffer all the rudeness to which his resentment can prompt his tongue.
Page 295 - ... is derived from a single letter (Dec. 1, 1714), in which Pope says, "I am obliged to you, both for the favours you have done me, and those you intend me. I distrust neither your will nor your memory, when it is to do good ; and if I ever become troublesome or solicitous, it must not be out of expectation, but out of gratitude.
Page 187 - Through every vein, and all my head wear snow; When death displays his coldness in my cheek, And I myself in my own picture seek, Not finding what I am, but what I was, In doubt which to believe, this, or my glass: Yet though I alter, this remains the...
Page 62 - Be pleased to look on me with an eye of compassion ; some small employment would render my condition easy. The King is not unsatisfied of me, the Duke has often promised me his assistance ; and your Lordship is the conduit through which their favours pass.
Page 355 - O had he, mounted on his wing of fire, Soar'd where I sink, and sung immortal man ! How had it blest mankind, and rescu'd me...
Page 93 - I have seen), which notwithstanding, as it is full of stately speeches and well-sounding phrases, climbing to the height of Seneca's style, and as full of notable morality, which it doth most delightfully teach, and so obtain the very end of Poesy...
Page 35 - But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girl, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant; and hath the motions and carriage of a spark the most that ever I saw any man have. It makes me, I confess, admire her.
Page 296 - All you need do (says he) is to leave them just as they are ; call on Lord Halifax two or three months hence, thank him for his kind observations on those passages, and then read them to him as altered. I have known him much longer than you have, and will be answerable for the event.

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