Atlas of the Cerebral SulciG. Thieme Verlag, 1990 - 218 pages An atlas devoted exclusively to the anatomical descriptions and relationships of the cortical sulci has not previously been published. Ostensibly, it would seem an insurmountable task to classify the myriad sulcal patterns that exist upon the cortical surface. However, basic recurring themes can be identified in general terms, and trends in individual variabilities can be categorized... Chad D. Abernathey, M.D. |
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Résultats 1-3 sur 86
Page vi
... sulci has not previously been published . Ostensibly , it would seem an insurmountable task to classify the myriad ... sulci . Sections 2 , 3 , and 4 deal with the potential sulcal patterns observed . Section 5 details Sylvian ...
... sulci has not previously been published . Ostensibly , it would seem an insurmountable task to classify the myriad ... sulci . Sections 2 , 3 , and 4 deal with the potential sulcal patterns observed . Section 5 details Sylvian ...
Page 6
... sulci During the initial phase of brain development ( between the eighth and tenth weeks ) , so- called transitory furrows appear . They furrows appear . They achieve their maximal development in the third to fourth months . As their ...
... sulci During the initial phase of brain development ( between the eighth and tenth weeks ) , so- called transitory furrows appear . They furrows appear . They achieve their maximal development in the third to fourth months . As their ...
Page 40
... sulci in 15 % of cases . According to Eberstaller , the anastomotic furrows are not deep on the precentral and postcentral gyri , and therefore maintain their continuity via a depressed , deep - lying gyral portion . Figure 8.3 I. Side ...
... sulci in 15 % of cases . According to Eberstaller , the anastomotic furrows are not deep on the precentral and postcentral gyri , and therefore maintain their continuity via a depressed , deep - lying gyral portion . Figure 8.3 I. Side ...
Table des matières
Background | 2 |
Frontal Lobe | 4 |
Types of sulcal Connections | 5 |
Droits d'auteur | |
19 autres sections non affichées
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Expressions et termes fréquents
arrowheads Ascending ramus average range Calcarine sulcus CD Figure central sulcus cerebral artery cingulate sulcus Collateral sulcus connections incidence rates convex cuneus Diagonal sulcus Double parallel end incidence rates end-to-side connections free sulcus frontal lobe Fronto-orbital sulcus Frontomarginal sulcus furrows gyri hemisphere horizontal ramus Inferior frontal sulcus inferior precentral sulcus Inferior surface Inferior temporal sulcus Intermediate frontal sulcus Interrupted to three Intersulcal distance Intralingual sulcus Intraparietal sulcus Lateral occipital sulcus Lateral surface left 16 lingual gyrus Marginal ramus Medial surface Number Right Left occipital lobes occipitotemporal sulcus Olfactory sulcus orbital sulcus parietal lobe Parieto-occipital sulcus parolfactory sulcus patterns incidence rates Postcentral sulcus Pseudoconnection Rhinal sulcus Right 12 Right 20 Subparietal sulcus sulci sulcus 12 sulcus 9 sulcus see Fig sulcus to superior superior frontal sulcus superior margin Superior precentral sulcus Superior rostral sulcus Superior temporal sulcus Sylvian fissure temporal lobe Transverse occipital sulcus Transverse temporal sulcus True connection Y-shape